Post your frustration here.
Just started happening w/ me. What's up with that?
i got it too, and some other ppl i know as well...
gw servers down? lawl
gw servers down? lawl
same here, i can't even log in
yurp. I was leaving outta Yohlon to get my last few Mandragor roots.
Guildie said there were 5 districts there.
DC'd after first fight, 2x.
After that, couldn't get connected.
Unintended consequence of Nicholas's travels? Taking mobs of players to places the game is somehow ill equipped to handle?
Guildie said there were 5 districts there.
DC'd after first fight, 2x.
After that, couldn't get connected.
Unintended consequence of Nicholas's travels? Taking mobs of players to places the game is somehow ill equipped to handle?
Apparently. I was supposed to gvg @ 8. SO much for that.
Andisa Kalorn
Both computers can't connect

is it an east coast thing? Guildie in Ohio has no trouble.
Icy The Mage
Same, can't log in

brad monk
I cant connect either..where do you guys live? I live in Canada..
Spyda Prince
couple error 005 and some 007's

ok good it isnt only me, maybe a weather issue. or something
I pwnd U
I could log in just fine. BTW, in Illinois.
Icy The Mage
Canada as well, ontario to be exact... i dunno :S
Central Time Zone (Mid. Tennessee)
Trin Storm
Add me to the list - got err 58 now can't log in
Hmm... Seems to be happening to everyone on the west coast from what I can tell. My gf can log perfectly fine, but, everyone I know who lives on the east coast seems to have the bad server issues happening to them. ... Meh.
brad monk
Never Mind..
Alabama here.. So much for doing UWSC an SoO
I love you icy -impuls
I love you icy -impuls
..... I'm still logged in. I'm on the west coast of Canada at the moment. Seems fine to me.
Icy The Mage
Well we just had a buttload of rain and stormy weather here, passed over now, but maybe that was part of it?
getting the error as well
Andisa Kalorn
Also in Ontario.
Friend in Phoenix - took him some time to connect but at least he got in and hasn't been kicked out.
Friend in Phoenix - took him some time to connect but at least he got in and hasn't been kicked out.
I dont see how this is happening sporadicly to people
Ontario is seems, i am down as with a few friends.
Icy The Mage
Woot just connected! Maybe it's back up?
Mr. G
Uh-oh - somethings on fire
Andisa Kalorn
Yay connected again
Icy The Mage
Oh great here comes that intense storm again, *praying for no DC*
-bangs head against computer screen-
Could this be small maintenance on a server?
Could this be small maintenance on a server?
brad monk
Its working now for me. Good Luck xD
Sifow Chan
I can connect but when I try loading a character, I get dced.
I can put in my pass and all that but like the little bos comes up where it just says connecting and then it just sits there, strange thing is the window is still completely responsive and my internet connection is a t full strength. SO much for making a crapload of cash tonight lol.
East Coast here, and no problems so far.
I know when Anet is doing small minor maintenance some people do disconnect. And if you are wondering why they did not say it on the login page, they do not always put it there because it is just minor and there is no need to create a hole login update for a small issue.
still down in dum old Virginia, dang i hate Anet when they don't watch their servers.
sarra june
DC'd in halls.... gg
dead game is dead
dead game is dead
I'm in Virginia as well. 2 of us here cannot log in from any computers. Nice and sunny btw so it ain't the weather. (Well, nice and starry now)