Sketch Contest (Mortbane 1079 AE Part 2)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2007

Stephenville, TX


Part 2: Sketch Contest

Welcome, Artist! Have you been keeping up with the short stories? If not, don't worry, all the stories can be found here. The ones to pay special attention to are the Top 3 stories:

"The Raven's Egg" by Aquabeard
"Reflection" by Peter Gallant
"Epilogue" by Tzu

Your task, should you choose to accept, is to select a scene from one of these stories to illustrate (sketch or line art only). Top 3 sketches will advance to Part 3, to be colorized by you or other participants who wish to test their skills. Top artists have a chance to receive bonus rewards from the following round. Plus, one talented artist could be part of the team to receive a special award once the contest is finished. More details on that are posted in the Q&A page on the site.

Prizes: (that's what you really want to know, right?)
1st Place: 100k & can be used in Part 3!
2nd Place: 75k & can be used in Part 3!
3rd Place: 50k & can be used in Part 3!
4th Place: 25k
5th Place: 10k

Top 3 and runners-up (4th and 5th place, and 5 honorable mentions) will also get 10 vault points, to use on an assortment of items from the prize vault!

Rules:Please submit an entry only if you agree to allow other artists to colorize your sketch for Part 3.
  • Sketch a scene from one of the Top 3 stories. A single instance OR a small mural of the overall plot are acceptable. You may submit multiple sketches, but only a single sketch will be eligible to place. Pen, pencil or other physical media are just as acceptable as digital work, just scan it in. If you don't have a scanner, you may photograph your work, but please make the necessary contrast adjustments before sending it in. Acceptable formats: JPEG, PNG, or PSD. Resolution is up to you, but the minimum size is 600x600 pixels. You may request additional screenshots (I will work to get some screenshots of any other characters involved in the stories). Images can be found on the Bio page. Don't forget the wiki is a great resource for reference pictures. As with the story contest, please keep details PG-13. These will be posted to the public and kids love to color. *blushes at naked Grim in the Mists*

    Deadline and Submission:

    Sketches are due Monday, July 6, 2009 11:59PM GMT (extensions may be granted under extreme conditions only, but the final results will be announced the following Friday)

    Include your in-game name (this will not be posted unless requested), preferred name (which will be used to identify your entry publicly), and the title of the story you are illustrating.

    To submit a picture, be sure it is the proper size and file type. If you would like to post it to the forums, you may do so by uploading it to your Imageshack or Photobucket account and posting a thumbnail link. You may also post it to your DeviantArt gallery, just remember to send me a link and your info. If you would like to send it to me directly, you may request my email address or find it on the
    wordpress blog

    If you have any questions about Part 2 that aren't covered here, just ask.
  • Konig Des Todes

    Konig Des Todes

    Ooo, pretty flower

    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Citadel of the Decayed

    The Archivists' Sanctum [Lore]


    Due the day after the Dragon Festival finale? I'll try to get a sketch in. Though I doubt it.

    And Q_Q my story isn't of the Top 3 stories. Q_Q



    Wilds Pathfinder

    Join Date: Mar 2006



    Hmmm... I'd like to enter, but I'm a bit busy... I'll let the other artists have fun with the sketches I guess

    Maybe I'll return for the coloring



    Krytan Explorer

    Join Date: Feb 2007

    Stephenville, TX


    KDT: I couldn't really help that date, I wanted to allow equal time for each part of the contest while still fitting it into the summer months. Much the same that the deadline landed on the same day as the RAFMB this time.

    Daniel: Hey now! *scold*

    Blue: Life happens, but I do hope that you are able to join us for the coloring contest next month.

    Tzu: thank you for posting the reference pictures. The Mists will probably require some creativity (especially in a sketch contest since there wouldn't be alot of definition to outline), but the wiki has pictures of Nick, the gods/goddesses and Grim's mother Lohiz. Roan might also take some creativity, as we haven't really seen young charr yet.



