Character Art by Espadon
tidus yumemiru! fantastic, such talent.... time to start farming i think
I loved my art so much I've already ordered it mounted online!
Qing is right, you could do this professionaly without any problems.
Qing is right, you could do this professionaly without any problems.
Eragon Zarroc
extremely sexy =D can't wait to see more =D
stratch post, have left a pm for a special commision
Hey, could I go for a full painted subject + background? (70k)
Character name: William Knight
Age: 22
Homeland: Ascalon
Job: Rogue Luxon Ranger (yes, I know I'm wearing elite kurz, all is explained in the bio!)
Pics: (Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image).

Please include the Dryad Bow in the pic, I love that goddam thing. The background, pose etc I leave up to you. Take inspiration from the Bio.
Bio: Bit of a long bio, but I've never really thought too much about a backstory before and I got carried away.
William was out hunting with his brother when the Charr seared the kingdom of ascalon, he saw from a hilltop the destruction which rained down upon the city of Ascalon and when he returned he found nothing but burnt cinders and broken lives. Collecting the few surviving Ascalonians he tore through Tyria under the mantle of the Legion of the Blue Blade, bent on vengeance and satisfaction. As they travelled through the unwelcoming landscapes of the maguuma jungle and crystal desert, the Blue Blades grew strong and numerous - becoming a formidable force with William at the head, his hatred driving them on. When they finally reached Hell's Precipace and defeated the Lich, the Blue Blades found that their purpose in life had also been defeated and so travelled far and wide seeking a new home to make a life.
Having build up quite a bounty from their quest in Tyria the Blue Blades purchased a guild hall in the imperial city of Kaineng and began to rebuild their lives. One member, called Hobo, did not find peace in Kaineng and instead discovered that the hole left after the destruction of the Lich was too great to bear. He tried filling it with gold, women, lechery and drunkenness - but the emptiness he felt drove him to the edge of madness. In the middle of the night he stole into William's chamber and beat him mercilessly with the butt of his sword. William only came too once or twice that night, only seeing the burning guild hall, doors locked and bolted and hearing faint screams, the laughing face of Hobo - manic with desperation, fear and loathing.
William's badly beaten body was found by the healer Mhenlo, an acquaintance from his travels through Tyria, and over a few months nursed back to health. Gradually, few remaining Blue Blades came to Mhenlo for treatment and shelter. When he was at full strength William found that he was once again homeless and without direction. Mhenlo asked him to assist with a matter of great urgency which threatened the whole of Cantha - the afflicted plague caused by the return of Shiro Tagachi. William and the Blue Blades fought bravely and eventually, with the help of the Luxon armada, they overcame the threat posed by their ancient foe. As a reward Elder Rhea offered William and the Blue Blades positions in the Luxon army guarding the borders between Kurzick and Luxon lands, in order to maintain the tentative peace which followed this victory. William was presented with the armour of the Kurzick elite guard as a sign of good faith.
One day, on routine patrol through a small settlement south of saltspray beach William encountered a contingent of Kurzick elite guards way beyond the borders of their lands. They surrounded their general, whom they held above their heads on a sedan chair, the men at the front of the caravan whipped and lashed out at the people of the village who got in their way. The rest of the Blue Blades lept behind cover, determined to maintain the drop on the Kurzick warband - William, however, did not move. To his horror William recognised the face of the cruel Kurzick general, it was Hobo. Forgetting the treaty, forgetting the honour of his position and forgetting his loyalty to the Luxon armada, William drew his blades and charged at the platoon of highly skilled Kurzick guards, singlehandedly cutting his way to the center of their group. When all the guards lay dead he turned to the fleeing character of Hobo and let loose and arrow from his bow - the head lodged deep in the back of Hobo's skull.
The villagers, terrified of the fury and violence they just witnessed drove the Blue Blades out the village and into the wilderness. Now the Blue Blades patrol the Luxon borders, cast out by Elde Rhea and despised by Kurzick soldiers they use guerilla warfare tactics to take large Kurzick patrols by suprise.
Character name: William Knight
Age: 22
Homeland: Ascalon
Job: Rogue Luxon Ranger (yes, I know I'm wearing elite kurz, all is explained in the bio!)
Pics: (Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image).

