Whats a recomeneded video card. i have a Windows XP home edition. Dell Dimension 4600. it currently has 2g of RAM. whats a good video card for it that is able to play GW without overheating fast?
multiple cards is ok but plz cheapest yet efficient 1s. range all the way up to $50 if not ne closest 1s to $50
What recomended video card?
undead living
Lord Sojar
A Dell won't be able to handle anything high end, but luckily, your budget doesn't either.
However, the worst news is that you can only use an AGP card in that PC.
The only AGP options available to you at this point are going to be these:
and as a better card for a bit more money:
That's really it bud. It really is time for a new PC at this point.
However, the worst news is that you can only use an AGP card in that PC.
The only AGP options available to you at this point are going to be these:
and as a better card for a bit more money:
That's really it bud. It really is time for a new PC at this point.
unfortunately as Rahja said your mobo only support AGP, and AGP cards tend to be more expensive than PCI-E( only when comparing quality obv) because no one really use them anymore. I would save a bit more money and at least go with the second card Rahja linked.
Save money for a new pc, buy a second hand gf6800 or radeon 9800. Those still play gw fine.
I got a NX6200AX AGP and it runs GW fine