Tzu's Commissions
That comic is awesome.
And so true.
Also, if you need to go to bed at some point, never go on a wiki. My god, those are time- and soul-stealers. Especially TVTropes.
And so true.
Also, if you need to go to bed at some point, never go on a wiki. My god, those are time- and soul-stealers. Especially TVTropes.
The last one is great. The best thing is the cute polar bear 


Updated my main post. My warrior Lucy got some holidays in elona, new skin colour (a bit more brown) and white dyed armor.
You decide to add the blindfold or not. Hope that ist no problem. If yes use the old pictures

Haha, Verene, too true XD ...
Terrorzelle; noted!
I'd like everyone to be aware of two things:
- a bribe has come in, so Aeronwen is now first in line.
- Winchester, RH; I need you to confirm that you've seen the finished commission, and tell me whether or not you're OK with it and ready to pay.
Terrorzelle; noted!

I'd like everyone to be aware of two things:
- a bribe has come in, so Aeronwen is now first in line.
- Winchester, RH; I need you to confirm that you've seen the finished commission, and tell me whether or not you're OK with it and ready to pay.
I bet they ran off with your payment! D:!!!
Winchester <(^^,)>
Wow its Amazing, sorry aboutthe delay ive been in the hospital ( birth defect acted up) and havent been able to check the post and RH is grounded for the next 6-7 days not sure since i wasnt online when he told the guild, i can pay u sometime later today since i dont have time to get on GWs till later but just keep in mind that me and RH mightlike a change or 2 when he comes back, i love it tho and thanks for the hardwork u put into it.
that's fine. Actually, I'm testing Windows 7 at the moment, and GW won't run on it, so we can delay the payment a little longer, I won't mind. Otherwise I'd ask a close friend to log into my account and receive it for me.
I run GW on win7...
well, it doesn't work on mine. Bluescreen + crash restart.
Well, there's a good reason for me to not switch over to W7 yet. Don't want to risk that

Winchester <(^^,)>
Well just lemme know when u get that win7 set up so i can pay u ^^
hmm, well, just so you know, I'll get GW running either this weekend, or the next. But it's not gonna be any sooner, sadly. :/
At least I can still work on commissions.
At least I can still work on commissions.
Hey Girly, hope you are doing better 
(and hope i can maybe bribe you so you can finish my commission faster

(and hope i can maybe bribe you so you can finish my commission faster


You can bribe me, the current 1rst place (and only bribe at the moment) is 180k+5 black dyes + 5 white dyes + Illyana's Mirror. I haven't PCed any of those items in ages, so I couldn't say the exact end worth, but maybe you could give it a guess - if you want to cross that bribe. Otherwise, you could pay a little more than 2nd place and you'll be squeezed in-between those two spots. Whichever you prefer. 2nd place is paying a base cost of 120-140k I think.
Hehe glad you liked it doll!
Hmm.. paying that amount for a chibi.. i'd have to think about that then.. otherwise imma just be patient and wait
edit: or i just ask you for a whole new drawing for that amount xD
Hmm.. paying that amount for a chibi.. i'd have to think about that then.. otherwise imma just be patient and wait

edit: or i just ask you for a whole new drawing for that amount xD
hailfall and me will be sorting it out via PMs/here in a short while, for now she's claimed 1rst spot on the list at 200k for a 2-char commission.
If only I could afford to bribe you...

