mmmmmm sleeeeeeep
ok here is 2 screen shots one has all the chat that went on during the roll 100% unedited the second has ONLY the roll emotes up for clarity. (only rolls made by Queen Kitiara are valid)
please note, that there were several rolls that came up that were either:
A) the slot wasn't taken at all
B) they never paid for the slot with there key to kitiara.
The witnesses were:
Daniel Frozenwind
Fire Reignz
Big Torilla man
Xan Thav
Big grats to the winners!!!:
Prince feywood no. 40
Skyllaxs no. 39
Lord Xarax no. 92
There is a unedited fraps version for anyone who wants to see it. i am uploading it now and will add the link asap. But like sleep i also need FOOOD! xD
thanks to everyone who Entered or attended it was a in my opinion a HUGE success. i had a lot of fun and i sure hope u guys did
Burning Freebies made a Video of the event for anyone who missed it and i am positive that kitiara is making one as well.
link for Burns party Vid!
Thanks guys!!
/edit fix link