Linking Trade window between posts/towns
I was wondering if this would be a good trade alternative since we never see any news regarding the xunlai house being added. I know we already have one channel per town, but if we had another tab that allows us to post across all 3 campaigns + EOTN, or an additional part to the current one for worldwide trade, it would allow EVERYONE to know what it is you have to offer as opposed to the requirement of being with you in the same area.
Lord Of Blame
Sounds like another reason for me to keep the trade chat disabled.
Icy The Mage
Suggested before, use search or look at the bottom of this page.
go cubs
This would create tons of trade items...take years to scroll all that...good idea but i want something where there are an ingame guru auction xD
Eragon Zarroc
just consolidate all trade into one town, KAMADAN =D
Zzes Tyan
oh god no... i cant even read to the bottom of Kamadan before i get distracted
Antares Ascending
Whew, I can't imagine what that would look like. Talking major high speed scrolling spam. Nice idea but impractical
I could see how that would work. Have sections for weapon types followed by specific items, etc. Plus make each collapsible for easier viewing and include keyword search.
s t e e
Spamadam*4 is not good.

Marty Silverblade
/notsigned for a few reasons.
First - A global trade chat channel would create massive lag.
Second - Serious trading is done in Kamadan, and is fine like that.
Third - Different places trade differently. For example, Ascalon City tends to have lower end items, and Droks tends to have more armor related stuff, and #2 for Kamadan.
Fourth - It would be really really impractical.
First - A global trade chat channel would create massive lag.
Second - Serious trading is done in Kamadan, and is fine like that.
Third - Different places trade differently. For example, Ascalon City tends to have lower end items, and Droks tends to have more armor related stuff, and #2 for Kamadan.
Fourth - It would be really really impractical.
/notsigned for this suggestion, because of the outrageous spam and lag, but IMO Guild Wars could stand to have some sort of universal trading center.
if it was a addition to the P command window right next to whisper then GOGOGOGOGO
save me the time finding these people and changing districts (but keep it to one town)
save me the time finding these people and changing districts (but keep it to one town)