Title Help
What's everyone's opinion on the fastest way to max out my reputaion points for Norn and Vanguard with a warrior? I am almost maxed with Asuran but it took forever. Warrior seems to be the most difficult to use for this. Any ideas?
That fastest way is to complete the HM books. You can complete a HM book in a few hours of work. When i was maxing mine, I took about 10 books or so and did them all at once. So take book #1, do quest #1. Replace book #1 with book #2 and then do quest #1 again. Once you have done quest #1 in all books, do it all again with the next quest. Keep going until all books are filled
Of course, do NM books until you hit R8. Good luck and I hope this helped.
Of course, do NM books until you hit R8. Good luck and I hope this helped.
Eragon Zarroc
also be sure to do all the vanquishing for master of the north title before u end up maxing, those give out decent points. also all the dungeons and missions in HM. basically the points will add up as u do other stuff for master of the north. after doing everything else 1st, u will just have much less left to do on ur other titles which u can complete easily with books like squiffy said.