Rainbow phoenix size



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2008


I was curious to see if there was a large difference between hearty and dire rainbow phoenix sizes. I'd very much like to have an annoyingly large bird with me in random AB instances and such, but was wondering if having it become dire would tone down its size significantly.

The Little Viking

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

innergalactic gargleblasters


As far as I can tell the size is the same no matter how its evolved. As it levels up (from5 to 20) it grows. No matter what it evolves into, hearty, dire, etc... its still going to be...how did you put that? an annoyingly large bird. I love mine. It is massively larger then any other ranger pet in the game as far as i have seen. And its rather pretty as well. You can also add it to your managerie, and have the guy that summons the evolved pets for you summon the various kinds and decide which you prefer there. See if there IS an actual size difference. I tried this with mine, and i couldnt tell a difference.



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

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Huge is right. When I first evolved mine, I had this wonderful vision of old-school B/P runs in Tombs with six of the buggers ^_^



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

Mystic Spiral [MYST]


I don't remember the link or post, but it had been proven by someone (with a moa) that there is absolutely no difference in size wether it's hearty, elder or dire. He made a picture of both evolutions and you could see with a side-to-side comparison they where equally large. (at level 20 that is, one hearty, one dire).



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2008

Fuzzy Physics Institute


Pets reach their maximum size when they reach final evolution (hearty, elder, dire), and there is no difference in size among the final evolutions. Since most pets get their final evolution at level 15, they will be their maximum size at that point. They won't grow any further as you level them up to 20. Pets with intermediate evolutions (aggressive, playful) will have intermediate size. Pets that don't evolve will not grow.

The only pet (of which I am aware) that doesn't appear to grow under any circumstances is the Black Moa. That one seems to be the same size at all levels and evolutions.