Soul Bind Description: For 30 seconds, every time target foe is healed, the healer takes 20...68 damage. This hex ends if target is suffering from a Smiting Prayers hex.
Aura of Restoration Description: For 60 seconds, you gain 0...1 energy and are healed for 200...440% of the Energy cost each time you cast a Spell
Howcome you dont take dmg from soul bind if you have AoR on and spam skills? Did i miss something or is it a bug? Or did they make it that way intentionally to keep it from being OP?
Soul Bind and AoR?
I suspect that Aura of Restoration is actually set up for Health Gain and not Healing, despite the description.
Obviously if it was healing, Soul Bind and Scourge Healing would massacre any elementalist.
Anyone know if LC or Deep Wound affect the health gain from AoR?
Obviously if it was healing, Soul Bind and Scourge Healing would massacre any elementalist.
Anyone know if LC or Deep Wound affect the health gain from AoR?
I think the elementalist is "healed" but not by someone.
The elementalist is healed by the skill <-
The elementalist is healed by WoH from a monk <-
I think these might be two sepperate things.
The elementalist is healed by the skill <-
The elementalist is healed by WoH from a monk <-
I think these might be two sepperate things.
health gained and healing are 2 seperate things, aor probabaly just needs to be reworded
Would be nice against this
Antares Ascending
No damage results from a benefit recieved from an enchantment. The Ele er didn't cast a healing spell, he/she simply placed an Enchantment on themselves
No damage results from a benefit recieved from an enchantment. The Ele er didn't cast a healing spell, he/she simply placed an Enchantment on themselves
undead living
imo i think its cuz AoR out heals soulbind. depending on spell used.
No damage results from a benefit recieved from an enchantment. The Ele er didn't cast a healing spell, he/she simply placed an Enchantment on themselves |
I think we can just say that Aura of Restoration is health gain, not healing and that the skill description needs rewording.