Well, today, I was finishing off my AB zaishen quest, and first game I had, everyone on kurz resigned, because we were getting trashed. I play a few more games with my team, get a couple of wins, then our whole team resigned again, we loaded back into grenz, and we've got dishonourable? Why is this, it's not like I made my team resign, they all did it by choice, and yet we get dishonourable, just seems a bit strange, that's all. Anyone tell me why this is?
*Edit* To make it clear, I did resign, i'm not saying i didn't, but when half your team have given up and resigned, no chance. And i'm not going to waste my time trying to slow down opposite team, when i'm going to get next to no faction + that in no way helps me complete my z quest, which was the whole point. Atleast if I resign, I can get back into the game straight away, rather than wasting time fighting a pointless cause