Corrupt/Lazy/... NC Soft support employee

Killed u man

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

After some back and forth emailing about the perm ban on my acount, I found out that the problem wasn't so much the rules that I broke, but rather the individual in question that reviewed my acount.

I feel, I KNOW, that the person in question who was SUPPOSED to review my acount did NOT do his job the way he was supposed to.

So before you go: Solve it with NCSoft, don't post it on guru, I'm not calling the person out here on guru. (Obviously, why would I do that)

I would rather get some advice from someone who might have had the same experiences, and how to solve it.
I've sent multiple tickets to NCSoft Support, on different days, spanning over 2 weeks now, but it turns out the initial employee reading my ticket ALWAYS forwards it to the SAME PERSON THAT REVIEWED MY ACOUNT. (Which he didn't do at all)

So the problem I have is that the employee who perm banned my acount KEEPS RECIEVING all the emails I sent in regards to this issue. (So I don't have a chance at a fair appeal, because he keeps giving this non-sense email on how he supplied enough information?!)

It's clear the person in question does NOT want to admit his mistake, or atleast try and explain me his reasoning, but what is preventing me from taking further steps, is that EVERY mail/ticket I sent, keeps ending up with the same person.

So how do I fix this rather annoying problem, any ideas?

Mr. G

Mr. G

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

S. Wales


TBH odd's are its a just ban, I know NCsoft have made mistakes with bans but afaik they've correcting them. I don't think personal attack are going to help. Try contacting Regina or Gaile if your so sure that this employee is taking a personal interest in making your ban unbearable.



Doctor of Philosophy

Join Date: May 2005

Pacific Northwest

Team Love [kiSu]

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