    Krytan Explorer

    Join Date: Feb 2007

    Stephenville, TX


    Used some imagination on this one. "What would your character look like as a child?" Well, I would imagine he'd have been something like this:

    Growing up in Vabbi and bringing home a new "pet" every week...probably didn't sit too well with those rich folks.

    Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and I'm looking forward to seeing those sketches. I may not be able to answer you right back this week to confirm sketches that are emailed to me as I believe we will be housesitting without internet from Wednesday through the weekend. I will still be able to check forums and email at least once a day.

    Until then, gl & hf!



    Krytan Explorer

    Join Date: Feb 2007

    Stephenville, TX


    Hey, just a reminder there's 2 weeks left to the deadline. I've got one entry so far and a few who may be working on their entries. I know artists don't generally start submitting until the last week, but I thought I'd wake up the thread in case anyone missed it. I'm sure the artist that's already submitted the entry wouldn't mind getting all the cash, but seriously guys, submit a sketch, your odds are pretty good. One entry to date and 10 sets of prizes to be awarded.

    Morag D

    Morag D

    Desert Nomad

    Join Date: Mar 2007




    I'm at it! Concept is done, now for all the painstaking detail work - sooo many characters!!! Quick question though: does sketch also cover linearts? I mean, you know my style, I can do a sketch if that's what people want but I'd rather make it clean.. your call, Starr



    Krytan Explorer

    Join Date: Feb 2007

    Stephenville, TX


    Yes, sketch or lineart, something that can be colored separately for Part 3 of the contest. The entry I have right now was sort of greyscale but it allows for coloring, so that too is fine. Your style I know and it is great for this contest. It's precise and lends itself to easy coloring.



    Site Contributor

    Join Date: Mar 2008


    Order Of The Etherbloom Crown [ZEN]

    my entry preview!

    Is this okay? Within the rules, etc...? P:
    A scene from The Raven's Egg by Aquabeard.

    if so, artists can use this high-res version to colour.



    Krytan Explorer

    Join Date: Feb 2007

    Stephenville, TX


    You have yourself an entry Very cool and I'm glad you've decided to share this one with everyone right away!



    Site Contributor

    Join Date: Mar 2008


    Order Of The Etherbloom Crown [ZEN]

    oh, goodie.
    Maybe someone will be inspired by it! The thread has been quiet, even though you've received a couple of entries.



    Wilds Pathfinder

    Join Date: Mar 2006



    thread HAS been a bit quiet. knead moar submissions :P

    I really would, but I don't have the time... Still watching this thread tho :P



    Krytan Explorer

    Join Date: Feb 2007

    Stephenville, TX


    I've honestly thought about getting back into commissions, but I think about how fast the lists fill up and get overwhelmed before I even begin. I understand not having the time.

    Last summer was a little quiet as far as artwork, so I had planned this contest hoping to get things moving again. I had no idea so many awesome artists would be opening up for business this summer, and you guys are all very brave and talented. I think there are more amazing artists working this summer than any other season, and the demand seems higher than ever. Everyone clinging to threads hoping to catch an artist before real life strikes again (and you know it does). Much respect to the artists who are still rockin' GW after 4 years.

    EDIT: The artist of the first entry decided to share with everyone also. This piece was inspired by "Epilogue" and was created by William Koshi (who wrote "Riftwar Saga").



    Furnace Stoker

    Join Date: Jan 2009



    I'm reading through the stories now, if I have time to this weekend I might try sketching something...

    Tender Wolf

    Tender Wolf


    Join Date: Jul 2007

    All over Tyria, Cantha, & Elona

    The Eternal Night Vanguard [TEN]


    Ooo fun fun! I have a few questions, and I'll lay them out for you so it's easier to read hehe:

    Is anyone allowed to enter the coloring portion of this contest or can just artists/story writers color them?

    How many pictures can we color? Like are we limited to coloring just one or can we color them all? I'll probably color them all for fun, just wondering how the contest rules work.

