Looking for people to complete UW (normal or hardmode)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2009

Canada (Near Ottawa, Ont.)


Hi, my name is Ben and I've been looking forever for people willing to complete UW with me. I've been playing for almost 4 yrs (about 47 months here out of 48) and I've always been in groups that failed halfway or at 3/4 of it.

I got some Terra Tank builds but I can't seem to run them properly, I could play as nuker or cryer with my elementalist. To make this short, I want the UW statue in my hall.

My main character is Hele Mental, so you can msg me at anytime of course when I'm playing. ;-)

Thanks in advance.

PS. I forgot to mention that I'm usually on past 5pm ET to around 10-11pm ET during the week and I can be on as early as 5am ET on the weekends.