Guild Wars 2 Release Date: August 31, 2009!!!
I know that ANet has not officially announced a release date for Guild Wars 2... (see their site here)...
Look what I found on the website today:
Guild Wars 2 PreOrder ($46.99): Release Date - August 31, 2009
Does NewEgg know something we don't?
Look what I found on the website today:
Guild Wars 2 PreOrder ($46.99): Release Date - August 31, 2009
Does NewEgg know something we don't?
Boy, this was probably the most deceiving thread title vs. content I've seen regarding GW2 in... ever.
I won't be penning my calendar until an official release from ANet. If we get it soon and it coincides, great. Until then...
I won't be penning my calendar until an official release from ANet. If we get it soon and it coincides, great. Until then...
Sorry for jumping the gun...I just found this thread about similar news on
Amazon says the date is December 31, 2010... 8-1
Shame on me...
Amazon says the date is December 31, 2010... 8-1
Shame on me...
I know that ANet has not officially announced a release date for Guild Wars 2...
We're all going to be sick and tired of "OMG, retailer X has pulled release date Y out of their backside!" threads by the time an actual release date comes around. There was already a thread on the newegg date as well. They're all meaningless guesses.
Copenhagen Master
Nothing is offical until ANET says so. Those sites are just for reservations for the game in which you will pay but then when release date comes BAM!!!"sorry date has been pushed back" All it saying you pay for this you have your copy reserved when it comes in.
Brett Kuntz
How could they release a game in August if they didn't even start working on it until a year ago? Online games take 3-5 years to create, not 1.
They announced it in early 2007, so they've been working on it for at least two years, and possibly for some time before the announcement was made.
Empress Amarox
Wow... Thanks for exciting me for a brief second only to follow with being kicked in the face by your pure stupidity...
Hanging Man
do not trust a source that isn't the creator or developer of the game
obviously if Anet doesn't say it then it shouldn't be true
obviously if Anet doesn't say it then it shouldn't be true

I pwnd U
/sigh, good thing I figured it was something like this before I actually opened the thread...
Crunk N Monkey
yea both online retailers and actual game store have been making up their own release dates, but like everyone has said, i wont believe it till i hear it from Anet.
close this thread
close this thread
For an ever-so-slight part of a second, I believed it. How disappointing.
Lots of retailers put up guesses on release dates. It's nothing special or correct. Closed.