I cant tell you how much I have been laughing at all the people who have a problem with my name, you have made my day. Its a long sad story as to how I came to that name, and belive me I claim no innocence in my previous name (Harry Wrecked Em), but when I got banned for it by a person who griefed over the price I was charging for dungeons, I tried to come up with something clever yet non offensive (Harrys Been Shaved). I had the old name for over a year and never an issue, but whatever.
What I would like to achive is to remove all the misinformation that is generated here as to what can get you banned. As we have seen there are some who claim they were banned for one thing and then as it turns out they were banned for something else, but the rumor that "Fame Farming" can get you banned is still out there. Clarity and Communication, as much as ANET can give, would be appreciated and allow people to play worry free without having to "wonder" if this will get them banned, or being able to safely ignore the threats of others, knowing that the GM's are going to uphold the standards that their own policies set.
As far as names go, mine is the perfect example. Some of you think it is offensive somehow and others say there is nothing wrong with it.
Maybe I should start another thread - "What does Harrys Been Shaved" mean to you? Its like that old joke where the doctor shows the lady the ink blots and she says they are all sexual things. The doctor tells her she has sex on her mind and she says "Well of COURSE! You keep showing me all those dirty pictures!!!". When you hear my name, what are you thinking is SHAVED? Guys shave their backs, chests, faces, even legs, yet you who found this offensive, well maybe your mind is focused elsewhere. And to the guy with the teen age kid, I don't play with teenagers, so your kid is safe, but if you found my name risque, please explain to me how you did, because to us normal adults, we just dont see it.
Unless a name is CLEARLY offensive, I think the GM's should execute some discression and read for the spirit and word of the policy instead of rubber stamp ban something marginal. Incase this isn't clear, here is what qualifies, they do not permit names that:
Have offensive racial, ethnic, or national connotations.
Reference sexual acts or real life violence.
Are pornographic.
Make inappropriate references to human anatomy or bodily functions.
Reference illegal drugs or activities.
Reference major religious figures.
Reference certain real-life people that may cause distress (e.g. Hitler).
I totally undestand why Harry Wrecked Em reffered inapropriately to human anatomy, but tell me how Harrys Been Shaved violates this? Maybe I am a real life person that causes distress? (I am, BTW).
And yes, I have read the EULA, RoC, and naming policy, which can all be found at:
http://www.guildwars.com/support/legal/ which is exactly why I post this, so clarity is increased and ignorance reduced.