Splitting stackable items
How about the ability to split a stack of items?
Example: Purchase a stack of lockpicks, but would like to spread them across my PvE toons rather than having to move them from character to character.
Same thing with tomes/consumables etc.
Example: Purchase a stack of lockpicks, but would like to spread them across my PvE toons rather than having to move them from character to character.
Same thing with tomes/consumables etc.
EDIT: Ah yeah just tried, its shift, simply click the multiple items you have, hold shift, drag into a new slot, and seperate by your choice.
If you hold shift while dragging a stack to another slot in your inventory a window will pop up asking how much you want to split to create a second stack.
Lord Of Blame
I lernt sumthin new 2day.
Karis Sival
"I lernt sumthin new 2day. "
4 years and I didn't know that either...
4 years and I didn't know that either...
2 years and i didnt know..
Oo, you really do learn something new every day :|
I was surprised at how many guildies didn't know this. Maybe it's just me but this is a really unkown thing that I get asked about fairly frequently.
s t e e
lol what a funny thread. lots of people didn't know how to do that. i'm surprised.
3 years and didnt know that.. wow
I had no clue whatsoever. Just read the directions doesn't apply here though.
I had no idea. Dam you, useless campaign tutorials.
Shayne Hawke
Well, I do believe that was a change made back in '05, or maybe early '06, so I'm not surprised that some people didn't know about stuff like that.
Icy The Mage
Come to think of it, every game I've played enables you to split stackable items by holding either shift or ctrl :S
Surprised so many didn't know about it,
been using and taking it for granted for well over a year.
been using and taking it for granted for well over a year.
It was an update around the release of nightfall iirc. I didnt realise that people didnt know how to do this... thats wierd.
Archress Shayleigh
Oh wow, I didn't know that. After 3 years of playing, i'm surprised. Cool!
Yeah, already exists. Closed.