Zaishen coins for stylist credits?
Making as poll here, don't close if topic was already discussed.
An in-game way of obtaining makeover credits would be the biggest possible push towards playing certain content.
While more storage is good - I've just yesterday discovered a different way of dealing with the crap I have.
I trash stuff.
So /sweet baby Jesus singed!
While more storage is good - I've just yesterday discovered a different way of dealing with the crap I have.
I trash stuff.
So /sweet baby Jesus singed!
Kerwyn Nasilan
It sadly will not happen and if it does it will be so expensive coin wise that it would most likely be easier to go make $10 and then buy a make over credit.
but /signed at a reasonable price.
but /signed at a reasonable price.
Icy The Mage
/Signed for a reasonable value
I'd much rather have a makeover on some of my characters than this stupid heavy-equipment pack, but if it's something obscene like 100 gold coins then whatever...
I'd much rather have a makeover on some of my characters than this stupid heavy-equipment pack, but if it's something obscene like 100 gold coins then whatever...
Neo Atomisk
/notsigned, we already ask a-net for so much, and you still want to eat away at their funds?
Eragon Zarroc
if u don't like how ur character looks, pay to have it look different. otherwise, deal with the way it looks because u are the one that made it look that way in the first place.
alluring athena
The choice to either pay $10
trade X Gold coins
easily implemented
trade X Gold coins
easily implemented
lol @ people saying no with no real reason.
lol @ people saying no with no real reason.
but in the interest of ANET still being able to make money, have the option to buy makeover with gold coins, somewhere around 20-25 gold coins for makeover.
that way people are still tempted to just pay the 10 bucks, but have the option to get it "for free".
but in the interest of ANET still being able to make money, have the option to buy makeover with gold coins, somewhere around 20-25 gold coins for makeover.
that way people are still tempted to just pay the 10 bucks, but have the option to get it "for free".
I'd like a second way to obtain a makeover yes. But also i don't mind anet reaping in money for other projects.
If they'd give a few screenshots or something to show where all this money, time and effort is going. Then id be content with just paying.
If they'd give a few screenshots or something to show where all this money, time and effort is going. Then id be content with just paying.
/ Signed For Zcoins 
Think It Would Be A Good Idea For Those Players With A Lack Of RL Funds....
But Then Anet Could / Should Go The Route Of Lettin Us Pay4 Stylist With In-Game Gold Or Maybe Even A Series Of Elite Content Missions!

Think It Would Be A Good Idea For Those Players With A Lack Of RL Funds....
But Then Anet Could / Should Go The Route Of Lettin Us Pay4 Stylist With In-Game Gold Or Maybe Even A Series Of Elite Content Missions!
yeah, make it happen for like 150 gold zcoins
LOL at people saying "yes" with no thought of how Anet will make money.
I propose letting people BUY zcoins with real money, and then expanding zcoins to purchase menagerie unlocks and stylist unlocks.
That way Anet will still get money (I will spend REAL money for Large Equipment pack), but there will still be a way to get stuff WITHOUT spending real money as well.
Win win.
I propose letting people BUY zcoins with real money, and then expanding zcoins to purchase menagerie unlocks and stylist unlocks.
That way Anet will still get money (I will spend REAL money for Large Equipment pack), but there will still be a way to get stuff WITHOUT spending real money as well.
Win win.
master of puppets
/signed sounds like good idea for ppl who dont wanna spend rl cash for in- game stuff
All though I do find this a great idea, I still have to vote no. People already spend money on their makeover packages. It wouldn't be fair if other people would get them for free*.
*Free meaning you don't need real life money.
*Free meaning you don't need real life money.
All though I do find this a great idea, I still have to vote no. People already spend money on their makeover packages. It wouldn't be fair if other people would get them for free*.
*Free meaning you don't need real life money. |
Also - there is no reason to remove it from the store.
Add a makeover option for some 20 gold coins. Given the price - I can see a lot of people just paying for it, instead of farming their asses off.
but for a large amount so that having to buy is still a viable option.
also for Name changes!
everyone says anets needs to make money, they make TONS of money, do you realize how many people play gw? and bought all campaigns, bmp, char slots, pvp packs, etc etc etc, not too mention all of the other games anet makes. they have money. i understand it costs money to maintain, but the prices of these are pretty high, name change 15$?... 5$ max should be the price. i've personally spent over 300$ in the game, as i have more than one account, which lots of people have multiple or alternate accounts, AND i've bought a name change and make over already. The money is not a problem, but zdailies are getting old quick, can only have so many heavy packs.......fireworks, and leet tomes? nothanx.
but for a large amount so that having to buy is still a viable option.
also for Name changes!
everyone says anets needs to make money, they make TONS of money, do you realize how many people play gw? and bought all campaigns, bmp, char slots, pvp packs, etc etc etc, not too mention all of the other games anet makes. they have money. i understand it costs money to maintain, but the prices of these are pretty high, name change 15$?... 5$ max should be the price. i've personally spent over 300$ in the game, as i have more than one account, which lots of people have multiple or alternate accounts, AND i've bought a name change and make over already. The money is not a problem, but zdailies are getting old quick, can only have so many heavy packs.......fireworks, and leet tomes? nothanx.
is this even realistic? the makeover credits are linked to your account, not to a character. they are not inventory items. that makes me think that it would be impossible to trade coins for them, but i do not know how easily implemented this would be in a computer programming sense.
