I got a little problem that I would like some help for,
as UWSC got very popular, I decided to finish eotn on my sin ( which actually took me pretty long, lol ) until i got the pve-only skills. done that, learnt all the roles, and went UWSC.
now, I got about 70 ectos, after 1 week (don't play much, and many PUG's fail) and I saw this guy buying ectos at 4.2k each, since the ecto prices were dropping, I decided to sell them. now I got like 400k
my question, what should I do with it?
I originally decided to go and make a GWAMM mesmer, so I got it through kaineng centre, and on to eotn, where I went Keg-farming with my mesmer, worked pretty well and after a few tries (lag, human errors ._. ) I got my survivor r3. now I suddenly discovered, that I like my ranger better than my mesmer.
so I decided to get FoW armor for my mesmer, but since I liked my Ranger better, I decided to get it for my Ranger.
now, I've calculated it. at a shard price of 2.3 I would need:
75k for the crafter
230k for the shards
430k for the ectos.
so let's say I already got the ectos in cash.
then I'd need (75+230= 305. 305 : 4.1 (let's say I won't be lucky to sell high) = 74.390.... rounded off 75 ectos. )
I DO NOT FIND UWSC FUN. so I quit 2 days ago, in order to play some AB, RA etc.
now I was observing some games lately, and I saw this ranger with a tormented recurve bow. I decided tormented bows are hawt. so I checked prices, and discovered that they are around
which would slow my obsidian armor down.
now, What would you do? get on with farming till I got my obsidian armor, or just buy a tormented bow, and have fun.
now, I know there will be alot of people in this thread saying:
"stop farming, start enjoying the game, you shouldn't be grinding if you don't want to in your free time".
but everyone knows that armors say something, and in addition, they look cool. ( or some of them )
please keep in mind that I wanna do the least assassin-farming (I don't mind trapping, trapping stuff is fun :P, but trapping takes long, and is not possible in HM on your own - I know it is, but's it's risky.. )
what would you do?
thank you,