Role Players! I need your help!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2009

Ive been playing WoW for most of my MMO career. I finally decided to start up GW again when my subscription ran out and its beginning to grow on me. The downsides of the game seem inconsequential when compared to other games which require us to pay a monthly fee. However, wherever i look i cant seem to find ANY RP guilds... Something that was quite common in WoW.

So to get to my point and the purpose of this post: I am looking for Role Players looking to form a guild. I want to start a campaign, one which can involve anyone who wishes to help me write one. We can go along with the guild wars story line or make one entirely of our own creation but i just want something solid that anyone can participate in.

Advances in a RP campaign would be updated on a guild website, or even, a campaign website so that other guilds could be Incorporated to serve as allies and of course opposition in the campaign world we create. These guilds and their leaders and officers would all have to work in tandem. Allies or Enemies everyone would have to participate to progress the story and enrich our guild Wars experience.

Its difficult to create an RP guild and immediately begin taking the role of ones character without a firm understanding of who he/she is and whats motivating them.

So in conclusion, Im calling out to you, the role players. Mature, immature, literate, illiterate, good spellers and terrible spellers alike! Anyone with an imagination and a creative streak. Anyone who's played the game for weeks, looking for an RP guild only to give up, forced to assimilate into the ranks of the PVE junkies and PVP RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOs. I need your help!!

PM me, or E-mail me at Edit: email removed by mod. That's what we have PM's for.
Hell, whisp me in-game! im currently playing a Ranger/Mesmer by the name of Irae Var

Lets lay down a foundation, and have some fun!