If you have ever been banned...
So somehow I recently got banned again for "inappropriate language..." (I've been banned like 4 times before for dropping some F bombs in RA and whatnot which I suppose I will take responsibility for.) However, this time I am 100% positive that I haven't offended any random noobs to avoid another one of these 72 hour bans because it is really annoying (yes its that awesome) so I really have no idea why I'm banned this time.
Aight so no Guild Wars for 3 days, w/e, the only thing that annoys me is that there is an option in the Options Menu that filters such language in the first place. So if people are annoyed by language, shouldn't they just turn on the language filter? It just annoys me that the people that get offended have the option to turn off that language; instead they are just instantly upset and /report ---> omg he said the H WORD REPORT!!!!! If the language swearing in all chat did not correlate to the function of reporting people for "verbal abuse" then actual threatening of people would be the reason people use the "verbal abuse" function. This gives those who just swear in all chat sometimes immunity to function which should be used for a different purpose in the first place.
Sorry if this is confusing or incredibly biased but i just don't like getting verbal abuse ban for saying "f*ck" in all chat when I'm not verballyabusing anyone. People will therefore use the chat filter function for once in their lives if they are offended rather than use their police whistle that anet gave everyone... When everyone has a police badge, no one has real authority.
Aight so no Guild Wars for 3 days, w/e, the only thing that annoys me is that there is an option in the Options Menu that filters such language in the first place. So if people are annoyed by language, shouldn't they just turn on the language filter? It just annoys me that the people that get offended have the option to turn off that language; instead they are just instantly upset and /report ---> omg he said the H WORD REPORT!!!!! If the language swearing in all chat did not correlate to the function of reporting people for "verbal abuse" then actual threatening of people would be the reason people use the "verbal abuse" function. This gives those who just swear in all chat sometimes immunity to function which should be used for a different purpose in the first place.
Sorry if this is confusing or incredibly biased but i just don't like getting verbal abuse ban for saying "f*ck" in all chat when I'm not verballyabusing anyone. People will therefore use the chat filter function for once in their lives if they are offended rather than use their police whistle that anet gave everyone... When everyone has a police badge, no one has real authority.
welcome to the world of "it annoys me but I like to circumvent the filter anyways and report you". The game should check whether the filter was on or off at the time of report and way before it.
go cubs
agreed...People are stupid and report saying u swear! i mad! u banned! ha!
and swearing is language, the whole point of the filter is so that people who dont like it can turn it off. whats the point of a filter if your gonna get banned for saying words that are blocked by the filter...
and swearing is language, the whole point of the filter is so that people who dont like it can turn it off. whats the point of a filter if your gonna get banned for saying words that are blocked by the filter...
Fallen Royalty
Just because one has the option of whether ot not to *look* at the word in question doesn't change the fact that your use of foul language detracts from the community atmosphere. Your logic is akin to, "we should be able to scam people because they have the option of whether or not they want to log in". Whether or not someone mistakenly allows themself to be scammed, your act of being a scammer is degenerating to the Guild Wars community. Why is it so vital to your well-being for you to be spewing verbal obscenities in an online game?
i farm baddies
you have been suspended 4 times and still on 72 hours suspensions?! wtf lol
im up to the 2 week suspensions rofl
im up to the 2 week suspensions rofl
Just because one has the option of whether ot not to *look* at the word in question doesn't change the fact that your use of foul language detracts from the community atmosphere. Your logic is akin to, "we should be able to scam people because they have the option of whether or not they want to log in". Whether or not someone mistakenly allows themself to be scammed, your act of being a scammer is degenerating to the Guild Wars community. Why is it so vital to your well-being for you to be spewing verbal obscenities in an online game?
wire dawg
see even thou some don't have the filter on or what not doesn't mean they will report u for saying f*ck but most will report u for saying f*ck you which is totally different
You will be banned for things nobody finds remotely offensive, but people will try their hardest to go out of their way to be offended by it and bitch at support until you're banned. Wanna know why? I've said it before and i've said it again...
The only way you can avoid being banned is to not speak to other players. This is the bullshit garbage necessity Anet has created by the humongous amount of asinine bans, this is what's making the game more of a solo game instead of a game you play with others. Not heroes.
You're never safe speaking in local chat cause there's always some sensitive 40 year old pver just looking for things to get offended by. Just don't talk to other people man, it sucks but it is the only way. No i'm not kidding.
/e of course when i say nothing, i mean nothing of meaning. Like, you just can't get into anything close to a serious conversation, or discussion, or dare i say debate, with anyone else in local chat. No exceptions. Anything besides a smiley face or a "thx m8", someone will probably report. You know.
The only way you can avoid being banned is to not speak to other players. This is the bullshit garbage necessity Anet has created by the humongous amount of asinine bans, this is what's making the game more of a solo game instead of a game you play with others. Not heroes.
You're never safe speaking in local chat cause there's always some sensitive 40 year old pver just looking for things to get offended by. Just don't talk to other people man, it sucks but it is the only way. No i'm not kidding.
/e of course when i say nothing, i mean nothing of meaning. Like, you just can't get into anything close to a serious conversation, or discussion, or dare i say debate, with anyone else in local chat. No exceptions. Anything besides a smiley face or a "thx m8", someone will probably report. You know.
you are aware that there is a language filter yes? and are you also aware that you arent "supposed" to be banned for swearing, just for verbal attacks. if you dont like swearing change the language filter.
Originally Posted by http://www.guildwars.com/support/legal/user-agreement.php
This includes but is not limited to: inappropriate language of any sort or any attempt to escape the profanity filter, inappropriate or vulgar content of any sort, repeated "spamming," or "flooding" of the chat messages channel, or any other conduct determined to be inappropriate by NC Interactive Support, in its sole discretion.
To put this into a real life example since people are still unable to grasp it:
You put up a bullet proof wall.
Somebody tries to shoot you. The wall prevents their murder attempt.
You still go to trial for attempted murder.
The filter is in place so that people have the option of not having to listen to dumbasses who break the rules.
But the dumbass STILL broke the rule.
Thus, his ass gets banned!
You put up a bullet proof wall.
Somebody tries to shoot you. The wall prevents their murder attempt.
You still go to trial for attempted murder.
The filter is in place so that people have the option of not having to listen to dumbasses who break the rules.
But the dumbass STILL broke the rule.
Thus, his ass gets banned!
You're never safe speaking in local chat cause there's always some sensitive 40 year old pver just looking for things to get offended by. Just don't talk to other people man, it sucks but it is the only way. No i'm not kidding.
I got permabanned for joking with my guild mate.
I literally said, "i'm in ur computrz haxx0ring ur pr0nz."
A-net permabanned me for "threatening to hack." Took four days to get it undone. The staff member I got on the case almost literally went, 'oopz lol."
I headdesked. So, it's easier not to talk to anyone. Ever. At all.
Joking is bad, m'kay.
obsidian ectoplasm
Emu is gud at arenas
/unban plz
/unban plz
Sir Seifus Halbred
Or you can just act mature, grow up, and not swear at all.
What is the point of swearing in a video game anyhow? Especially taking the time to type a swear?
Furthermore, you are breaking the rules.
What is the point of swearing in a video game anyhow? Especially taking the time to type a swear?
Furthermore, you are breaking the rules.
Ok, this thread is getting closed before it degenerates any further, and because it's a "OMG I got banned!" whine. If you have any issue's about your banning, take it up with GW Support.
Thread Closed.
Thread Closed.