Please include the Dryad Bow in the pic, I love that goddam thing. The background, pose etc I leave up to you. Take inspiration from the Bio.
Bio: Bit of a long bio, but I've never really thought too much about a backstory before and I got carried away.
William was out hunting with his brother when the Charr seared the kingdom of ascalon, he saw from a hilltop the destruction which rained down upon the city of Ascalon and when he returned he found nothing but burnt cinders and broken lives. Collecting the few surviving Ascalonians he tore through Tyria under the mantle of the Legion of the Blue Blade, bent on vengeance and satisfaction. As they travelled through the unwelcoming landscapes of the maguuma jungle and crystal desert, the Blue Blades grew strong and numerous - becoming a formidable force with William at the head, his hatred driving them on. When they finally reached Hell's Precipace and defeated the Lich, the Blue Blades found that their purpose in life had also been defeated and so travelled far and wide seeking a new home to make a life.
Having build up quite a bounty from their quest in Tyria the Blue Blades purchased a guild hall in the imperial city of Kaineng and began to rebuild their lives. One member, called Hobo, did not find peace in Kaineng and instead discovered that the hole left after the destruction of the Lich was too great to bear. He tried filling it with gold, women, lechery and drunkenness - but the emptiness he felt drove him to the edge of madness. In the middle of the night he stole into William's chamber and beat him mercilessly with the butt of his sword. William only came too once or twice that night, only seeing the burning guild hall, doors locked and bolted and hearing faint screams, the laughing face of Hobo - manic with desperation, fear and loathing.
William's badly beaten body was found by the healer Mhenlo, an acquaintance from his travels through Tyria, and over a few months nursed back to health. Gradually, few remaining Blue Blades came to Mhenlo for treatment and shelter. When he was at full strength William found that he was once again homeless and without direction. Mhenlo asked him to assist with a matter of great urgency which threatened the whole of Cantha - the afflicted plague caused by the return of Shiro Tagachi. William and the Blue Blades fought bravely and eventually, with the help of the Luxon armada, they overcame the threat posed by their ancient foe. As a reward Elder Rhea offered William and the Blue Blades positions in the Luxon army guarding the borders between Kurzick and Luxon lands, in order to maintain the tentative peace which followed this victory. William was presented with the armour of the Kurzick elite guard as a sign of good faith.
One day, on routine patrol through a small settlement south of saltspray beach William encountered a contingent of Kurzick elite guards way beyond the borders of their lands. They surrounded their general, whom they held above their heads on a sedan chair, the men at the front of the caravan whipped and lashed out at the people of the village who got in their way. The rest of the Blue Blades lept behind cover, determined to maintain the drop on the Kurzick warband - William, however, did not move. To his horror William recognised the face of the cruel Kurzick general, it was Hobo. Forgetting the treaty, forgetting the honour of his position and forgetting his loyalty to the Luxon armada, William drew his blades and charged at the platoon of highly skilled Kurzick guards, singlehandedly cutting his way to the center of their group. When all the guards lay dead he turned to the fleeing character of Hobo and let loose and arrow from his bow - the head lodged deep in the back of Hobo's skull.
The villagers, terrified of the fury and violence they just witnessed drove the Blue Blades out the village and into the wilderness. Now the Blue Blades patrol the Luxon borders, cast out by Elde Rhea and despised by Kurzick soldiers they use guerilla warfare tactics to take large Kurzick patrols by suprise.
own age myname
Oh, cool. I'm next! I'll be watching this thread closely for awhile

