Zaishen Coins - Making Change
The current Zaishen conversion rate is thus-
1 Gold ZCoin = 10 Silver ZCoins = 500 Copper ZCoins
1 Silver Zcoin = 50 Copper Zcoins = 1/10 Gold Zcoin
1 Copper Zcoin = 1/50 Silver Coin = 1/500 Gold Zcoin
Currently you can only trade up when it comes to Zcoins. This means that you can turn 10 Silver coins into 1 Gold Coin, but not 1 Gold Coin into 10 Silver coins.
I'm suggesting that Anet implements the option to 'make change' for ZCoins. This would allow you to turn Gold ZCoins into Silver and Copper ZCoins, and turn Silver ZCoins into Copper ZCoins. The rate of exchange for these ZCoins would be the same as the current conversion rate since the idea is to make change for the ZCoins, not tax them or anything else of the sort.
Why implement this? The rewards for each type of ZCoin vary. I could have 5 Gold Zcoins, which is the equivalent of 50 Silver ZCoins, but if I want to get 25 skill tomes (2 Silver ZCoins a piece), I can't because I'm not able to convert my Gold ZCoins into Silver ZCoins. This suggestion would fix this problem and allow people to convert their Zcoins relatively worry-free.
Where would you be able to 'make change' for your Zcoins? The obvious answer is to simply add the conversions as items from the Zaishen Reward NPC's. The Zaishen Gold Rewards NPC could offer 10 Silver ZCoins for 1 Gold ZCoin, and 50 Silver ZCoins for 5 Gold Zcoins. Likewise, the Zaishen Silver Rewards NPC could over 50 Copper Zcoins for 1 Silver Zcoin, and 250 Copper Zcoins for 5 Silver Zcoins. The Zaishen Copper Rewards NPC would be untouched since Copper is the lowest form of Zcoin currency, making the only conversion an upwards one.
-Questions, comments, suggestions, improvements?-
1 Gold ZCoin = 10 Silver ZCoins = 500 Copper ZCoins
1 Silver Zcoin = 50 Copper Zcoins = 1/10 Gold Zcoin
1 Copper Zcoin = 1/50 Silver Coin = 1/500 Gold Zcoin
Currently you can only trade up when it comes to Zcoins. This means that you can turn 10 Silver coins into 1 Gold Coin, but not 1 Gold Coin into 10 Silver coins.
I'm suggesting that Anet implements the option to 'make change' for ZCoins. This would allow you to turn Gold ZCoins into Silver and Copper ZCoins, and turn Silver ZCoins into Copper ZCoins. The rate of exchange for these ZCoins would be the same as the current conversion rate since the idea is to make change for the ZCoins, not tax them or anything else of the sort.
Why implement this? The rewards for each type of ZCoin vary. I could have 5 Gold Zcoins, which is the equivalent of 50 Silver ZCoins, but if I want to get 25 skill tomes (2 Silver ZCoins a piece), I can't because I'm not able to convert my Gold ZCoins into Silver ZCoins. This suggestion would fix this problem and allow people to convert their Zcoins relatively worry-free.
Where would you be able to 'make change' for your Zcoins? The obvious answer is to simply add the conversions as items from the Zaishen Reward NPC's. The Zaishen Gold Rewards NPC could offer 10 Silver ZCoins for 1 Gold ZCoin, and 50 Silver ZCoins for 5 Gold Zcoins. Likewise, the Zaishen Silver Rewards NPC could over 50 Copper Zcoins for 1 Silver Zcoin, and 250 Copper Zcoins for 5 Silver Zcoins. The Zaishen Copper Rewards NPC would be untouched since Copper is the lowest form of Zcoin currency, making the only conversion an upwards one.
-Questions, comments, suggestions, improvements?-
simple... dont turn all your silver coins into gold coins right away...
The point is that it allows flexibility.
Yes, it's smart to not turn all your Zcoins into Gold ones, but why shouldn't you be able too? There is an established conversion, might as well make use of it. When you're able to convert all your Zcoins to the type you want or need then you don't have to worry about it early on while you collect them.
