They have an automated message tell you while you're waiting. I'm currently 3rd in the queue. I've been waiting for about 20 minutes, starting at 12th in the queue.
Edit: Just spoke to Nick from customer service. He confirmed the thing about the item I was trying to purchase being given to me for free. Apparently my account is waiting for one of the senior reps to unban it, and he's not sure how long that's going to take because he's not sure where my account is in the queue and not sure exactly what speed they're unbanning accounts in. I mean, I guess that's okay, but it's something I already know. I just want to play already. |
Accounts Banned for fraud, look/post here
Artemis Alexandrae
As far as I understand it, anyone that made a recent purchase online and got a fraud ban is not only going to have their account restored, the charges credited back, and whatever they purchases added to their account.
If this isn't enough for you all, you need to find a different game to play. |
Let's say you park your car in front of a convenience station to purchase a soda, and when you come back out your car is missing. Considering that you use your car daily, you might be annoyed when the station clerk tells you that your car was accidentally taken away and it should be restored to you within a few days.
But on the bright side, to make it up to you, they're giving you the soda for free.
Give me a break, man.
Artemis Alexandrae
Ok, just got off the phone. They are comping my purchase...they say it could be anywhere from tonight to 2 days from now for unbanning as they have a large number of people with this issue. Their in office hours are (thankfully) longer than their phone hours.
Mr Corpser
OMG im still waiting....will they ever call my number
Mr Corpser
ya it does make me feel a little better
just seems wrong that they did this
i mean most if not all of us that were banned made no mistake
just was a case of wronge place wronge time
but im hopping to play soon
just seems wrong that they did this
i mean most if not all of us that were banned made no mistake
just was a case of wronge place wronge time
but im hopping to play soon
Karma Gia
Still waiting here too. Its been 4 days. I sent them an e-mail and got a ticket and my wife called them and talked to a service rep too. Just being patient now.....
Does anyone know their business hours?
It's 6PM here, and I'm wondering if they are now closed for the day.
It's 6PM here, and I'm wondering if they are now closed for the day.
Karma Gia
From noon til 5 CST
When you call them and get through, it tells you what number you are in the queue. Not in the queue to get your account back, but in the queue to speak to a support representative on the phone.
Within one hour of calling them and politely pointing out that it had been more than 36 hours since I'd had an update on my ticket I had everything back. I suggest you all try to call them tomorrow if your accounts are not back. They are open noon to 5 p.m. Central time. (866) 367-9516
Within one hour of calling them and politely pointing out that it had been more than 36 hours since I'd had an update on my ticket I had everything back. I suggest you all try to call them tomorrow if your accounts are not back. They are open noon to 5 p.m. Central time. (866) 367-9516
So yea i also got banned after purchasing EotN and EotN skill pack....and it said code=045 Your guild wars account has been terminated for payment fraud. I understand, support it working on it. I am just worried because i have a guild hall, and want to tell my member to refrain from purchasing anything until clarification about this situation is resolved. It sucks...i do hope they are quickening their pace on fixing it!
Within one hour of calling them and politely pointing out that it had been more than 36 hours since I'd had an update on my ticket I had everything back. I suggest you all try to call them tomorrow if your accounts are not back. They are open noon to 5 p.m. Central time. (866) 367-9516
And yes, I was polite ... despite the few choice words in my mind.
I'm still waiting here for my account... I have time tomorrow, so I think I'll give them a call if I don't have my account unlocked by mid-day. I'm patient, but not being able to log on is slowly eating away at me.
You know.. the more you all pester them, the slower they are going to be in getting this straightened out for everyone. As long as you have filed a support ticket, you will get helped. Keeping them on the phone or continually posting requests for updates on your tickets, just keeps them tied up so they can't get anyone's accounts fixed. Each key on every account has to be handled, it's not just click a button and unban this account, it's unban this key, and that one and the 10 others (if you have purchased extra characters, or upgrades, each one has a separate key that has to be adjusted). This is why it takes so long.
I understand this sucks, and you did nothing wrong, and guess what... all of you are getting your newly purchased upgrades free of charge. Give them a break.
If you want to be able to see Gaile's progress reports on this go to her support talk page on Guild Wars Wiki:
I understand this sucks, and you did nothing wrong, and guess what... all of you are getting your newly purchased upgrades free of charge. Give them a break.
If you want to be able to see Gaile's progress reports on this go to her support talk page on Guild Wars Wiki:
E-mail posted about 20 minutes ago unlocking my account. Hang tight people, the light at the end of the tunnel is not an oncoming train.
