Thanks for keeping Kaineng as it is!
Polgara Val
Thank you Anet for keeping Kaineng decorated as it is at the moment, quite pleased that they listened to some of the players on here and kept it like that, I am sure Regina had a hand in that to, thanks Regina.
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id imagine they forgot to update it rather than keep it that way
Bryant Again
I reeeeeally hope they keep it as is.
If so, it's *definitely* going to be my favorite city. I need a place as chill looking as that!
If so, it's *definitely* going to be my favorite city. I need a place as chill looking as that!
Polgara Val
Well thanks for that since the rest of the update wasn't that impressive. I really love that current dusk look, so relaxating.
Hurrah! So much prettier!
Yeah, thanks for not touching it. Must've been tough, with all the work that was put into balancing.
Professor K
I like it, but I do think it should alternate.
Mr. G
Yay, hopefuly the old beige KC has been wiped from the history books.
Neo Nugget
Yep, thanks to whoever passed the word along. Guessing it was Regina, but, ya never know.
Red Sonya
It's ugly bring back the daylight.
meh i knew that they did something right...
If they want to change a town, they should change Shing Jea.
Let's keep forever Kaineng as it is now... oh, just bring back the other fountain. The one with the Jade and fishes. And the cat.
Let's keep forever Kaineng as it is now... oh, just bring back the other fountain. The one with the Jade and fishes. And the cat.
I honestly liked it better when it was bright.
I understand completly if they wanna remove the dragon heads and whatnot, but for the LOVE OF GOD PLEASE LEAVE IT DUSKY! Its SOOO much better this way!
Maybe some new street lamps are in order ^_^
Maybe some new street lamps are in order ^_^
We don't have much 'dusky' places in GW, especially towns. Let's keep it, atleast in summer. For some reason that style reminds me of an summer evening.
I hope they leave it like this.
Thanks so much Regina and Anet. Was really hoping it would stay.
As beforementioned-- I don't like the new look better than the old. BUT, that is not my decision to make. Majority > Minority, I guess. ;P
Minako Sawai
Thank you ANet! Woo Hoo! Hopefully they'll keep it this way at least for the summer!
I love the look, but they either need to darken up the Bazaar or lighten up Kaineng. It bothers me that it goes from night to day when you take two steps out the door.
Yay! ^_^
Operative 14
Thank you! I love KC this way, it's so relaxing!
I love the docks area of Kaineng City in its current form... gorgeous.
thanks for keeping it.. pleace to hang out.. finally again..
Agreed! I hope this is a granting of players' requests and not another oversight. If it is, then thank you very much. It's a lot prettier.