Interested in your work. I would like the full thing please. Have my warrior (in the pictures below) with the current gear he is wearing. Have a dark (not too dark, visible of everything in the picture) demented background with a large, evil looking dragon something similar to this: dead lying in the near my warrior, and my warrior walking away like he just had an epic battle with it. A moon like: in the sky with decaying trees throughout the picture. Also wouldn't mind several dead corpses or skulls scattered throughout the image. And maybe (if you can) a few fireflies disbursed throughout the picture just to brighten it up and to add to the effect. For the final touch could you please put Big City Brawler is a very creative font in the bottom-right corner?
Pm: Big City Brawler
A story of my warrior (completely fake
): It was a dark, depressing day in the harsh lands of Tyria. After the Charr laid waste to Ascalon and the surrounding territories, almost all hope was lost. Only the best survived. Big City Brawler rose from the ashes of former Ascalon slaying everything that was unfriendly. Nothing could get in his way. With a mighty axe at hand he charged through the destroyed lands conquering the lands and creating friendly colonies throughout Tyria. But this wasn't enough - it's never enough. When the afflicted bombarded the gates of Kaineng Center it was like a flashback to when the Charr attacked Ascalon. Big City Brawler knew he had to abandon his homeland to protect the others in other countries. From that point on he knew where he was needed most, purging the lands of Elona, Cantha and Tyria from all threats.
Pm: Big City Brawler
A story of my warrior (completely fake

hey i really like your art work was wondering if you can draw my sin
well there are some pics if you need any more info of my sin just tell me
well there are some pics if you need any more info of my sin just tell me
At the cost of quoting myself:
Originally Posted by Espadon

Please note the second queue is not yet open.
Please be aware that since the second queue is not yet open, current prices shown are not necessarily representative of prices for the second queue.
Sorry if this causes any groaning or other inconvenience ><
Just wanted to post this as a reminder before I get swamped with people wanting to reserve.
Sorry if this causes any groaning or other inconvenience ><
Just wanted to post this as a reminder before I get swamped with people wanting to reserve.
^ Bah, you're totally right! Sorry, hadnt seen that msg. Disregard my post then, I'll edit and copy/paste once the second Q is open. Thanks.
zanny the derv
awesome work you do mate!
Originally Posted by own age myname

Character Name: Own Age Myname
Age: 55
Portfolio: He is an old war veteran who's traveled everyone known in the world of Tyria. He's been from the depths of the Underworld to the broken city of Ascalon. He is yet to be written down in history. But now a painter would like to paint a picture of him, for future reference, so everyone knows what he looked liked.
- Main Image:
- 4 Angles
On a side note; maybe make a queue like soon

Completed. This is a lo-res sample; full image will be PM'ed to you after payment.
sarra june
That is awesome.

own age myname
That's amazing! I'll get the money asap
wow gz kari! nice sketch!
tidus yumemiru
wow......Really fantastic work! :O
Shadow Sin
wow. I so want my monk tone. I'll take full background so thats 70k right? amazing style. I'll post up my monk in a bit
gogogo release another one!
Lake Axel
Àwesome cant wait
I edited my main post also
I edited my main post also
Massive Impulsa
Just reminding you now, that i updated my main-post! 
IM LEAVING THE 15th for 3 weeks!

IM LEAVING THE 15th for 3 weeks!
tidus yumemiru
hey, hows the progress going? (i do understand real life commitments and what not just curious)
i hope it's gonna be my turn soon.

