Does Anthem of Envy and Crippling Anthem affect pets?
Correction: I know it AFFECTS pets, but does it actually trigger upon an ATTACK SKILL?
In other words:
A pet with Cripplin Anthem on him, would the player using Enraged Lunge, also cripple the foe upon hitting the target?
Pet Attacks + Chants
Killed u man
From GuildWiki
Pet attacks will trigger effects dependent upon activating attack skills, such as [[Anthem of Fury] or [[Zealous Anthem], but will not trigger effects dependent upon hitting with attack skills, such as [[Anthem of Flame], [[Shield Bash] or [[Wary Stance]. |
[[Anthem of Fury] and [[Zealous Anthem] are the only Anthems which are triggered by pet attacks. |
Kale Ironfist
They don't count as hitting with attack skills. For example, a pet using Enraged Lunge would not have it blocked by [Wary Stance], and neither of the above will trigger.
Rieden Sindefy
I believe the above posts apply to everything except the Pre-sear black bear (who triggers things like anthem of flame because its brutal mauling is SELF triggered)