How rich are YOU
Just bored and thought posting something. So the thread topic is How rich are YOU. How many Ectos/Zkeys/Gold/Ambraces etc. Do you have? Just wanting to get the general idea.
Not at all. Please message me in-game to give me donations.
The Air Revenger
ohh a cool show off thread, i have 50 stacks of armbraces

Kerwyn Nasilan
My Epeen is bigger than yours, and the real deal is also bigger.
400k in storage + 6 armbraces. However have lots of material things on my characters. Two sets of obsidian armor, rare minis, 3 everlasting tonics, over 15 sets of elite armor, crystalline sword, tormented shield, 2 voltiac spears, celestial compass, and some more
Cale Roughstar
Well, when my investments in the Caymans finally pay off, coupled with the swiss accounts, the ranch, the beach house in Jamaica, a 40% stake in General Electric, the revenues of Steven Spielberg's newest movie and Jessica Alba's soul... I think it all ads up to about 10k and an unded burning titan.
Lord Of Blame
I do not classify my riches in terms of material things. Ectos/Zkeys/Gold/Ambraces etc.
So what I'm trying to say is that I'm broke.
So what I'm trying to say is that I'm broke.
oooh this could be an ANET sting to find some more of those duped armbraces, cmon lets see the epeen weenies!!
Magic Wut Huh Asdf
Who cares?
laurana half elf

I win?
checked my storage i only have 1337 ectos and 1336 gold....yup you can donate now
IGN:... . ...
IGN:... . ...
Dark Saviour
Not at all... I've got like... 2 plat right now, maybe.
Nowhere near getting an armbrace or anything of that nature...
Also have 19 ectos I hoarded back in 2ØØ5 as well, but I'm saving those for the off-chance that I ever get enough cash that I can justify buying Obsidian armor, so I don't count then as "money" per se...
Unfortunately, everything I want in the game is expensive though, but its not worth raising a new character up just to farm to me... :-/
Nowhere near getting an armbrace or anything of that nature...
Also have 19 ectos I hoarded back in 2ØØ5 as well, but I'm saving those for the off-chance that I ever get enough cash that I can justify buying Obsidian armor, so I don't count then as "money" per se...
Unfortunately, everything I want in the game is expensive though, but its not worth raising a new character up just to farm to me... :-/
Icy The Mage
About 300k spread across all my characters and in storage, about 4 armbraces, a stack and a bit of ectos, a couple hundred zkeys and a few minis :P
i own anet, therefore i am richer than all of you. period
get ready for the flame
get ready for the flame

Shayne Hawke
You should consider dedicating that, laurana.
Qing Guang
I guess I'm middle-class? Got only about 50k in the bank, and I can't spend that 'cause I need it to pay Espadon for my commish. Only got like 5 ectos, too.
I do have about 400k invested in armor across my various characters (dang, didn't realize it was that much! this is only counting the base cost + mats of my elite armors, too, not including dyes/runes/insigs or any nonelite armors!) but ofc that can't be spent. At least it makes me look rich, though.
I do have about 400k invested in armor across my various characters (dang, didn't realize it was that much! this is only counting the base cost + mats of my elite armors, too, not including dyes/runes/insigs or any nonelite armors!) but ofc that can't be spent. At least it makes me look rich, though.

