Was VERY active before the first expansions, and am now making a round back to GW. Wondering if the Meta-Game/Rapid Patch mindset is still alive. Had more fun in any game BUT Eve-O devising ways to destroy and incapacitate the other team in GW.
My Question IS:
Is the game near as active and as competitive as it was three to three and a half years ago when I was last playing and making true competitor specs?
So. Pre-ANY-Exp-Pack Player...
Still active and compititive, maybe not as much but still very.
Marty Silverblade
There's more content, so people are more spread out then they were (though the population has grown, so it's not empty). PvP wise though, there's still heaps to do.
Shayne Hawke
Originally Posted by pagansaint
Wondering if the Meta-Game/Rapid Patch mindset is still alive.
If you mean to ask, "How often is the game updated and skill become balanced," then the answer is that skills are changed now near the beginning of each month, but whether or not they actually push the game in the right direction towards "balance" is a fairly controversial issue here.
Eragon Zarroc
ummmmm. 3 and a half years ago was only 6 proffesions and under half the skills that exist now, lol. the competiton of pvp can reach fairly difficult heights, lol.