Yesterday evening i was playing GW when i got disconected. Nothing unsual so i tried to reconnect but it diddn't work.
I tried to log back in again but it's staying on connecting and then it gives the error 058.
So i checked my firewall nothing unsual. Then i forwarted the ports 80 and 6112. It didn't work either.
But the other wierd thing is i can't visit the Guildwars / Arenanet / NCsoft websites either. I have no idea what i can be.
Weird Problems
Icy The Mage
Are you using a proxy? -I know some people were commenting on a proxy of some sort was dis-allowing their access to at least the official site.
Having the same problem here (Netherlands), cannot even reach support, because, and cannot be reached. Tried everything. Rest of www is fine
problem exists both on XP/SP2 as on Vista
no proxy
modem reset
port forwarded 6112 and 80
re-installed GW
disabled firewall and virusscanner
Don't know what to do anymore, anyone found a solution for this? Help?
Half an hour after posting, GW is working again...didn't do anything, magic or a server problem?? I think I will never find out, I can play again, hope it is also solved for others
problem exists both on XP/SP2 as on Vista
no proxy
modem reset
port forwarded 6112 and 80
re-installed GW
disabled firewall and virusscanner
Don't know what to do anymore, anyone found a solution for this? Help?
Half an hour after posting, GW is working again...didn't do anything, magic or a server problem?? I think I will never find out, I can play again, hope it is also solved for others
Hey Jamil, I also live in the Netherlands. It was working again this morning but now its down. I also mailed Ncsoft who send me a list with questions i respond so like 10 times and they send it back. But nothing usefull. I really don't know what to do anymore so i think i can't play GW.
These problems are usually the result of router issues - and that doesn`t mean your home router, but any of the many routers your connection goes through to get to ANet. It would seem likely that the problem is with some router that Netherlands traffic goes through. That wouldn`t necessarily be the same router that connections to other sites go through.