Hardest Rep title
The Scorpion Knight
I have a couple of books and I was wondering which rep I should turn them into. Seems like vanguard might be the hardest, this way if i turn them in towards that title, I won't have to spend most of my time farming it. Any suggestions?
Vanguard, or Asuran if you don't want to spend all that time leaching raptors. The otehr two are very easy to grind out.
Icy The Mage
Vanguard, asuran is easy because of the mass of asuran areas to vanquish, as well as raptor farming if you get lazy. Norn and deldrimor are just a joke because everything gives deldrimor and norn has lots of quests/areas to do as well.
I would have to say that Vanguard is the hardest to max. The areas to vanquish are limited, as are the amount of quests in this area. Besides I find vanquishing these areas harder because charr groups are well protted. Also the dungeons are way to far for propperly running those for charr points. I suggest you use your books to max it.
mine is asuran =/ lvl 7 almsot to 8 only have a 9 page book so i gotta cash it in before 8 =/
rest were maxed out early on vanguard was ez i thought, i did devourer runs htough, i think they fixed it or something
rest were maxed out early on vanguard was ez i thought, i did devourer runs htough, i think they fixed it or something
Anastasia Morte
I'd say it is also between Vanguard and Asuran, but take a look at the title skills and see which you think will be most beneficial to you early on, then give the book to that, as that makes grinding the others a bit easier.
Also consider armor you might want to craft, glasses, Chaos gloves etc as these require reputation.
Also consider armor you might want to craft, glasses, Chaos gloves etc as these require reputation.
Helix Dreadlock
IMO, Asuran Norn or Vanguard. Deld is crazy, Norn is ok, but most of my toons have low Norn. Although there are alot of areas to VQ and quests to finish. Asuran isnt too bad given raptors and SoO. CoF is great for Vanguard and is basicly free. Reward+LoD+Drops=free runs.
I think dled n van are easiest I'd put it towards norn.
Dawn Angelheart
Id only use books on Vanguard.
Asuran Is really easy. Magus Stones, 2 people, 2 MM's whatever else doesnt really matter aslong as you can stay alive. then its just Kthanxbai.
50 min magus stones Vq. 12k+ points on double weekend.
Asuran Is really easy. Magus Stones, 2 people, 2 MM's whatever else doesnt really matter aslong as you can stay alive. then its just Kthanxbai.
50 min magus stones Vq. 12k+ points on double weekend.
Originally Posted by Dawn Angelheart
Id only use books on Vanguard.
50 min magus stones Vq. 12k+ points on double weekend. This is a very valid point, I see many people constantly getting raptor farms and yes, while you can multi-task while doing so, magus is just plain faster. I do not know about you 12k runs on bonus weekend but I averaged about 22k if you can keep hunt rampage up.
Pretty much, use the book on whatever title you want to. Ebon, Asuran, and Norn can all be finished in about the same amount of time by constantly vanquishing, but Norn has the advantage that many people actually will do the vanquish, while I rarely see anyone vanquishing for Ebon or Asuran at all.
50 min magus stones Vq. 12k+ points on double weekend. This is a very valid point, I see many people constantly getting raptor farms and yes, while you can multi-task while doing so, magus is just plain faster. I do not know about you 12k runs on bonus weekend but I averaged about 22k if you can keep hunt rampage up.
Pretty much, use the book on whatever title you want to. Ebon, Asuran, and Norn can all be finished in about the same amount of time by constantly vanquishing, but Norn has the advantage that many people actually will do the vanquish, while I rarely see anyone vanquishing for Ebon or Asuran at all.
This is exactly the information I needed on this. Thanks!
Personally, I would have to pick Ebon Vanguard, solely based on skillset need when running a discord build while "filling out" the Young Heroes of Tyria" books and/or Zaishen missions.