Official Guild Wars and Wiki sites through anonymzing proxy
It looks like whatever was blocking some people from accessing both the official web site and the official wiki has been removed. A couple of weeks ago another person messaged me that their block was removed, and after trying today mine is too. So if you have been only able to access those sites through proxies, try normally. This issue may have finally been resolved (after waiting for 5 months). This is especially good since you can enter your login and password to vote for monthly predictions securely now.
Lord Of Blame
Thanks for the post. I have not even tried the official site in months cause I knew that I would not be able to get on it while I'm at work. Now I can access it again. I never would have bothered to check had I not read your post. Thx.
Thanks for the post. I have not even tried the official site in months cause I knew that I would not be able to get on it while I'm at work. Now I can access it again. I never would have bothered to check had I not read your post. Thx.
wow, finally. :O thanks for the update.
Cool... what was the problem?
Archress Shayleigh
Yeah, what was the problem in the first place?
Some people couldn't access the official wiki or official site without using a proxy site, or something like Tor. They were sent to a page stating the server was under maintenance or overloaded, or another error page. It started the first week or two of December of 2008. It affected affected people on more than one ISP, and several countries. At the time NCSoft support just blew it off as the problem of the user, or user's ISP, which it wasn't.
Aurora Summer
Finally can access both sites normally =)
Thanks for your post !
Thanks for your post !