*cry* I'm getting moved down


if it helps, I am planning to do it like this; if bribing gets to push other people on the list down so many times it looks like I'll never get to yours ~ I'll randomly skip. I'll pick out someone from the list who're paying the ordinary fee, and I'll make it before I start on something else. Of course, I'll still have to finish the briber's art first, but I'll work double time and get yours done right after. That sound okay to you? :/
hahahaha dont worry about it. Not like I need it right away or anything. I'm not even PLAYING gw at the moment. I'm busy making a lets play of shining force on youtube and playing majoras mask.
I WOULD ask you to make some shining force art for my videos, but your already very very busy lol. Also I'm out of moniez except for your payment XD Do whatever you want, its all good.
I WOULD ask you to make some shining force art for my videos, but your already very very busy lol. Also I'm out of moniez except for your payment XD Do whatever you want, its all good.
Winchester <(^^,)>
As i stated earlier this week, Just lemmeknow when yo get your win7 figured out and ill pay ^^, just lettin u know i havent forgotten about you <3
thanks so much <3
I'm terribly sorry about the delay, I hope you don't mind hanging on a little longer ^^'''
I'm terribly sorry about the delay, I hope you don't mind hanging on a little longer ^^'''
Winchester <(^^,)>
yeah np give me a slight fare warnin as to when you able to come online so i can mak sure i have the cash, been goig crazy buyin cash titles ( boozes sweet party ) so just gimmie a heads up and ill be there
Alright, so I've been deciding if I want to splurge on this, but your art looks very good and you're willing to draw other characters
Soooo, I wanted to put in a commission. I know you've got a hefty waiting list, but I wanted two characters and a felyne fighter cat.
First is my monk:
Character Name: Wat Buddhawat
Eye Colour: brown eyes
Personality: She's just an old Tyrian monk who used the old Woh/Orison/Heal Breeze bar, then discovered the beauty of boon prot. She never made it to the top of the ladders but it doesn't mean she can't hold her own. She has all the moves and all the knowledge and nothing to prove.
Second is a female hunter from my other favorite game, Monster Hunter:
Since all the characters end up looking the same besides skin color in this game, I was wondering if you could draw a character wearing Kirin Armor.
Some background if you are unaware of this fantastic game. The armor is made up of parts of the Kirin monster in the game. It's a lightning monster and fires bolts of lightning around him. His mane lights up from the collected energy. His weapons are powerful and his armor is one of THE staple armor sets for any accomplished hunter.
Here's what the Kirin looks like:
<--granted it's a cgi photo, but he's cool like that
Hunters in this game fight with Great Swords, Long Swords, Lances, Gun Lances, Hammers, Flute Hammers, Sword and Shields, Dual Swords, Bows, and Bowguns. They're pretty big time warriors.
Character Name: Hunters don't necessarily have names, but they do have user names for playing with others. I usually call mine Nights.
Eye Colour: blue eyes
Here's some pics of what a character looks like in Kirin Armor:
It's a little hard to get a good picture of the in game character wearing it (the game being largely played on a psp after all). But here are some places I found some worthwhile and clear images.
Kirin action figure<--she's wielding the Kirin Sword and Shield here
<--This is an artist's rendering of the armor + the monster + the Kirin Great Sword
<--Not the clearest, but this is a picture of someone's hunter in the armor. His has some dark green highlights if you see them (they're customizable in game). She has a longsword on in this one.
<--This is someone's psp theme, but it has a decent picture of the hunter in the armor
If you need others, I can probably find them. And yes, that is a hot pink heart-shaped bag on her belt in the back.
Finally, I was wanting to have a helper cat from Monster Hunter in the background somewhere. They are cats that are paid to help hunters. They don't use money but are likely paid through Felvine, which is a shiny golden plant that they like. They don't care who they work for just as long as they get something shiny for it. They are avid gatherers and farmers, some are thieves, some can smith weapons and armor, they're accomplished chefs and train hard to be involved in hunting monsters. They are fearless, cute, and loyal. In the field, they can be an additional distraction to the monster you are hunting to take some of the pressure off of you, they help with gathering, healing, setting traps, bombing the monster, and attacking it. They do it all.
Here's some figurine pictures and some other pics of them:
I prefer the black fur, but it doesn't really matter. That's leather armor that they're wearing by the way (just a texture point if it matters at all)
Requested Background: I was hoping for a background similar to the Warrior's Isle/Battle Isle's map. I like some screens of the areas of the beach in the Random Arena beach area:
But yeah, a beach-y background would be awesome. Doesn't necessarily have to be like this.
Additional Notes: The characters have zero relation to each other, but I was thinking maybe they could be just hanging out together. The cat doesn't have to be directly involved in their action (if the characters are interacting) but chilling in the background. I would prefer no weapons but if you really want to, well, I won't complain.
As per payment, I was was thinking 200k + I've got a few things off your wishlist, consumables, Lian's Lantern, and Shiro's Blades. Depends on what you want or how far this moves me up your list.

