Remove gold costs from Zcoins
Sarevok Thordin
Quite simple, remove the gold costs associated with Zaishen coins, even to simply upgrade the coins to from copper > silver costs gold, something that really doesn't feel right.
Please remove it. The costs are a tad high, which is alright for a while, but the gold costs with it is just pushing it a bit.
Please remove it. The costs are a tad high, which is alright for a while, but the gold costs with it is just pushing it a bit.
it is only 10 gold, it isnt much of an issue to be honest. Go do 1 Zaishen Bounty/Mission and you get what 1500g?
It's a very small amount, and depending on how many people get rewards (which I'm assuming is a lot right now), it's an effective gold sink. I see no reason to get rid of it.
You get 250-2000 gold for doing a Z-quest, you need way less then that to upgrade coins. Makes sense to me.
you get WAY more gold from the quest rewards for getting the Zcoins anyways. Your still making profit.
alluring athena
10 gold is such a minuscule amount I just can't see anyone having issue with paying it. I like to think of it as CDB - Cost of Doing Business
10 gold is such a minuscule amount I just can't see anyone having issue with paying it. I like to think of it as CDB - Cost of Doing Business
X Black Chaos X
Anet feels there's too much money in GW so w/ this method combined w/ others (ie sal kits id kits etc), they use that to suck money out of gw lowering the price of things. zkeys which are roughly 3k(falling from once 5k) are injected into GW every month(which is y the price keeps going down, there's too many of them), i guess ANET feels GW has to much money in it so they want to suck some of it out. that 10g*X amount of players who purchase that zreward item or another one at an equivalent price = the amount of money sucked out. Honestly i think GW needs to create more collectors that give you good items like nicholas the travaller. and suck items out in addition to the zchest(ie 5 zkeys for x weapon or item) because prices keep falling
on my ectos and z-keys. I think GW has a deflation issue not an inflation issue (if we had inflation problems then z keys and ectos would be alot more than they are now, which isn't much).

Shayne Hawke
Of all things to complain about in the grand scheme of the already undervalued coins, you're whining over the minor gold costs?
I herd gold sinks were good?
Icy The Mage
It's probably in there because of shop mechanics or something that can't be altered..
Eh, I'd rather they upped the gold cost and reduced the number of z-coins to buy things...
I'd take gold sink over time sink any day.
I'd take gold sink over time sink any day.
Skyy High
It's probably in there because of shop mechanics or something that can't be altered..
If they are categorized as merchants, there's one in presearing that sells a shield for free.
If they are collectors (more likely) then collectors usually just take items.
if they are CRAFTERS though....I GUESS that could be right.
But im willing to bet its just another money sink which is good.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiight tad high -.-
/not signed
/close thread
Got a Silver Zcoin yesterday I had to pay 10g, gonna take me a whole day on GW to get that back.
/not signed
/close thread
Got a Silver Zcoin yesterday I had to pay 10g, gonna take me a whole day on GW to get that back.