Gogogo time to move on. Ofc Shadows paid more for his painting so like the greedy bastard I am, I did it first.
Not dead, just busy. It's still grad party week xD
Chicken of the Seas
Wow, that's so amazing! I'm getting even more excited and heh yeah I definitely know what you mean about the whole grad party week thing =P
Loki Seiguro
I'll take a pencil sketch to go with at first. (I like pencil sketches XD but can't be bothered with drawing GW stuff since I'm under commission by another site)
Character name: Scarlet Test Ace
Profession: Elementalist
Armor desired: Obsidian + Fire Halo(factions headpiece)
Color: Up to you.
Weapons: Fire Staff or Acurate Aegis ( + Voltaic Spear
Pose: Hovering one like when you use a chant. (only one I can think of is Song of Conentration)
- I'll use a pic of someone elses for this (for wings)(
Background: Fall season (much like Shadow's pic) falling leaves.
Cost: 15k (?) - These are also ideas for the fully painted one so do what you will for now.
2nd commision: Already laid out in a picture. Will upload later on.
I'm kinda tired so I won't upload any pics to photobucket then here. I'd prefer to email the pictures to you if possible. You can pm me your email or I can pm you mine and you can send an email to me. The pics included will e of my ele so you have a reference of face and hair. Also I have a few pics of Urgoz map that can be used in the BG.
-If I like the sketch I'll take the order that Coolpb got (2nd post in thread)
-If possible one that would fit a desktop back ground.
- Oh of coarse money is always an incentive so if the painted one is larger than you normally make I'll throw in a multiplier payment. (Say you normally do half a desktop size picture. That costs 50k. So if you do whole desktop thats double. I'll pay 100k for it)
Character name: Scarlet Test Ace
Profession: Elementalist
Armor desired: Obsidian + Fire Halo(factions headpiece)
Color: Up to you.
Weapons: Fire Staff or Acurate Aegis ( + Voltaic Spear
Pose: Hovering one like when you use a chant. (only one I can think of is Song of Conentration)
- I'll use a pic of someone elses for this (for wings)(
Background: Fall season (much like Shadow's pic) falling leaves.
Cost: 15k (?) - These are also ideas for the fully painted one so do what you will for now.
2nd commision: Already laid out in a picture. Will upload later on.
I'm kinda tired so I won't upload any pics to photobucket then here. I'd prefer to email the pictures to you if possible. You can pm me your email or I can pm you mine and you can send an email to me. The pics included will e of my ele so you have a reference of face and hair. Also I have a few pics of Urgoz map that can be used in the BG.
-If I like the sketch I'll take the order that Coolpb got (2nd post in thread)
-If possible one that would fit a desktop back ground.
- Oh of coarse money is always an incentive so if the painted one is larger than you normally make I'll throw in a multiplier payment. (Say you normally do half a desktop size picture. That costs 50k. So if you do whole desktop thats double. I'll pay 100k for it)
sarra june
Hey espadon -
Just letting you know that I updated my main post because I gave my monk a makeover lol. There is a character sheet there now which will make it clear she's blonde now (You can ignore the BDS reference I posted where she's brunette still). I also posted more references, and wanted to clarify again I'll be paying 70k for the full background + a fat tip of whatever I can think of... to thank you for getting to me, for it being amazing, and the work you will have to put in for the emote if you do that <3
Just letting you know that I updated my main post because I gave my monk a makeover lol. There is a character sheet there now which will make it clear she's blonde now (You can ignore the BDS reference I posted where she's brunette still). I also posted more references, and wanted to clarify again I'll be paying 70k for the full background + a fat tip of whatever I can think of... to thank you for getting to me, for it being amazing, and the work you will have to put in for the emote if you do that <3
tidus yumemiru
O_O ahhh again wow.... i am agreeing with Sue, i can't wait to see what u do next and for me personally the wait is killing me, go u good thing! xD
Massive Impulsa
Well, i updated my main post aswell。
Just to remind you ")
Aslo, would help ALOT! If u updated your 1st post moar (”,)
Just to remind you ")
Aslo, would help ALOT! If u updated your 1st post moar (”,)
thanks kari 
awesome work of art, love it
ill make you draw something for me once i get back
XD enjoy the uber big tip

awesome work of art, love it
ill make you draw something for me once i get back
XD enjoy the uber big tip
I am looking for a Full character with background-70k for a "game" that is currently being developed by me and some buddies. we need some good artwork and NONE of us can do anything like you can do.
Since the game is in development, I can PM you with the details on the scene and whatnot. tips are more than likely ^.^ (if you take the job)
Since the game is in development, I can PM you with the details on the scene and whatnot. tips are more than likely ^.^ (if you take the job)
Sorry, I don't accept GW cash as payment for that type of work.
K, thanks anyways