    Will the coloring be judged on how exact the match is to Grim's actual armor color, or how well it matches the story, etc.? Like how will that be judged?

    Didn't see these on the Q&A page. Thanks!



    Krytan Explorer

    Join Date: Feb 2007

    Stephenville, TX


    Anyone can enter any part of the contest. You don't have to do anything for the sketch contest if you don't want to, and you'll still be able to color the pictures. The pictures up for coloring in Part 3 will be the top 3 winners from this round of the contest, so unless we only get 3 sketches, you won't know which pictures to color until then.

    You can color all 3, or color the same one as many different ways as you can think of, but only the best will be eligible to place. This is actually a benefit to you, because if you are unsure what sort of color scheme to use and you have a few, then I will be the one with the tough job of deciding which one is the best (and saving you from making the choice between them and hoping you picked the right one).

    Coloring is a little bit based on Grim's actual armor, but a huge part will be "how well does it go with the theme of the story?" Someone working on the sketch asked if Grim would have worn a different set of armor while trying to sneak up on the corsairs, since white armor and chaos gloves isn't really stealthy gear. Grim has many sets of armor and if he could afford to dye them all the time, he would. If you have a background in mind that clashes horribly with the armor, feel free to adjust the colors.

    As I've mentioned, when the whole contest is over, aside from the winners of each individual contest, I will be looking at the finished products to determine which trio did the best combined work. This doesn't necessarily mean the people who got first place. In the coloring contest I'll be looking at who did the most solid coloring job with the sketch they chose. In the bonus round, I'll be looking at whose style best matched the theme put forth by the author and design mapped out by the artist. It's up to you to decide how that will influence your color choices.

    Okay, I wrote a whole book there and it's for an entirely different phase of the contest. I'll have to remember to write all this into the rules.

    pumpkin pie

    pumpkin pie

    Furnace Stoker

    Join Date: Jul 2006

    behind you

    bumble bee


    Haven't done a sketch in ages, couldn't now to save my life, but I'm keeping an eye on this thread, fun and awesome contests Starr. Go go go!

    Keep up the good work people! can't wait to see all the entries.

    Tender Wolf

    Tender Wolf


    Join Date: Jul 2007

    All over Tyria, Cantha, & Elona

    The Eternal Night Vanguard [TEN]


    Thanks Starr! Good thing I didn't get started yet. But I don't have access to Photoshop at the moment anyway, so that'll have to wait til I get home. Hope I don't miss the due date. Great contest!




    Join Date: Jul 2005

    Australian Discussion Posse HQ - Glorious leader

    ҉ ̵̡̢̢̛̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟&#


    Is there a way I could be given a predecided scene to sketch rather than reading 3 seperate fan fictions?

    Rei The Distant

    Rei The Distant

    Pre-Searing Cadet

    Join Date: Jun 2009

    Thanks Grim for posting my picture ^^. I agree with Tzu, it is best if you read the three stories, it helps significantly. I just wish I had enough time to do more sketches. Oh well...



    Krytan Explorer

    Join Date: Feb 2007

    Stephenville, TX


    It was for that reason I tried to keep the stories short. I knew that a few people would be turned away from sketching if they knew they had to read through three long stories to choose a scene. That and not knowing how many of them I would have to read through myself before the designated announcement date.

    But these folks are right, it's important that you at least read one story. They're awesome stories and not terribly long, so I would recommend reading at least one even if you aren't going to draw.

    I was always more impressed by stories when the author took the time to read over the bio and I could tell when they didn't. Same goes with the sketches. If someone just gives a short description of a scene to you, it loses alot of soul.



    Site Contributor

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    Order Of The Etherbloom Crown [ZEN]

    Originally Posted by Rei The Distant View Post
    Thanks Grim for posting my picture ^^ and thanks for using my story! I love your sketch, it looks incredible.
    A great writer and artist, awesome!