The gold cost is the least of my worries. I'd rather get coin prices down and the gold prices up.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiight tad high -.-
/not signed /close thread Got a Silver Zcoin yesterday I had to pay 10g, gonna take me a whole day on GW to get that back. ![]() |
I sign this for the sake of a non-needed cost. What do the collectors need gold for anyway?
This gold cost servers a small purpose by draining gold slowly from the economy back into the system. Mind you, on a singular level it's a small amount, but when you think of the entire community doing it... it returns ALOT of gold. So...
The Little Viking
Kronos Ledaloth
why remove a cost of 10g?
why remove a cost of 10g?
You get more money DOING the z-quests then you spend transfering the coins you get from the z-quests from one to the other. It's a net profit. It's not even a real gold sink.
You get more money DOING the z-quests then you spend transfering the coins you get from the z-quests from one to the other. It's a net profit. It's not even a real gold sink.
Most likely the 10g cost is there because the way NPCs are set up a minimum amount of gold has to be part of the transaction. That'd be why customization can't be free and probably why the coins have a cost as well.
Eragon Zarroc
the cost is so minimal that it doesn't warrant the need for concern
Gold sinks are necessary. There's too much money (aka gold) floating around in gw, and there needs to be something to waste it on. shing jea boardwalk is good for hundreds of millions of platinum worth of tickets every time it comes up. This seems to be a slower but more permanent gold sink. I think the price should be higher.
Konig Des Todes
lol @ people who only say 10g. Tesla takes copper coins and 10 gold. Pokhe takes silver coins and 50 gold. Jessie Llam takes gold coins and 100 gold. More than just 10 gold. :P
But, it's still reasonable and there is no real point to remove it, especially since it's a gold sink.
lol? gold sinks, non-needed? Yeah, sure, let's have all merchant stuff go for 0g then. Everyone's happeh! 
But wait! Then those who had to actually pay for things will QQ because they won't get their money back. And the tears from that will join the other tears of QQ'ers everywhere and create first a puddle, then a river, then a lack, then grow into a sea, and then ocean. People will cry out tears so high in amount that the world will flood! We'll have Waterworld in reality! We'll have to use little machines to take the salt out of the tear water, we'll drink tear water! No! Not the accursed water of tears, the tears of the QQ'ers of Guru! Oh heaven's sake man! Don't make me drink tears! But wait! I like drinking tears, as does this guy. We want your tears, QQ more! More and more! Let me feast on your tears! Make a world of tears so I can drink forever!
But, it's still reasonable and there is no real point to remove it, especially since it's a gold sink.
The costs of items bought for Zaishen Coins is a tad high, learn to read, moderator?
I sign this for the sake of a non-needed cost. What do the collectors need gold for anyway? /signed |

But wait! Then those who had to actually pay for things will QQ because they won't get their money back. And the tears from that will join the other tears of QQ'ers everywhere and create first a puddle, then a river, then a lack, then grow into a sea, and then ocean. People will cry out tears so high in amount that the world will flood! We'll have Waterworld in reality! We'll have to use little machines to take the salt out of the tear water, we'll drink tear water! No! Not the accursed water of tears, the tears of the QQ'ers of Guru! Oh heaven's sake man! Don't make me drink tears! But wait! I like drinking tears, as does this guy. We want your tears, QQ more! More and more! Let me feast on your tears! Make a world of tears so I can drink forever!
I'd like to ask the people who say this is a good monneysink; why? You get 500g quest reward lol, who can this be a gold sink?
But anyway
Its just too few, even if they made it 1k i wouldnt care.
But anyway
Its just too few, even if they made it 1k i wouldnt care.
Zquests give more gold than copper.
This is not needed.
This is not needed.
Fail. If you are so incompetent that 10g in bulk is a substantial amout to you, uninstall. You would have to get 100 Silver Coins to spend 1 plat. I think by the time you get 5000 Copper Z Coins you would have made around 30k from rewards. Also, 50g to upgrade to gold coins. Lets do some more math off of that 5k copper coins. 100 silver coins to 10 gold coins. So a total of 1.5k for 10 gold coins. Please stop complaining. If you have taken the time to tediously do all quests more than once (lets say twice), you would have gotten 18 gold coins total. That is, um, ONLY 2.7k. Lets say you did them all on all 8 characters you have (assuming all are PvE). That is 72 gold coins. That is 10.8k. If you have gotten 72 gold coins, we have had the quests 13 days. Lets say you get average of 1.25k from the 2 PvE quests. 13x1.25x8. 130k. Profit of 120k. PLUS the face value of the gold coins, translated into Z-Keys at 1 each is 216k @ 3k/zkey. Total value of 346k. Total cost of 10.8k. What was this argument again? STOP COMPLAINING.
I wouldn't mind seeing the gold cost removed, not because it's too much money, but because it seems to go against the spirit of exchanging the zcoins, which are in themselves a form of currency.
That said, it's not really a big deal.
That said, it's not really a big deal.