It'd be like trying to buy something for $1 with a $5 dollar bill. You may have the money, but if you can't get $4 back due to a lack of converting down then your $5 dollar bill is no good. Simply put, adding in this feature would allow the Zcoins to act more like a currency then a strict, rigid system.
Yes, it's smart to not turn all your Zcoins into Gold ones, but why shouldn't you be able too? There is an established conversion, might as well make use of it. When you're able to convert all your Zcoins to the type you want or need then you don't have to worry about it early on while you collect them.
It'd be like trying to buy something for $1 with a $5 dollar bill. You may have the money, but if you can't get $4 back due to a lack of converting down then your $5 dollar bill is no good. Simply put, adding in this feature would allow the Zcoins to act more like a currency then a strict, rigid system.
Was already suggested, but still a good idea (real simple to implement to, and it harms no one).
Shayne Hawke
I remember this being suggested before. I really hope we get something like this eventually.
I couldn't think of the proper wordage to use when searching for the other thread. But after a bit of digging I found it.
I figured it might have been suggested before as it's an obvious annoyance, but I do like typing up threads like this.
I figured it might have been suggested before as it's an obvious annoyance, but I do like typing up threads like this.
Helix Dreadlock
/signed. I dont do these a lot, so i dont want to haev to grind for more coins. I like this a lot

Dont Nerf The Perma
Its simple u just save up ur copper till u have a stack then once u go over 250 u convert some to silver. Implementing that system seems like a waste of time but i think it should've been done when the z-coins were added.
Actually, I agree with this as long as they charge a small fee to do this. It'll be another way to remove currency from the game, which helps the economy.
I understand the suggestion... storing a few golds and silvers in one place is more efficient than storing multiple stacks of copper ones as you may want to do.
Charge a nominal fee to switch as a minor gold sink (like the same rates we have now) and implement. I don't know that I'll ever use it, but it's easy and it makes sense for those that would use it.
Charge a nominal fee to switch as a minor gold sink (like the same rates we have now) and implement. I don't know that I'll ever use it, but it's easy and it makes sense for those that would use it.
Do it in the exact opposite manner and I would agree, although with a cost instead of a refund.
To make 1 Gold Coin you must provide 10 Silver and 50g. So if you want to get Silver coins back, you can only do it in lumps of 10, and you provide 1 Gold Coin and 50g to get the 10 Silver coins.
Same with Sliver/Copper, but to get 50 Copper Coins back, you provide 1 Silver coin and 10g.
If anything, increase the money you pay to make it a bigger gold sink, but any gold sink would work.
To make 1 Gold Coin you must provide 10 Silver and 50g. So if you want to get Silver coins back, you can only do it in lumps of 10, and you provide 1 Gold Coin and 50g to get the 10 Silver coins.
Same with Sliver/Copper, but to get 50 Copper Coins back, you provide 1 Silver coin and 10g.
If anything, increase the money you pay to make it a bigger gold sink, but any gold sink would work.
Marty Silverblade
I don't see why we shouldn't have this.
I'd rather see this fake currency eliminated entirely. The coins are already non-transferable and just take up inventory slots. It wouldn't be that difficult for them to make the reward an account-wide value, like faction. They can't even sell that many more storage panels, because making an entire stack of gold coins takes ridiculously long. Reduce or eliminate the gold reward from the quests if needed.
It would be easier to save 'Zaishen Credits' in a variable just lie Tournament points, and then getting ZCoopers by talking to Zehnchu. That way they won't take inventory space.
Just add 10 silver coins to the gold rewards collector and 50 copper coins to the silver reward collector. Keep the ~50g cost so its a minor gold sink.
/signed, I started the other thread but I gave it a retarded title. Therefore I'll just bandwagon on top of yours with a better title so maybe it'll be seen

Burst Cancel
More to the point, why are coins even items to begin with? They aren't tradeable, and you can move them between characters, so why wasn't it implemented as an account-based point system like Tournament Reward Points or Faction?
