Seeking Service-Runs through the final Nightfall missions

Green Chiken

Green Chiken

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2009

From California to Arizona

Hi all, im looking for someone to run me through:

-Gate of Pain~ Finished

-Gate of Madness

-Abbadon's Gate

~and the quests-

-Kormir's Crusade~ Finished

-All Alone in the Darkness~ Finished

I have not beaten Nightfall so im looking for a runner to help because im too lazy to do all by myself lolz.

If you are up to it, Please leave IGN and Price for the run and what time you are avaliable to do so. Im either looking to get this done Sunday 5/10/09 or Mondey 5/10/09. Il be on my Ranger and will not be AFK so no extra pricing please .

PLEASE do NOT pm me price or offers, il either be busy or doing guild stuff.