Soooo, I wanted to put in a commission. I know you've got a hefty waiting list, but I wanted two characters and a felyne fighter cat.
First is my monk:
Character Name: Wat Buddhawat
Eye Colour: brown eyes
Personality: She's just an old Tyrian monk who used the old Woh/Orison/Heal Breeze bar, then discovered the beauty of boon prot. She never made it to the top of the ladders but it doesn't mean she can't hold her own. She has all the moves and all the knowledge and nothing to prove.
Second is a female hunter from my other favorite game, Monster Hunter:
Since all the characters end up looking the same besides skin color in this game, I was wondering if you could draw a character wearing Kirin Armor.
Some background if you are unaware of this fantastic game. The armor is made up of parts of the Kirin monster in the game. It's a lightning monster and fires bolts of lightning around him. His mane lights up from the collected energy. His weapons are powerful and his armor is one of THE staple armor sets for any accomplished hunter.
Here's what the Kirin looks like:
<--granted it's a cgi photo, but he's cool like that
Hunters in this game fight with Great Swords, Long Swords, Lances, Gun Lances, Hammers, Flute Hammers, Sword and Shields, Dual Swords, Bows, and Bowguns. They're pretty big time warriors.
Character Name: Hunters don't necessarily have names, but they do have user names for playing with others. I usually call mine Nights.
Eye Colour: blue eyes
Here's some pics of what a character looks like in Kirin Armor:
It's a little hard to get a good picture of the in game character wearing it (the game being largely played on a psp after all). But here are some places I found some worthwhile and clear images.
Kirin action figure<--she's wielding the Kirin Sword and Shield here
<--This is an artist's rendering of the armor + the monster + the Kirin Great Sword
<--Not the clearest, but this is a picture of someone's hunter in the armor. His has some dark green highlights if you see them (they're customizable in game). She has a longsword on in this one.
<--This is someone's psp theme, but it has a decent picture of the hunter in the armor
If you need others, I can probably find them. And yes, that is a hot pink heart-shaped bag on her belt in the back.
Finally, I was wanting to have a helper cat from Monster Hunter in the background somewhere. They are cats that are paid to help hunters. They don't use money but are likely paid through Felvine, which is a shiny golden plant that they like. They don't care who they work for just as long as they get something shiny for it. They are avid gatherers and farmers, some are thieves, some can smith weapons and armor, they're accomplished chefs and train hard to be involved in hunting monsters. They are fearless, cute, and loyal. In the field, they can be an additional distraction to the monster you are hunting to take some of the pressure off of you, they help with gathering, healing, setting traps, bombing the monster, and attacking it. They do it all.
Here's some figurine pictures and some other pics of them:
I prefer the black fur, but it doesn't really matter. That's leather armor that they're wearing by the way (just a texture point if it matters at all)
Requested Background: I was hoping for a background similar to the Warrior's Isle/Battle Isle's map. I like some screens of the areas of the beach in the Random Arena beach area:
But yeah, a beach-y background would be awesome. Doesn't necessarily have to be like this.
Additional Notes: The characters have zero relation to each other, but I was thinking maybe they could be just hanging out together. The cat doesn't have to be directly involved in their action (if the characters are interacting) but chilling in the background. I would prefer no weapons but if you really want to, well, I won't complain.
As per payment, I was was thinking 200k + I've got a few things off your wishlist, consumables, Lian's Lantern, and Shiro's Blades. Depends on what you want or how far this moves me up your list.
oh, that's an original idea you've got there ^.^ and I do enjoy drawing animals.
Your bribe would take you to the top of the list, Hailfall is paying 200k+, but hasn't specified the end payment yet (she obviously wants to wait until I've finished to see how much she wants to pay
), but since I'm pretty close to finishing her commission, I would probably wait until I've finished hers before I move onto yours.
This means you don't have to bribe more than 200k, you'll be in second place anyway, though not for long. Of course, if you're willing to pay more, that will ensure you stay in first place for longer - perhaps until I'm completely finished even
...And I will admit I work faster if I get paid well. :3
But yeah, it's entirely up to you! ^^
Your bribe would take you to the top of the list, Hailfall is paying 200k+, but hasn't specified the end payment yet (she obviously wants to wait until I've finished to see how much she wants to pay

This means you don't have to bribe more than 200k, you'll be in second place anyway, though not for long. Of course, if you're willing to pay more, that will ensure you stay in first place for longer - perhaps until I'm completely finished even

But yeah, it's entirely up to you! ^^
I'm up to about 80k in stuff for you, Tzu (thanks to the random black dye I got while doing Raisu Palace and Nicholas stuff)

cool, that bumps you up to 3rd place ^.^ quite an improvement that is

I would bribe you with 100k (
) for the two commissions (the full body and the two torsos), so 250k now. I'm excited

