Apply grace period before /report'ing is allowed
Hi guys,
I must first start off by saying that I am very much against leeching. Whenever I see someone who is quite obviously leeching in JQ/FA/AB (by simply not moving from the base at all, or going somewhere less obvious where he wouldn't be seen afk'ing), then I /report it.
However, I must voice concern over some members of the community who are a bit overzealous using the /report function. Primarily, some people get reported for leeching just as a round starts, when there could be a very reasonable explanation why they haven't moved yet. It could be that they are suffering a bit of lag, or are still downloading content, or any number of reasons. It's unfair that they be tagged a leecher that quickly.
I've seen some people get reported for leeching before the round even starts!
Therefore I propose:
Allow that at least 1 minute pass before the system starts accepting /reports for leeching.
I must first start off by saying that I am very much against leeching. Whenever I see someone who is quite obviously leeching in JQ/FA/AB (by simply not moving from the base at all, or going somewhere less obvious where he wouldn't be seen afk'ing), then I /report it.
However, I must voice concern over some members of the community who are a bit overzealous using the /report function. Primarily, some people get reported for leeching just as a round starts, when there could be a very reasonable explanation why they haven't moved yet. It could be that they are suffering a bit of lag, or are still downloading content, or any number of reasons. It's unfair that they be tagged a leecher that quickly.
I've seen some people get reported for leeching before the round even starts!
Therefore I propose:
Allow that at least 1 minute pass before the system starts accepting /reports for leeching.
I'll sign it. I've never had any trouble with loading or lagging at the start, but I imagine it'd be pretty frustrating to get reported with a laggy computer for joining the game 30 seconds late.
s t e e
I don't see why this shouldn't be added.
What Now
Until 3/4ths of a team or whatever reports you isn't it that only the minority that reported themselves get dishonorable due to lack of votes? Isn't that the counterbalance? I've been dishonorable several times for being the only one to report a real leecher, gg.
Operative 14
There are a lot of cases just like the OP describes were people are reported before the match even seems to start. I think a grace period would be a great idea.
There are a lot of cases just like the OP describes were people are reported before the match even seems to start. I think a grace period would be a great idea.

Great idea and would prevent a lot of stupid reports
Helix Dreadlock
Everyone could have an excuse, but I do believe it would help prevent un-needed bans
No leecher is going to only stand around for a minute, and players ARE still trying to get others to be less afraid of /reporting
After one enters the arena, it takes a minute for the teleporters to start working in Aspy. During that time - one can not report.
If I am not mistaken, the same rule applies for the Quarry and AB.
There is your minute.
Thus /not signed.
If I am not mistaken, the same rule applies for the Quarry and AB.
There is your minute.
Thus /not signed.
The only thing that needs to be done in regards to /report is allowing us to /report regardless of district hopping so we can tag those scumbag gold sellers.
Zahr Dalsk
Oftentimes for AB/CM, I go away to do something else and come back to find out I finally got into a game but I came back a bit late.
Oftentimes for AB/CM, I go away to do something else and come back to find out I finally got into a game but I came back a bit late.
Reverend Dr
The report system is terrible. Don't try to band-aid it. Either rework the whole thing, or scrap the whole thing.
Onion Guy
Yea, i normally wait 4 min b4 i report. but i see many that do not.
Ebony Shadowheart
I can go with this. I mean, know the report system needs some work, but you gotta start somewhere.
I do have some issues with loading slowly since I moved into my new home. *cry* I'd dearly love my 20meg connection back, but being 4 miles from the local office, the best I can do is 1.5meg (when it hasn't rained, d*mn sh*tty copper). However, I normally don't have too much of an issue and get loaded before a game starts anyway, but I do know people that play on dial-up (no clue wth they are thinking) that take forever to load....even though the screen says they are there. So yeah, make people wait a min or two before reporting so that people that are just loading slowly don't get reported by 'accident'.
I do have some issues with loading slowly since I moved into my new home. *cry* I'd dearly love my 20meg connection back, but being 4 miles from the local office, the best I can do is 1.5meg (when it hasn't rained, d*mn sh*tty copper). However, I normally don't have too much of an issue and get loaded before a game starts anyway, but I do know people that play on dial-up (no clue wth they are thinking) that take forever to load....even though the screen says they are there. So yeah, make people wait a min or two before reporting so that people that are just loading slowly don't get reported by 'accident'.
Lux Aeterna
But nothing happens when you get reported for this.
I get reported pretty commonly for going afk 30 seconds, and nothing happens at all.
I've gotten dishonorable due to disconnects, but not from being reported.
I get reported pretty commonly for going afk 30 seconds, and nothing happens at all.
I've gotten dishonorable due to disconnects, but not from being reported.
nope /notsigned. Sorry you have like 2 mins on a timer in ab/fa/jq to move to the spot. If you can't get in there by then it is your fualt.