I was just wondering if you'll keep going on with the comission list?
(especially since im next
It's been a while since the last picture...
I was just wondering if you'll keep going on with the comission list?
(especially since im next

It's been a while since the last picture...
I guess youre right...
i thought those with the 50k behind the name were already finished.
too bad
i thought those with the 50k behind the name were already finished.
too bad
Show Some Skin
Originally Posted by Espadon

Completed. This is a lo-res sample; full image will be PM'ed to you after payment. This picture is amazing and so is your avatar
You've waited long enough:
Originally Posted by sarra june

I've spent a lot of time mixing (ugly monk) armor sets, and the pic below is of the best mix i could come up with. But the one thing that always bugged me was even though I tried to dye the tattoos invisible it doesnt quite look it. Point of that: I would be STOKED if you could draw her, and you could just not draw the tattoos, haha. My monkadunk would look cute for once :P I've also always thought the characters look lame doing the /fame emotes because they just /cheer and then stand there. One of your strong action poses would look SO awesome with that emote, and monk could still have her cute staff, unlike when you do the emote in game.

I don't RP so I can't tell you a lot there, but I have been playing guild wars since it came out and am very into HA, so that tiger emote def means something to me. And so does my monk, with 12 mil exp, and since she has farmed the large majority of my fame. She's spent most of her time in hero's ascent, and according to GW lore it's basically a global tournament where teams compete against each other for the god's favor and amusement... kind of like one big gladiator's arena in the sky! So even though my monk looks probably kind of harmless, I still think of her as being fierce... having weathered so many battles on the way to the HoH. So imagine fighting all these teams to get to the hall and winning it - I just see her standing on the altar of the hall of heroes in one of your awesome battle stances, her tiger leaping out and howling in victory! cool, no? <3
If you're interested here's a couple pictures, and I can get you anything else you need if you decide to do it!
A decent video of the emote: R9 Hero Tiger Emote Video
Reference of my monk's emote: Sarra's Tiger
Character sheet/references for monk:
The other little things:
My monk holding her BDS
BDS Refs: [1] [2]
Thanks a lot.
p.s. pick me pleeease XD
p.p.s. i go nowhere without my kuunavang minipet... i dont want to tax you if its already a lot of work doing this, but if you put him in there (even if he's just a squiggly smudge in the background) somewhere that would pretty much make it perfect

p.p.p.s. please leave the file as big as you have it when you work with it - i would like it to be my desktop =)
Order: Painted Subject, 50k + Background, 20k = 70k + TIP

Thanks for your patience; I think you've probably been the most, er, shall I say, "forsaken" commissioner I've seen so far. Hope you find the wallpaper satisfactory. If you need it larger than 1680xBlah or some odd W:H ratio I'll resize it again for you.
Tidus & Valeria: I understand your impatience but I did reserve rights to skip around the queue at will. Also, the queue listed is merely a rough estimate and may be changed without notice at any time. I picked Sarra June for this last commission based on what seems to me the fact that she's posted numerous requests before and I have yet to see a finished piece for her [esp compared to some members that already have had multiple pieces done]. If you feel your money can be better spent elsewhere, feel free to cancel anytime. ^^
Please respect the fact that GW art commissions are merely a side activity and I have many other concerns in RL that take precedence, especially since I can't live off of GW cash. Thanks.
Konig Des Todes
AMAZING stuff. You still taking new commissions?
If so, I may be interested in a "Painted subject + full background" later on. If not, my loss...
If so, I may be interested in a "Painted subject + full background" later on. If not, my loss...
Thanks for your interest, but as you can see I'm already full with an impatient queue xD
Icy The Mage
Amazing work yet again Kari, you should really be charging a LOT more for this