So I have come to you for some advice. What can I do so I don't have to quit and this for good.
Chicken Ftw
Wish Swiftdeath
Black Metal
Apollo Smile
Shadowspawn X
Skyy High
Red Sonya
Well Guild Wars has almost done a complete flashback again of eight months ago when I left Guild Wars to play a different game. I came back about 4 months after I so called quit and was having fun to start. Now that I have accomplished most of what I wanted that made me continue playing I have nothing left to do. I have done most of the elite missions in the game and have earned a fair amount of money. Have one more title on my title junkie until I have my GWAMM character. I have thought about PvP, but thats just not my thing. Also thought about a second title character but now that I think of it I don't want to do that again
![]() So I have come to you for some advice. What can I do so I don't have to quit and this for good. |
Icy The Mage
Azure mist
Eragon Zarroc
Wrath of m0o
Ryan Bucek
Well I started playing Crusader Kings + Dues Vult expansion by Paradox Entertainment and The Guild 1400 Gold by Jowood recently and it's been more of a blast than GW. At least you can set your own difficulty levels and adjustments in those two games unlike GW which basically has two modes... completely easy and completely rediculously hard (in some places).
See there just isn't anything you can do to keep yourself from quitting again. GW is just too boring once you've completed the chapter storeis. There's no more levels to obtain after the paultry 20 and there's no loot content to speak of once you get 15^50 and +30hp and +20% HSR mods oh and the 20/20 sundering mod lol. It's just a dry repetitive boring game of the same thing day after day. Go out kill same mobs you've killed 100 times before and reap the same paultry crummy loot you've gotten before. (with exception of the maxed mods you've already gotten before). I see no point unless you are a GRIND WARS player now. Anet could have kept this interesting with continued AA points like Everquest and continued loot content and at least up to level 99 like Diablo 2 did it. It's just a carebear candyland game now and just no reason to continue the reptition unless you just like bashing teenagers and 6 year olds in the PVP arenas. |
Toxic OnyX
pumpkin pie
Red Sonya
Oh, yes, that sounds excellent. Let's make a game where players who devote the most time have the best gear (which is obviously gotten through pve), and where there are ridiculously high levels which take literal weeks to achieve (this is assuming you have a job/school. When sitting at the computer for 18 hours a day uninterrupted, amazing things can be accomplished in game.) Oh, and because a game gives equal footing in terms of gear to all players, this somehow makes it a carebear game. Too bad you "leet, non-carebear players" can't dominate because your full time gaming lifestyle doesn't equate to skill. Just to let you know, I doubt you would even be able to assemble a team to "bash teenagers and 6 year olds in the PVP arenas."
Well I'm done with that tirade. |
Wish Swiftdeath