new character for each campaign?
I bought trilogy about a month ago and I am really enjoying it so far. I started in prophecies and beat the last mission with my elementalist recently. My question is if there is any reason to have a native character for each campaign, or is there nothing you're really missing out on if you just travel to the other continents and keep using a character you're familiar with.
The only thing you'd be missing is non-core professions. If you ever want to make a Ritualist or Assassin, they have to be Canthan (Factions). If you ever want a Dervish or Paragon, they have to be Elonian (Nightfall). If you love your ele, by all means take him everywhere and use him everywhere.
There are a few quests you'll miss out on if you don't make a character native to that continent, but it's nothing gamebreaking - mostly tutorial stuff and running around the islands.
There are a few quests you'll miss out on if you don't make a character native to that continent, but it's nothing gamebreaking - mostly tutorial stuff and running around the islands.
Gerroh Darksyde
Different campaigns also offer different faces/hair/skin tones. And you'd be missing out on the "Noob island" quests, which isn't a big deal, because most of them are boring as hell.
and you might miss out on a few things that only certain campains can do. like gwens flute if you make a char in another campain. and a few easy vanqs too. but nothing to important.
Basicly you won't be missing on anything important. If you like your ele, play with it throught the campaigns especially if it's your main. As far as I know, the only thing campaign dependent is the Then and Now, Here and There quest that requires a Prophecies character wich you already have, so no worry's. Everything else is just noob island quests with no interest to a level 20.