Antares Ascending
I love 'polls' like this....its called a push poll. Make the second choise something like NO..ANet/GW needs to be profitable to continue. No profit = no GW. We have already gotten more than the initial purchase promised.
Not signed!
I love 'polls' like this....its called a push poll. Make the second choise something like NO..ANet/GW needs to be profitable to continue. No profit = no GW. We have already gotten more than the initial purchase promised.
Not signed!
Do we really want anet to establish equivalence between cash and grind? That's called skill unlock pa... I mean, RMT.
king swift
Anet is raping us with this micro charges
Anet is raping us with this micro charges
Makeovers should have costed ingame gold - an awesome gold sink, but ZCoins would be perfectly fine aswell.
If a makeover costed like 5 gold coins and extreme 20 or 25 gold coins then people wouldn't stop paying $$$ for them if they aleady did pay for something like that.
/signed, more options is good here. Even if it was a limited offer of 1 per account or something.
If a makeover costed like 5 gold coins and extreme 20 or 25 gold coins then people wouldn't stop paying $$$ for them if they aleady did pay for something like that.
/signed, more options is good here. Even if it was a limited offer of 1 per account or something.
Yes please. I can't even buy stuff from the NCstore / in-game store.
Biased poll is biased
/Request poll change
/notsigned due to people already buying them.
/laughs at it never happening even with over 9000 votes for yes
/Request poll change
/notsigned due to people already buying them.
/laughs at it never happening even with over 9000 votes for yes
Baden Mac Corvin
You people need to notice that arena net is in the gaming industry to make money like every other type of business. Like what was said by many of the developers on the live team this is something that takes some doing to accomplish. We have been given more than our original investment and arena net needs to make money to fuel their other projects and keep guild wars alive. so in other words for those of you who whine and complain to make it clear /not signed
btw, the ingame option to do makeovers is called buy new armor.
You people need to notice that arena net is in the gaming industry to make money like every other type of business. Like what was said by many of the developers on the live team this is something that takes some doing to accomplish. We have been given more than our original investment and arena net needs to make money to fuel their other projects and keep guild wars alive. so in other words for those of you who whine and complain to make it clear /not signed
So you are telling me you'd rather pay for something you didn't have to?
Makeovers are a luxury and should be treated as such. Name changes could be a way out of getting banned, but other then that, also a luxury.
Micro transactions are a good thing.
Bob Slydell
/notsigned, we already ask a-net for so much, and you still want to eat away at their funds?
Time Taken to add Consice Skill Descrptions on all of the 1319 skills (not to mention for all supported languages PLUS the bork bork bork language) in the game > Time taken Adding char makeover system.
-I only brought that up because im still shocked from the day that happened. lulz.
I signed for the lulz as its such an easily added implementation theres already MMO's that let you buy char makeovers for cheap in-game gold.
Heres one crazy thing to off balance the cost though, your gonna love this....
Implement Z Coins for makeover while you can now buy Z-Coins for real life money on the in-game store. LOL
The price would have to bee incredibly high to make sure people still consider paying as an option. Smething in the lines of... 100 Gold.
definitely /not signed. do you even remember the crap that came up over the BMP? Something people had to purchase stuff in the ingame store to acquire during a limited time, only for it to be purchasable at a cheaper price at a later date? That was a big arguement between 2 lots of customers who PAY for additional optional content.
Now consider this. Customers who pay for OPTIONAL/LUXURY privelidges will continue to pay for things they want, like name changes and makeovers. Yes, the customers who generate the most revenue for Anet. If they go and make something like this free ingame after the customers who generate the most revenue have paid for it then they're just pissing off those customers.
so, Anets options:
1. don't make it available without real money transactions thereby maximising profit and keeping the paying customers happy. Also generating more revenue for them now, and in the future.
2. make it availabe ingame without any real money payments to stop freeloaders moaning on guru, pissing off the paying customers who have already paid and losing a lot of revenue for themselevs now, and in the future. Also ensuring that no-one buys anything from the ingame store again as they'll be expecting that to be free ingame at a later date too.
...and don't start with the pointless arguement that you've paid for the game to start with and are a paying customer for that reason. You paid for the content available in the game at the time. You haven't paid for luxuries like name changes and makeovers.
Now consider this. Customers who pay for OPTIONAL/LUXURY privelidges will continue to pay for things they want, like name changes and makeovers. Yes, the customers who generate the most revenue for Anet. If they go and make something like this free ingame after the customers who generate the most revenue have paid for it then they're just pissing off those customers.
so, Anets options:
1. don't make it available without real money transactions thereby maximising profit and keeping the paying customers happy. Also generating more revenue for them now, and in the future.
