03 May 2009 at 23:34 - 15
are you also one of those ugly girls who puts pictures of yourself on your myspace with captions like "lol im so fat i know :P" hoping that guy in your remedial math class who doesn't know you exist will comment saying "you're not fat also i've always loved you" and come to your house riding a white horse and take you away to live happily ever after?
Don't be so stupid - I'd never fit a horse in my house :P
actually that comment was put there to try and point out I'm not claiming any artistic talent for these so their not to be taken seriously.
05 May 2009 at 03:13 - 16
You should make one on the high title caps for PvP titles
-all of them saved btw-
Whenever a new complaint comes up, make a new sarcastic poster about it. x)
05 May 2009 at 11:30 - 17
Nice, but I'd like them better if the slogans were spelled correctly.
05 May 2009 at 15:26 - 18
That use of spelling was done on purpose for the sarcasm, me thinks.
08 May 2009 at 12:38 - 20
I just got to love them all. Specially the little details in #1
Keep them coming