Idea for shield mod
Apocalypse Arrow
Lately I have been wishing that there were inscriptions for shields that were "Armor +10 vs creatures". I realize the only Shields in game that have armor+10 vs demons are the Green Domain of Anguish shields (Aegis of Arrrggghh, Aegis of Terror and the Stygian Shields). It just seems odd to me that there is an inscription for armor vs damage types but nothing against creatures, and the only way to obtain such a mod is to identify it on the shield. And to follow the trend of inscriptions I'm sure there are plenty of song titles to fit each monster group

Marty Silverblade
Why would you want +10AL vs. <creature type> anyway? Other than some obscure farm, I don't see any real reason to choose these over the other inscriptions/handles.
Apocalypse Arrow
Besides uses for farming, there are places in Realm of Torment especially Domain of Anguish where having a +10vs Demons comes in handy.
I realize the only Shields in game that have armor+10 vs demons are the Green Domain of Anguish shields (Aegis of Arrrggghh, Aegis of Terror and the Stygian Shields).
While I agree those mods are sometimes useful, I also believe some mods should stay rare.
False. Canthan shields can drop with that mod (example).
While I agree those mods are sometimes useful, I also believe some mods should stay rare. |
I would welcome any new mods if there were a trader. But since there is none, getting some of those mods is too slow. Trying to find them by yourself may take too much time or be plain impossible. Trading with others is almost the same, and not all upgrades get sold.
I've been trying to find a +20% damage vs Dwarves for daggers myself, with not much luck.
And there's the thing that Prophecies and Factions shields and wands don't accept mods.
I've been trying to find a +20% damage vs Dwarves for daggers myself, with not much luck.
And there's the thing that Prophecies and Factions shields and wands don't accept mods.
Vindalan Mathios
I found spears with +19% vs undead in the Desolation, so I thought there should be other versions for other items and with the other enemies.
I rarely find any of those, though. So far I have only found vs giants, vs undead and vs tengu.
I rarely find any of those, though. So far I have only found vs giants, vs undead and vs tengu.
Apocalypse Arrow
yeah I phrased that incorrectly. I know there are other shields that have the mod but they are not easy to find. But I just think it would be nice if they added the possibility to inscribe a shield with the Mod instead of having to Identify it off the drop. It just seems that the armor+10 vs -creatures- could be useful.
Those mods already exist, getting a good shield with such a mod may not be easy but their rarity is proportional to the demand for them. And nice 2-mod shields with +10 vs mobtype are among the last few unique and valuable items that can drop in Tyria.
You shouldn't expect your single favorite farming spot to drop just everything. Farm or chestrun some Prophecies and Factions for their special drops.
And it's a PvE only mod.
You don't *need* an absolute perfect +30/+10 shield for PvE, in fact in specific areas one that's FAR from perfect will do better than your generic +30/-5(20%) one if you care enough to swap shields in PvE.
Oh, and a bit of offtopic info for the uninformed - Daggers, Spears and Scythes don't have Mobslaying mods at all, not even Deatbane.
Those mods already exist, getting a good shield with such a mod may not be easy but their rarity is proportional to the demand for them. And nice 2-mod shields with +10 vs mobtype are among the last few unique and valuable items that can drop in Tyria.
You shouldn't expect your single favorite farming spot to drop just everything. Farm or chestrun some Prophecies and Factions for their special drops.
And it's a PvE only mod.
You don't *need* an absolute perfect +30/+10 shield for PvE, in fact in specific areas one that's FAR from perfect will do better than your generic +30/-5(20%) one if you care enough to swap shields in PvE.
Oh, and a bit of offtopic info for the uninformed - Daggers, Spears and Scythes don't have Mobslaying mods at all, not even Deatbane.
In areas filled with them and for farming builds they may, but like the other PvE mods (Highly salvageable, Improved sale vale, slaying) their usefulness would be very limited to single or few purposes.