Presumably it was just easier to code as an item.
Is this your guess or was this stated somewhere?
This has never been an issue for me - I store all my ZCoins value in Silver coins, there's absolutely no point in getting Gold ones before you get to 250 Silvers
But ZCoins shouldn't be inventory items in the first place!
For a plenty of reasons:
-They're not trade'able. If they were, it would be a reason to make them inventory items.
-They're not trade'able, yet huge masses of players are confused and try to buy or sell them, I keep seeing them every day.
-They always take 2 slots in the storage - completely unnecessarily - it's a waste.
-They cause extra unnecessary hassle with moving them between characters and storage
I'd say the Zaishen Coins should be removed entirely and replaced with something like Zaishen Faction - a single number to be stored for the account. I woulfdn't believe it was easier to implement 3 new kinds of items than adding a 4th faction bar, with a high fixed cap of say 100,000 (copper coins equivalent). Functionally there would be no difference, the minor gold sink connected with exchanging coins could be kept with adjusted small gold price tags on the zaishen reward items.
But ZCoins shouldn't be inventory items in the first place!
For a plenty of reasons:
-They're not trade'able. If they were, it would be a reason to make them inventory items.
-They're not trade'able, yet huge masses of players are confused and try to buy or sell them, I keep seeing them every day.
-They always take 2 slots in the storage - completely unnecessarily - it's a waste.
-They cause extra unnecessary hassle with moving them between characters and storage
I'd say the Zaishen Coins should be removed entirely and replaced with something like Zaishen Faction - a single number to be stored for the account. I woulfdn't believe it was easier to implement 3 new kinds of items than adding a 4th faction bar, with a high fixed cap of say 100,000 (copper coins equivalent). Functionally there would be no difference, the minor gold sink connected with exchanging coins could be kept with adjusted small gold price tags on the zaishen reward items.
Dont Nerf The Perma
It would be easier to save 'Zaishen Credits' in a variable just lie Tournament points, and then getting ZCoopers by talking to Zehnchu. That way they won't take inventory space.

I really don't think converting your coins needs to be a gold sink. In my opinion, you should have been able to trade down from the release of Zcoins.
The point is, there is really no need for there to be any coins to convert in the first place.
I think we're getting off topic here. The real issue is whether or not you should be able to trade down from gold and silver as well as up, because that is the current state of the game. I happen to agree it should be allowed. It only makes sense.
It's not off-topic. There shouldn't be any of this trading up/down nonsense. If you're asking for a change, anyway, you might as well go for the better option.
As far as anyone is aware, Anet might be planning on allowing the trading of Zcoins with the release of the PvP content they claim to be working on.
If this is the case then I definitely think the up-down trading system is the better option over having a 'Zaishen Faction.'
However, if Anet makes it clear that there is a 0% chance of the Zcoins ever being tradeable, then of course I'd want them to implement Zaishen Faction or something to that extent. Until Zcoins are tradeable or can be converted both up and down, they'll be a waste of 3 storage slots.
If this is the case then I definitely think the up-down trading system is the better option over having a 'Zaishen Faction.'
However, if Anet makes it clear that there is a 0% chance of the Zcoins ever being tradeable, then of course I'd want them to implement Zaishen Faction or something to that extent. Until Zcoins are tradeable or can be converted both up and down, they'll be a waste of 3 storage slots.
Wrath of m0o
Excuse me but isnt useless waste of storage items the main reason ANET can sell the new Storage Panes?
Back on topic..
agree if it cost you 2 silver coins to break up a gold, or something like that.
How about you can expert salvage kit the Z-coins with a percent chance of loosing the coins.
Back on topic..
agree if it cost you 2 silver coins to break up a gold, or something like that.
How about you can expert salvage kit the Z-coins with a percent chance of loosing the coins.
HuntMaster Avatar
125,000 copper = 50 gold (I'm probably wrong). You get like 15-25 copper for basic NM zquests. I don't see the need aside from making it easier for lazy people. Hey wait a minute!