wao ^^' that brings you right up to 1rst place (again) Terrorzelle ^^!
I'm finishing Hailfall's first though, since I'm almost done with hers.
I'm finishing Hailfall's first though, since I'm almost done with hers.
Icy The Mage
-poke- Ill bump up my character to whatever position 250k in ectos gets me :P
that brings you to a tie with Terrorzelle in 2nd place, both of you paying a total of 250k for your commission. I will then choose to finish hers first because I've already started on it, and because she's been bumped down from first place a number of times whilst I've been working on her commission. I just want to finish it! @.@''
Hailfall has paid less than 2nd and 3rd place, but I'm finishing hers first because I'm nearly done, and her place as first has been safe until the very last minute.
So, for the 3 people on top it looks like this:
1.) Hailfall (commission at 80% completion)
2.) Terrorzelle (commission at 50% completion)
3.) IceFiftyFive (commission at 0% completion)
Also, people, know that you can copy-paste your commission (and pay if you want) in "The Great Challenge" thread! Especially if you think you have an excellent idea and little to no gold, or if you've got a lot of gold and want your commission to be worth more than you pay... XD
If you've got a balance; good idea, and some gold, then I would especially reccomend you to post there!
This is your chance! ^.^
- you do not have to withdraw from the waiting list, or cancel your commission here, to post your commission in the Challenge thread.
- you do not have to make up a brand new idea, but you don't have to stick to your old idea either.
Hailfall has paid less than 2nd and 3rd place, but I'm finishing hers first because I'm nearly done, and her place as first has been safe until the very last minute.
So, for the 3 people on top it looks like this:
1.) Hailfall (commission at 80% completion)
2.) Terrorzelle (commission at 50% completion)
3.) IceFiftyFive (commission at 0% completion)
Also, people, know that you can copy-paste your commission (and pay if you want) in "The Great Challenge" thread! Especially if you think you have an excellent idea and little to no gold, or if you've got a lot of gold and want your commission to be worth more than you pay... XD
If you've got a balance; good idea, and some gold, then I would especially reccomend you to post there!
This is your chance! ^.^
- you do not have to withdraw from the waiting list, or cancel your commission here, to post your commission in the Challenge thread.
- you do not have to make up a brand new idea, but you don't have to stick to your old idea either.
Winchester <(^^,)>
Im paying yur Friend at on Gws just a heads up, wanted u to know just incase ^^ btw i hope u dont mind 50e as payment Thanks again for he drawings they were beautiful. He/she is on your account so i doubt u would mind much even more so since u stated this before if coulnt get win7 to work
yep, that's fine, he was actually on the phone with me at the time 
And thanks so much for the generous tip! <3

And thanks so much for the generous tip! <3
Renewing Harmony
Tzu! Hey, I was wondering, do you use PhotoShop for coloring or painting these? If so, could you send me the file for the different layers (if you didn't already merge them) please? I just started taking a PS class and want to experiment, I'm not good at it yet, so I'd also like to see how you did it with the different layers.
<3 RH
<3 RH

haha, sure, I could do that. I usually flatten the image as I work on it, so I might've used something like 20 layers throughout the whole thing, but there will only be five layers present in my last save.
The file is huge though, how do you want me to transfer it? If you have msn, that would be safest and easiest (for me)
I also use CS3, if that makes any difference.
The file is huge though, how do you want me to transfer it? If you have msn, that would be safest and easiest (for me)

I also use CS3, if that makes any difference.
Spectral Fox
Hello, i would like a commission of my sin with her kuunavang as a Chibi with full detail for 30k
Character Name: Spectral Fox
Eye Colour: doesn't matter if you made it up
Requested Background: Raisu Palace like on the screens
Additional Notes: I am french so i maybe have not understand everything at the conditions on your first post. I'm not in a hurry at all so take your time =)
Character Name: Spectral Fox
Eye Colour: doesn't matter if you made it up
Requested Background: Raisu Palace like on the screens
Additional Notes: I am french so i maybe have not understand everything at the conditions on your first post. I'm not in a hurry at all so take your time =)
Carbajac updated his bribe and is now placed it what counts as first. I'll finish the two commissions Ive already started working on out of principle, but his commission is next in line straight after that.
For those who are interested in my art other than when it features their characters, here's a potrait I made of Samus Aran today:
Enjoyable, and didnt take a lot of time. I feel like Im making a little progress toward understanding portraits a little better.
For those who are interested in my art other than when it features their characters, here's a potrait I made of Samus Aran today:
Enjoyable, and didnt take a lot of time. I feel like Im making a little progress toward understanding portraits a little better.
Renewing Harmony
OMFG I love Samus Aran, I play Super smash bros #1 in web design every day!

Though I'm a Peach fan
Her right eye (our right) looks a bit stretched out, but otherwise it's pretty awesome. The coloring on her eyes in particular is really pretty.
Though I'm a Peach fan

Her right eye (our right) looks a bit stretched out, but otherwise it's pretty awesome. The coloring on her eyes in particular is really pretty.
I've kept my eye on this thread for a while-and I have to say I absolutely love your work Tzu!
And yay @ the Samus pic-I'm a big Samus/Metroid fan, and you drew that so well too!
And yay @ the Samus pic-I'm a big Samus/Metroid fan, and you drew that so well too!
thanks, and yeah I agree verene ^^' I worked without an actual face reference, and just couldn't get the proportions just right >.<''
the eye was bugging me until I decided I couldn't be bothered working on it anymore >.>''
I do that -_-'
there's some photography in my gallery now, if anyone's interested. Nothing hugely exciting, just if you're bored or whatever.
the eye was bugging me until I decided I couldn't be bothered working on it anymore >.>''
I do that -_-'
there's some photography in my gallery now, if anyone's interested. Nothing hugely exciting, just if you're bored or whatever.