We're a rank ~400 guild running an European Luxon alliance around the rankings 300-600. We're looking for a few additional guilds to increase the activity after recently having a guild leave, one kicked and some other inactivity stuff. Alliance is used a lot for guesting but there are other things taking place as well obviously. There are no real formal alliance rules but the alliance is rather run with common sense. We don't have any place for trolls in the alliance.
You around the rankings 300-600, looking for an European PvP alliance, is luxon (or willing to become)? Then contact The Holy Tsunade ingame or via pm on guru, alternatively contact Medion Siekman ingame.
Some links if they are out of interest:
The Battle Royale Forums
TBR on Wiki
The Battle Royale alliance looking for luxon PvP allies
The Holy Tsunade