Friends List Aliases
Hey Guys,
I often get confused between which friend is who, especially when they have crazy names that are hard to remember. I think it would be cool if we could give them aliases, and then maybe show their toons name in brackets like:
Dave (I Am A Mesmer) etc.
what do you guys think?
I often get confused between which friend is who, especially when they have crazy names that are hard to remember. I think it would be cool if we could give them aliases, and then maybe show their toons name in brackets like:
Dave (I Am A Mesmer) etc.
what do you guys think?
Why add people who you don't know well to your friends list? Rofl.
Onion Guy
I think this would be a good idea. I have a lot on my friends list and i cant remember who exactly everyone is.
Dawn Angelheart
Why add people who you don't know well to your friends list? Rofl.
Also.. if you have a lot people on your list, and you cant rememeber names, since i know my Flist Well enough(if i didnt they wouldnt be on it) Ask them to roll a pvp Char with a name you will remember, Then delete them from your flist. And Re-add the name you will remember. Most people are nice enough to take the 2 mins to do this.
Hailey Anne
Why add people who you don't know well to your friends list? Rofl.
Personally I would like something like this or even categories would be fine for me like friends/trades/good to group with w/e
go cubs
/signed....good idea..was actually just tryin to figure out someone on FL
Helix Dreadlock
they already have this?
Archress Shayleigh
if you are on my f-list, i'm sorry for ignoring you, i just don't remember who you are and why I added u =]
if you are on my f-list, i'm sorry for ignoring you, i just don't remember who you are and why I added u =]
s t e e
If you can't remember who they are, then are they really your friend?
If you can't remember who they are, then are they really your friend?
I got several non-friends in that list. One is a unidentified gold seller, one is a reliable miniature seller, one is a Lockpick seller, a few are people I vanquish with....the list goes on.
The ability to place a tag next to each name (eg. Lockpick seller, reliable and such) will get full support from me.
if you are on my f-list, i'm sorry for ignoring you, i just don't remember who you are and why I added u =]
This goes to the OP as well...
/signed, great idea, I've always wanted this.
And to all the people who insist that the Friends list is only for actual friends... Oops, my IE Favorites has a bill payment site on it. I must be using it wrong.
And to all the people who insist that the Friends list is only for actual friends... Oops, my IE Favorites has a bill payment site on it. I must be using it wrong.
Dont Nerf The Perma
Well if you're forgetting who everyone on your friends list is, your probably not talking to them much. I've added names onto mine and then 2 months later i'm wondering who the hell these people are. Just don't add anyone unless you know you're gonna talk or play with them every few days or so.
I think a note section to friends list so you can make notes about who was who would be fine, but I think being able to put them in different folders would be better. Then I could make a People I met, ex guildies, crazy people from guru folder and just sort you accordingly. On the notes idea though if that was implemented I think one on the guild roster that we ourselves could leave notes for our guild would be awesome. I would love to leave notes about what im doing and when I would like to do a run somewhere while I am away.
/signed if the note function is used in Guild list as well
/signed if the note function is used in Guild list as well
Not sure the servers could handle the info. Depending on how it is stored, this could cause massive lag for a lot of people. Consider how many people play, how many use their friends list, how many friends are on each of those lists, and how many people would make modifications to it.
As noted, if you can't remember someones character, ask them to make a PvP character with a name you will remember.
As noted, if you can't remember someones character, ask them to make a PvP character with a name you will remember.
OMG I almost maked this thread myself, so thnx!
I was thinking about right clicking the friends name and then u click on "notes" an small box will open with text in it. for example!
Djk helloz (Great Monk)
im alagrdd (Vacation from 5/5/09-21/5/09)
sup kingdls (Sell him your staff)
WoW has such a system in the guild panel, wich is also handy! u can put in profs u can play for gvg, so they dont have to ask etc! and the good thing, it works!
So yeh add this to friendlist and maybe also to the players in the guild?
I was thinking about right clicking the friends name and then u click on "notes" an small box will open with text in it. for example!
Djk helloz (Great Monk)
im alagrdd (Vacation from 5/5/09-21/5/09)
sup kingdls (Sell him your staff)
WoW has such a system in the guild panel, wich is also handy! u can put in profs u can play for gvg, so they dont have to ask etc! and the good thing, it works!
So yeh add this to friendlist and maybe also to the players in the guild?
Dont Nerf The Perma
Well if you want your buddies organized, just get a piece of paper write all the names down and something to remember them by. Easy and simple.
Icy The Mage
If the note thing was implemented, I don't see a problem if the information was stored client-side rather than server-side.
/signed for the note idea
/signed for the note idea
This is a great idea. I'm in.
On the notes idea though if that was implemented I think one on the guild roster that we ourselves could leave notes for our guild would be awesome. I would love to leave notes about what im doing and when I would like to do a run somewhere while I am away.
But anyways, /Signed for FL sorting implementation of some sort
Marty Silverblade
Not a new idea but still relevant. /signed
yup, been suggested before, and /signed before. Come on Anet.
Momir, I am not talking about the guild welcome notice. I am saying all name list should look like trade search and I should be able to put a note next to my name saying "BBL gone to store" or whatever I want.
I was just saying if it was applied to friendslist, it would make sense to have that.
I was just saying if it was applied to friendslist, it would make sense to have that.
a client-side solution would be nice. i /sign it, but i don't need it.
sarra june
I think this game is too dead for these kinds of updates.
Nice daydream, but I'll just put it on my wishlist for GW2...
Nice daydream, but I'll just put it on my wishlist for GW2...