Martin Kerstein
I just want to let you know that there is no need to call the support hotline if you have already issued a ticket - it will actually slow down the process.
We understand that it is a great annoyance if you wait for your account to be unblocked, and that this is causing inconvenience for you.
But please bear with us and the Support team while they work on solving the issue, they are working very hard to solve all affected cases.
As Wyn has pointed out, Gaile keeps her Wiki page up to date with the latest news, so checking please make sure to check it out:
Again, apologies for any inconvenience and hardship this is causing.
Edit: Could one of the Guru Admins maybe put the Link to the Gaile's support page into the initial post for better information as well?
We understand that it is a great annoyance if you wait for your account to be unblocked, and that this is causing inconvenience for you.
But please bear with us and the Support team while they work on solving the issue, they are working very hard to solve all affected cases.
As Wyn has pointed out, Gaile keeps her Wiki page up to date with the latest news, so checking please make sure to check it out:
Again, apologies for any inconvenience and hardship this is causing.
Edit: Could one of the Guru Admins maybe put the Link to the Gaile's support page into the initial post for better information as well?
Artemis Alexandrae
yikes, didn't realize that their phone support people are the ones who are unlocking accounts. I have guilt.
lol i was banned on monday. i paid for the game on their store with my cardit card and played for 3 hours before getting banned i got intouch with them on the phone now waiting for my turn to be unbanned
Mr Corpser
I got banned on Sat night called Mon night stiil havent heard a single thing from getting realy tierd with NCSoft..this CS is the worst ive seen...i mean not even a reply as to what has or hasnt been done with my ticket next.....can this proces be exspidited more quickly...or is everyone just ganna take theire sweet little time getting dothing done
I'm seriously glad I never ordered anything online
I do feel for the poor sods who bothered to trust. This is very sad.
I'm seriously glad I never ordered anything online
I do feel for the poor sods who bothered to trust. This is very sad.
Mr Corpser
thx i cant believe that they realy care this little for us....i mean we are a paying customer but they have dicided to slow the process in my opinion to a deathly crawl
well im still waiting is thier anyone else thats waiting also??
well im still waiting is thier anyone else thats waiting also??
yup still waiting....they said there trying to get the tickets done in 36 what a joke.
Mr Corpser
ya im 60+ hrs now
well hopfully they get everyone unbanned today sad enough when you just bought guild wars to try it out and cant even play it lol stuck playing daiblo 2 for now and that game is old no one plays it now lol
Better have it before the weekend
lol diablo 2 ftw..still have my dang account on bnet....that isn't banned though.
ya every one uses d2jsp now lol i cant stand that i suck at it lol so my freind told me to try guild wars so insteed of waiting and trying to buy it from a store i end up buying from online store and this is what i get well at lest i get a totaly free game now lol
yea, if i knew this would happen and got free addons I woulda got more o.O
My account just got unblocked. So patience is key! Thanks support guys, Gaile, Regina, Martin, and everyone for getting it sorted out. I appreciate it.
Everyone else that hasn't had their account unlocked yet: Be patient, it will happen eventually. There's worse things in life than not being able to play GW.
Everyone else that hasn't had their account unlocked yet: Be patient, it will happen eventually. There's worse things in life than not being able to play GW.
Those of you who just bought the game and got banned for it are sort of lucky. You haven't played enough to really get hooked and you end up with a completely free game. Not bad.
though seriously buying campaigns from the online store and paying full MSRP isn't normally the smartest way to go, they are significantly cheaper bought elsewhere. Like 1/3 to 1/2 the price.
though seriously buying campaigns from the online store and paying full MSRP isn't normally the smartest way to go, they are significantly cheaper bought elsewhere. Like 1/3 to 1/2 the price.
yay got unbanned
Chelsea Delgado
Makes me not ever want to purchase anything online.
Ever. lol
Ever. lol
Artemis Alexandrae
I am back up and running and fyi I put through a ticket the evening of Sunday 11/1
lol now i need to wait for my turn to be unbanned lol
Mr Corpser
lol same here but my ticket was filled on monday
ya i did ming on tuesday at 2 pm so hoping i get lucky and done by today or friday. hate waiting for stuff lol
Just got my account unbanned, also put my ticket through Sunday evening. I'm up a free storage pane, but this whole situation just left a bad taste in my mouth. The storage pane I bought was the first thing I ever got from the store, but I think I'm going to refrain from in-store purchases from here on in.
Good luck to everyone else, I hope your accounts get unbanned soon. =]
Good luck to everyone else, I hope your accounts get unbanned soon. =]
Mr Corpser
Just got my money credited back to me....still waiting to get my account back though