Originally Posted by xXDragonorFuryXx
Guild Wars 2
aion= monthly fee tho
guild wars 2 = *possibly* playable as Norns
they have no offically said it will have amonthy fee. i nrussia it will be free to play in china its pay per time(100tickets for about 14 cents), with each ticket lasting 75 seconds .
there has been hints that the eu/na will be free to play also , but no offical annoucment on that either
other games im looking forward too is blade and soul, and the game t.e.r.a
as of right now been playing aion on its china client, sence its free til the 15th on two of its farming groups. game looks like plays well, only downside is once you get to level 20, yu will need other people helping you along, they do not have ahero system so you will have to turn to others to team up with.
as far as d3 goes with rumors and such coming around this game for over 7 years, and the game is still nto out and all we get is old videos, that they waited to put out for 5 years.makes this game more vaporware then gw2. and the last thing is d3 will most liklly be a monthy fee to play.