if you could be anything except an adventurer...
Cursed One
I would join the White Mantel and slowly move up the ranks until I can convince Confessor Dorian to send the entire army to burn down the Maguuma jungel ( or at least a path to the blood stone), which then would actually be fortified. Also I would have the groups of 'chosen' be sent with large convoyes of troops.
Or I would just live on the beach in Istan, and be the moneylaunderer for the corsair captains, and fish the rest of the day
Or I would just live on the beach in Istan, and be the moneylaunderer for the corsair captains, and fish the rest of the day
Base defender.
"You have died 0 times."
"You have died 0 times."
Konig Des Todes
I think it should be stated that this thread means professions/occupations, not race/species or if you could be a NPC.
Druid in the maguuma jungle, or a bar owner in LA
I'd be a dwarven demolitionist, to make things blow up.
An killer lunatic ala Kilroy or mister explosion ala Budger.
Cant decide if blowing stuff up is better then choping heads.
Cant decide if blowing stuff up is better then choping heads.
Some form of a Bounty Hunter, tracking down and killing the remnants of such cults as the white mantle who have plagued Tyria for far to long.
Get turned into a Margonite, but friendly like the Lost or Apostate.
Neo Atomisk
I don't see why you guys would want to be anything related to combat.
(I Assume) You've saved the world 4 times, I'd personally retire like the Master Of Whispers.
Although Base Defender... hehehe...
Wait nvm I know how to slip by those ;D
(I Assume) You've saved the world 4 times, I'd personally retire like the Master Of Whispers.
Although Base Defender... hehehe...
Wait nvm I know how to slip by those ;D
Thalador Doomspeaker
Guild Leader of the Lucky Horseshoe gambling guild. So I could lay my hands on large sums of money from the losers' debts. :P
I would lead the Sunspears after Kormir leaves! I should have that power... *stabs Kormir before she can steal Abbadon's power* >

Lord Skorm
Id join the Canthan Military under the Ministry of Flame so i cna protect the streets of Kaineng , valleys, streams and Monastry of Shing Jea in the name of the Great Emperor. Because we all know cantha is the mightiest empire in guild wars and if QUOTE that means they are one of the Greatest forces on tyria
Edit: I would.. Be a battle instructor. Seems like fun.
Wait, does henchman count?
I'd be a henchman

However, each province has its own standing military as well. The Sunspears are more akin to special forces than a conventional military - an elite group that deals with emergencies rather than being responsible for day-to-day security.
Be the owner of a chain of a-list clubs all over tyria
general shaun
I'd be nicholas the traveler, instead of giving gifts in exchange for trophies etc. I would sell the items inside the gifts and be rich!
I'd probably be a teacher in Cavalon or help restore the Nolani Academy. That or I'd be a tenant at the Zaishen Menagerie.
Kurzick Base Defender.
A Kurzick or Istani architect.
Actually, an architect anywhere would do, but Kurzick and Istani architects actually appear in the game.
An architect for the Ministry of Earth would be... fun...
Actually, an architect anywhere would do, but Kurzick and Istani architects actually appear in the game.
An architect for the Ministry of Earth would be... fun...

Hyozanryu Sanada
I wanna be someone who will be remembered, be it tragedy or epicness.
And that would be Prince Rurik, plus you get to lop off his head. Its Rurik that made fiery dragon swords look cool in the first place, and its he who made Prophecies epic.
And that would be Prince Rurik, plus you get to lop off his head. Its Rurik that made fiery dragon swords look cool in the first place, and its he who made Prophecies epic.