Where to hunt for a req 7 Command shield?
I am trying to find a 15 AL req 7 Command shield. I do not know where to hunt for these. Any suggestions on areas and/or foes to hunt?
Slavers Exile, Cathedral of Flames are the two that I know of. I got mine spamming in Kamadan, picked one up for 10k about 5-6 months ago, just as a pricing guide if you decide to buy one.
Good luck, they're a PitA to acquire!
Good luck, they're a PitA to acquire!
ive gotten a few raptor farming so u might want to try there
I've had three drop for me, two of them were in the Cathedral of Flames HM. Don't remember the other.
I got one from a cof run too. I'm pretty sure raptors wouldn't drop a command shield.
Seraphim Angel
I have gotten serveral in the desolation area in NF. Usually blue aurate ageis skin but req7 15 ar command and motivation. It didnt matter if it was HM or NM either. Good Luck!
sarra june
I just got one on the SS/LB farm outside remains of sahlaja, and it's skull shield skin. I'll sell it to you too if you want ^_~ but pc's i got were 35-40k, not 10k O_o
Just curious, wouldn't you want a req8/16 or req6/14? What sort of attribute spread would benefit from dropping command from 8->7, over 8->6? Using all 4 (spear/com/mot/lead)?
sarra june
Some people want Q7 for when they're weakened since it is -1 to attributes, but idk about this person