All my cash is spent in stuff. Gold in the chest is useless, it is better to give it some use.
If they ever add a title for getting all skills, not just elites, I won't have to make anything else to get it.
If they ever add a title for getting all skills, not just elites, I won't have to make anything else to get it.
A few million, couple hundred zkeys, with like 300-400 zkeys coming in each month. As far as rare items go well over 10 mill. Once you get how gw works it's easy to make money.
Empress Amarox
Ehm.. Nothing to brag about.
1000k 16e, el unseen.
Kinda broke at the moment. Bought an eternal blade, eternal shield, voltaic spear, & crystalline this month.
Have 10 FoW sets or so... Monk, Monk, Warrior, Ranger, Ele, Mesmer, Mesmer, Nec.. ehm.. I don't remember.. Maybe just those 8 now that I've deleted stuffs...
I should probably sell the el unseen... dunno what I'm gonna buy next month, if anything.. maybe nothing, maybe something, I dunno. I was thinking a random pair of chaos gloves, but I like my obsidian gloves more, so poo. T.T
Maybe I'll just horde for awhile till heavy equipment packs go down to a reasonable price.
Edit: oh... 15k armors.. yeah, I have like hummz.. most chars have about 3-8 sets, some can't even hold them.. I have an armor mule, it's cute. That's like.. 8.. 8.. 3.. 3.. 5.. 3.. 6.. 8.. 5.. something like that, random guesses, iono.. Probably somewhere like 40-60 15k armor sets, that's like wha..? 12,000k-ish? I dunno, less? more? /bad at math
I don't really think the 15k armors are so brag worthy though, I guess? I dunno. I just like my chars to look pretty, so they do. Maybe they are... I think I've blew more on weapons and obsidian sets, wait.. I know I've spent more on obsidian sets... duh! T.T
mm yeah, that's pretty much it I think? Not sure. I don't know that armors count since you pretty much can't sell them, but I guess it's projected property since you paid for it at some point, so it means that you had money or whatever..
1000k 16e, el unseen.
Kinda broke at the moment. Bought an eternal blade, eternal shield, voltaic spear, & crystalline this month.
Have 10 FoW sets or so... Monk, Monk, Warrior, Ranger, Ele, Mesmer, Mesmer, Nec.. ehm.. I don't remember.. Maybe just those 8 now that I've deleted stuffs...
I should probably sell the el unseen... dunno what I'm gonna buy next month, if anything.. maybe nothing, maybe something, I dunno. I was thinking a random pair of chaos gloves, but I like my obsidian gloves more, so poo. T.T
Maybe I'll just horde for awhile till heavy equipment packs go down to a reasonable price.
Edit: oh... 15k armors.. yeah, I have like hummz.. most chars have about 3-8 sets, some can't even hold them.. I have an armor mule, it's cute. That's like.. 8.. 8.. 3.. 3.. 5.. 3.. 6.. 8.. 5.. something like that, random guesses, iono.. Probably somewhere like 40-60 15k armor sets, that's like wha..? 12,000k-ish? I dunno, less? more? /bad at math
I don't really think the 15k armors are so brag worthy though, I guess? I dunno. I just like my chars to look pretty, so they do. Maybe they are... I think I've blew more on weapons and obsidian sets, wait.. I know I've spent more on obsidian sets... duh! T.T
mm yeah, that's pretty much it I think? Not sure. I don't know that armors count since you pretty much can't sell them, but I guess it's projected property since you paid for it at some point, so it means that you had money or whatever..
13 kanaxai, should i go change my pass to protect it from the potential hackers here? :P
J/k ofc
J/k ofc

If I were to value everything that I currently own across my account, I would have around 12 stacks of ectos worth of everything using current day economy prices.
I have an Eternal E-Peen of Awesomeness. Nobody else has it. I'm that rich.
Erm, net worth with elite armors and rare weaps included? Sheesh, I dunno. I have one set of every single elite armor in the game, multiples of a few, about 400k in inventory, and some weapons worth selling for a small amount.
Pretty modest here, I've got some luxury items but I'm not lavish.
Pretty modest here, I've got some luxury items but I'm not lavish.
Jugalo Dano
I like Ham. Ham tastes good.
When I logged out I had 92k in storage. Never bothered to get into the ecto trade cause I think obsidian is ugly. Most of my money goes into my almost finished drunkard title, but I'm by no means wealthy. Whenever i get a bit over 100k I always end up splurging on useless junk like destroyer weapons to fill the hall, and then just salvage em cause they are ugly too.
When I logged out I had 92k in storage. Never bothered to get into the ecto trade cause I think obsidian is ugly. Most of my money goes into my almost finished drunkard title, but I'm by no means wealthy. Whenever i get a bit over 100k I always end up splurging on useless junk like destroyer weapons to fill the hall, and then just salvage em cause they are ugly too.
The real rich people won't bother show off here, they don't see whatever you see as riches as riches, since they got loads of them, thus the value drops.
In other words: don't bother look in here, there is no point
In other words: don't bother look in here, there is no point
Fril Estelin
Chicken Ftw

Even amazon is trolling now?
Whatever you have +1.
i have about 440k gold at the moment and rising, stacks of rare crafting and common mats. many zodiacs, celestials, and a draconic aegis, 11 elite armor sets, about a couple thousand mins of booze sittin around, 4 kegs of aged hunters ale... I have about 33 mini pets across all kinds of rarities. As for the rare ones, some I have include a djinn, a gray giant, a ceratodon, a destroyer, a prince rurik, varesh, shiro, white rabbit, black moa chick, celestial ox, etc. I'm not that rich compared to some.
I have a stack of stacks of unded q7 max damage gold insc ectos. In layman's terms, it means I'm pretty poor.
Empress Amarox
I have a stack of ecto in real life.
Beat that.
Beat that.
Unbelievably stupid thread.