    Rei The Distant

    Rei The Distant

    Pre-Searing Cadet

    Join Date: Jun 2009

    No prob Tzu, your story inspired me a lot. So thankyou too! It was a pleasure. I wish I had more time to fully draw everyone, but I'm busy atm. There are some many talented artist here



    Site Contributor

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    Order Of The Etherbloom Crown [ZEN]

    for fun and inspiration not an actual entry
    Roan caught red-handed, 5-min sketch of a scene from my own story.



    Krytan Explorer

    Join Date: Feb 2007

    Stephenville, TX


    But he smells better now



    Site Contributor

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    Order Of The Etherbloom Crown [ZEN]

    PM sent.

    Starr, I'm thinking of making another entry. Could I possibly draw a scene from my own story?




    Join Date: Jul 2005

    Australian Discussion Posse HQ - Glorious leader

    ҉ ̵̡̢̢̛̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟&#


    Thanks Tzu, chose the first one. My sketch is done, but I may touch it up.

    Morag D

    Morag D

    Desert Nomad

    Join Date: Mar 2007




    :O Nian is back?!! Awesome

    I'm .. uhm... working on my entry. Guild Wars keeps getting in the way. Will be done for deadline tho :P



    Site Contributor

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    Order Of The Etherbloom Crown [ZEN]

    Q.Q deadline's gone again...
    Oh well, I was happy to place among the top three in part 1! Don't need much more to make me happy ^.^

    go go colouring contest!



    Krytan Explorer

    Join Date: Feb 2007

    Stephenville, TX


    Deadline isn't gone yet. There's still a week to go for sketches. And remember, placing in top 3 in the story contest, if a top 3 sketch is based on your story you get an additional 10k.



    Site Contributor

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    Order Of The Etherbloom Crown [ZEN]

    Deadline isn't gone yet. There's still a week to go for sketches. And remember, placing in top 3 in the story contest, if a top 3 sketch is based on your story you get an additional 10k. OMFGWAT O.O'
    I suck so bad at keeping track of dates >.<''''''
    ...and time in general tbh.

    YES! Now I can work on a second entry! yaaaaaaay ^.^
    *celebrates with a little procrastination*

    Morag D

    Morag D

    Desert Nomad

    Join Date: Mar 2007




    Spent most of today finishing off my entry click for fullview

    A rather large scene from Tzu's story 'Epilogue' -
    Starr and Tzu are out looking for clues about the mysterious woman when they are hailed by Nicholas - Roan is instantly fascinated by the big, hairy Professor;

    some side notes:
    It's a warm day in Vabbi; I didn't think Starr would have worn heavy armour, especially as they didn't really expect to do any fighting. Seeing as he's much more settled down than he used to be, I opted for something simple and functional, with some concessions to the Primeval set I know he owns; The female elite druid set has been given boots because I can't stand the idea of walking through the desert barefoot. Nicholas has aged since Starr last met him, and his walking stick is now more important than ever. He has also grown a beard and given up carrying his backpack himself - he too wears less than normal because of the heat. Roan's and the Prof's furry appearance need no further comments, methinks

    Tzu and Starr, I hope you enjoy it

    sorry @ mods for size, but looks sh** any smaller, thx4 understanding!



    Krytan Explorer

    Join Date: Feb 2007

    Stephenville, TX


    As Grim and Tzu lean in to examine the footprint, Roan shouts "YAK!"

    "Very good, Roan! You're learning to identify tracks!" Grim says without looking up.

    "From the looks of this track, I'd say it was headed..." Tzu starts.

    "...behind you!" Roan shouts excitedly.

    The two finally glance up from the track to see Nicholas and Yakkington standing, watching, waiting, (chuckling) right behind them. Grim and Tzu exchange a look. "Yeah, we suck. /resign"

    Hahaha, okay this is awesome, I'm glad you were able to finish it. Still a few days left, but better to finish it early and have time for the unexpected than to wait until you think you have just enough time and have something come up (been there *blush*).

    Very cool. That's 3 entries now, 2 more cash spots on the list. If there are less than 10 entries, I'll split the remaining points up among the winners. Sound good?