Hey, I was really bored the other day and decided to make my own little youtube video with my 4 pve characters
Go check it out and tell em what you think
My Character Video
Megas XLR
I was actually surprised it was a video instead of a slideshow of pictures. Really boring though, it's like looking at characters while in Kamadan or something.
I recommend action, like fighting Rotscale or traveling places.
I recommend action, like fighting Rotscale or traveling places.
Yeah i know, first video mate. But yeah I will probably add another up soon of me farming or something
c r e s t
Inviting attacks on your account. Not hard to discern what e-mail you're using to log in with in that video.
ahh yeah, i see, gonna add a comment box over it lol. cheers
Inb4 x1000000000000000 Cool Story Bro.
The Invoking
Humm... Well, your video leaves a lot to be desired.. Likes Megas said, you could have included some actual game play footage. The quality of the video isn't too shabby though. What did you use to record it? Frapps? Gamecam?
whats the song
Archress Shayleigh
c r e s t
Originally Posted by Archress Shayleigh
Originally Posted by jamieb24
ahh yeah, i see, gonna add a comment box over it lol. cheers
Cool beans, this should stop the majority, however, it is still possible to download the unmodified flv/mp4 files from youtube which show the e-mail quite clearly. It would be best to cut that part of the video out entirely, even if you're not going to re-upload a modified source, so as to not give anyone the slightest incentive.
Cool, cheers for the feedback,
Yeah i did use Fraps The song is Rob Dougan - Clubbed to death... as it says at the end lol |