2. make it availabe ingame without any real money payments to stop freeloaders moaning on guru, pissing off the paying customers who have already paid and losing a lot of revenue for themselevs now, and in the future. Also ensuring that no-one buys anything from the ingame store again as they'll be expecting that to be free ingame at a later date too.
...and don't start with the pointless arguement that you've paid for the game to start with and are a paying customer for that reason. You paid for the content available in the game at the time. You haven't paid for luxuries like name changes and makeovers.
What a lovely poll... The first option makes the implication that the current method of getting makeovers is unfair. NEWS FLASH: Leaving aside the monetary exchange rates for different RL currencies (whole other can of worms) used by GW player, the method of getting makeovers is fair. In the U.S., for example - it costs the same for Don't have $10 (or whatever it is)? Go earn it!
The second option insults anyone who would consider opposing the suggestion of the OP.
The bottom line is that it's a very biased poll. It's also very hypocritical -OP seeks what he/she calls "fairness" by using an unfair poll? PFFT!
/not signed.
The second option insults anyone who would consider opposing the suggestion of the OP.
The bottom line is that it's a very biased poll. It's also very hypocritical -OP seeks what he/she calls "fairness" by using an unfair poll? PFFT!
/not signed.
What you think running Game servers is free ? There is not a new Expansion Coming to sell for a while anet needs the money to keep the lights on.
I signed for the lulz as its such an easily added implementation theres already MMO's that let you buy char makeovers for cheap in-game gold. |
And are those MMOs free to play?
Hey, doesn't WoW charge for their makeovers AND charge a monthly fee to boot?
Heres one crazy thing to off balance the cost though, your gonna love this....
Implement Z Coins for makeover while you can now buy Z-Coins for real life money on the in-game store. LOL |
I want to BUY a Large Equipment pack, and Anet wants my money. Win-win.
Fair Poll-.-
Imo it's void, with your choice of words it is obviously partial to option 1.
they should reconsider the prices of the name change and toon change. but bring an in game way aswell? nope one or the other as it's already in the store.
Yeah but then we really are moving into item shop territory.
I'd say a nice number of players would leave straight out if that happened.
Imo it's void, with your choice of words it is obviously partial to option 1.
they should reconsider the prices of the name change and toon change. but bring an in game way aswell? nope one or the other as it's already in the store.
Originally Posted by Mordakai
I want to BUY a Large Equipment pack, and Anet wants my money. Win-win.
I'd say a nice number of players would leave straight out if that happened.
No, he's saying we already got so much that we SHOULD have paid for and didn't.
Makeovers are a luxury and should be treated as such. Name changes could be a way out of getting banned, but other then that, also a luxury. Micro transactions are a good thing. |
That is why I support this idea, despite not really caring that they charge real money for it. Plus, I wouldn't mind changing a few of my guys. And I know I won't be paying for it.
What a lovely poll... The first option makes the implication that the current method of getting makeovers is unfair. NEWS FLASH: Leaving aside the monetary exchange rates for different RL currencies (whole other can of worms) used by GW player, the method of getting makeovers is fair. In the U.S., for example - it costs the same for Don't have $10 (or whatever it is)? Go earn it!
The second option insults anyone who would consider opposing the suggestion of the OP. The bottom line is that it's a very biased poll. It's also very hypocritical -OP seeks what he/she calls "fairness" by using an unfair poll? PFFT! /not signed. |
Phoenix Tears
had really pissed me off, that the stylist is so, like it is at the moment with these heavyreal money costs...
there needs to be an alternative way for all thoses players, which simple dont want or better said CAN'T pay the stylist with real money, like for example preteen kids in most of all cases, which makes the whole feature unfair and not well thought out.
With a Zaishen Coint Solution, the problem would be perfectly solved.
Say an amount of xx Gold Coins for a Gender Change and xx Silver Goins for Face/Hair Style Changes as like for Heigth Chances of the Character.
For example 25 Gold Coins for a gender change
25 Silver Coins for face/hair style/hegth changes or instead 2 Gold Cons and 5 Silver
should be imo a fair price...players which want the feature for free would have to work for it ingame, while players who want it have quick have to pay for it !!
had really pissed me off, that the stylist is so, like it is at the moment with these heavyreal money costs...
there needs to be an alternative way for all thoses players, which simple dont want or better said CAN'T pay the stylist with real money, like for example preteen kids in most of all cases, which makes the whole feature unfair and not well thought out.
With a Zaishen Coint Solution, the problem would be perfectly solved.
Say an amount of xx Gold Coins for a Gender Change and xx Silver Goins for Face/Hair Style Changes as like for Heigth Chances of the Character.
For example 25 Gold Coins for a gender change
25 Silver Coins for face/hair style/hegth changes or instead 2 Gold Cons and 5 Silver
should be imo a fair price...players which want the feature for free would have to work for it ingame, while players who want it have quick have to pay for it !!
Xyon the Greatest
money is different from imaginary game items.
Zcoins sounds pretty fair so long as you get the numbers right. I'm thinking a few silver for a basic change and gold for a gender or name change.