just a small idea here, how about you start buffing more skills instead of nerfing them all? coz its just stupid honestly, that you expect people to stop using one skill just to use another. those skills are used for their combined effectiveness with other skills. for example, melandru's shot, the functionality was changed completely. why??? so its not a good snare? i thought thats what its original purpose was. another example is warriors endurance. making it a stance more or less means it is completely useless and now people have just gone back to running eviscerate bars (on a side note, <3 shock still). and when the hell are they gonna fix smiters boon? i can think of 100000 ways to make it work. heres 2 - increase smite damage and spell cost by 2% per point in divine favor for like 5e cost, 30 sec recharge, 7-15sec duration. or make it a maintained enchant. i dunno, just do SOMETHING. i dont particularly like smiters myself, it just irritates me that there are skills around that are completely useless. and another thing, monks dont get enuff buffs, in fact, i cant remember the last buff monks got apart from peace and harmony. oh and thanks for the aegis nerf, now gvg is more like HA (sarcasm, you know it), its just one team tryin to blow up the other instead of allowing for good defence and more time for tactics. honestly dont know where this game is goin, but it seems to be heading for the toilet right about now.....
skill updates.... yay.....
Massive Impulsa
Couldnt be bothered to read all..
Anyways its better to nerf skills, so that the underpowered skills might eventually be as good as the previosly OP skills
Also "Power Creep"ftl.
Couldnt be bothered to read all..
Anyways its better to nerf skills, so that the underpowered skills might eventually be as good as the previosly OP skills

Also "Power Creep"ftl.
Shayne Hawke
If you want to see why it's not good to have powerful Smiting skills, go check out the latest metas in JQ and HB.
Archress Shayleigh
Yeah... Lol btw QQ threads FTL
Dark Dragon
buffs only never nerfs...
2 words... power creep
2 words... power creep
just a small idea here, how about you start buffing more skills instead of nerfing them all? coz its just stupid honestly, that you expect people to stop using one skill just to use another. those skills are used for their combined effectiveness with other skills. for example, melandru's shot, the functionality was changed completely. why??? so its not a good snare? i thought thats what its original purpose was. another example is warriors endurance. making it a stance more or less means it is completely useless and now people have just gone back to running eviscerate bars (on a side note, <3 shock still). and when the hell are they gonna fix smiters boon? i can think of 100000 ways to make it work. heres 2 - increase smite damage and spell cost by 2% per point in divine favor for like 5e cost, 30 sec recharge, 7-15sec duration. or make it a maintained enchant. i dunno, just do SOMETHING. i dont particularly like smiters myself, it just irritates me that there are skills around that are completely useless. and another thing, monks dont get enuff buffs, in fact, i cant remember the last buff monks got apart from peace and harmony. oh and thanks for the aegis nerf, now gvg is more like HA (sarcasm, you know it), its just one team tryin to blow up the other instead of allowing for good defence and more time for tactics. honestly dont know where this game is goin, but it seems to be heading for the toilet right about now.....
/endrant |
If you can't defend without Aegis, don't go into GvG. +3 on the power creep thingy
Yeah, I don't really care what irritates you. Rants threads aren't allowed anyway.