Ive recently started running Dungeons. All to many times I have gotten to the end and someone goes afk or says you didn't specify that I had to pay. Recently I've become so fed up that I've given up running them. I don't know if this is where I should post this thread but it does have to do with running.
My idea to stop scammers is for Anet to make a function where the party or party leader can boot somebody out of the group when in an explorable area. This would of course return them back to the town or outpost from which they were last in. If you agree with me or have been on a run with a scammer or anyone who is unpleasant PLEASE SIGN YOUR IN GAME NAME ONLY. If i get enough signatures i will email Anet and hope they add the new ability.
X Phantom Ritualist
Petition to kick scammers from runs.
Eve Of Death X
I am similarly annoyed. I think it should be like the /report. Do slash /kick username and the majority of the party had to agree or something.
Eve Of Death X
Eve Of Death X
Suggest numerous times. Please search before you post a new thread.