Archress Shayleigh
because people DO lag or people report to grief...
because people DO lag or people report to grief...
Archress Shayleigh
because people DO lag or people report to grief...
because people DO lag or people report to grief...
Ebony Shadowheart
True you have a decent timer, but I have a guildie that takes a full 3.5 to 4 min to load. We know this, but not everyone else does. He dislikes playing JQ and FA because people continuously report him as a leech and he's not. Once he loads, he does play. We can't exactly control our internet connections or the quality copper/fiber/etc in the ground. They shouldn't be penalized for something they have absolutely no control over. Unless of course you feel they just shouldn't play?
Bob Slydell
Lagging out almost always gets interpreted as leeching in any PvP game or Mission, even loading, where your character enters the game but you are still stuck at the loading screen.
Also one more thing, I do think Anet needs to have a tighter system on the people who chain report just to be a**holes. On more than one occasion I witnessed idiots over on gameamp, when it was still up, express openly about how they get them and their friends to hunt people who don't do "good" in PvP or by their own standards, innocent people playing the game, and chain report them for no reason. I'd like to see everyone who engages in "chain reporting" as i call it.. have their accounts terminated. And I do mean banned permanently. Why? Because they do it more then one time, they do it a lot and the way the report system is now, there isn't a human sitting down to review it, usually it automates a suspension or dishonorable and the person didn't even do anything. This is also how getting reported for a naughty name works, a few people just chain report an innocent person for having a completely normal name and they have no control over it. I also witnessed this happen to someone on gameamp who didn't have a bad name and i'm assuming some fools chain reported him one way or the other.
Lagging out almost always gets interpreted as leeching in any PvP game or Mission, even loading, where your character enters the game but you are still stuck at the loading screen.
Also one more thing, I do think Anet needs to have a tighter system on the people who chain report just to be a**holes. On more than one occasion I witnessed idiots over on gameamp, when it was still up, express openly about how they get them and their friends to hunt people who don't do "good" in PvP or by their own standards, innocent people playing the game, and chain report them for no reason. I'd like to see everyone who engages in "chain reporting" as i call it.. have their accounts terminated. And I do mean banned permanently. Why? Because they do it more then one time, they do it a lot and the way the report system is now, there isn't a human sitting down to review it, usually it automates a suspension or dishonorable and the person didn't even do anything. This is also how getting reported for a naughty name works, a few people just chain report an innocent person for having a completely normal name and they have no control over it. I also witnessed this happen to someone on gameamp who didn't have a bad name and i'm assuming some fools chain reported him one way or the other.
Hailey Anne
/notsigned to this suggestion.
It wont help anything at all.
People will STILL report no matter what.
The whole system either needs a complete overhaul or just removed.
It wont help anything at all.
People will STILL report no matter what.
The whole system either needs a complete overhaul or just removed.
I vote /report be removed.. it only gives people a "weapon" to use against someone. I was banned for 3 days for something i didn't do, but because the people i was with all reported me.. well there u go. I should add they were ALL in the same Guild. I tried to fight said ban with screen shots i had taked of the situation only to fail. They were in more wrong. As for a Grace Period.. ok.. that is what the Start Timer is for. Normally all players are fully loaded and ready to go. Besides... you can tell player Lag over Leech.
Bob Slydell
I vote /report be removed.. it only gives people a "weapon" to use against someone. I was banned for 3 days for something i didn't do, but because the people i was with all reported me.. well there u go. I should add they were ALL in the same Guild. I tried to fight said ban with screen shots i had taked of the situation only to fail. They were in more wrong. As for a Grace Period.. ok.. that is what the Start Timer is for. Normally all players are fully loaded and ready to go. Besides... you can tell player Lag over Leech.
Sai Rith
/signed. Been reported numerous times due to slow loading.
After one enters the arena, it takes a minute for the teleporters to start working in Aspy. During that time - one can not report.
If I am not mistaken, the same rule applies for the Quarry and AB. There is your minute. Thus /not signed. |
/not signed
True you have a decent timer, but I have a guildie that takes a full 3.5 to 4 min to load. We know this, but not everyone else does. He dislikes playing JQ and FA because people continuously report him as a leech and he's not. Once he loads, he does play. We can't exactly control our internet connections or the quality copper/fiber/etc in the ground. They shouldn't be penalized for something they have absolutely no control over. Unless of course you feel they just shouldn't play?
Bob Slydell
hahaha I so agree. They are given time already. They should say something or move or something. The people who you see reported from the start are probably known leechers.
/not signed this is different. that is a LONG load time though. i thought you couldn't report if somebody hasnt' loaded yet though. can you? if so, just take that feature out. that or he shoudl like say in the outpost that he is slow so others will recognize and not report. |
After one enters the arena, it takes a minute for the teleporters to start working in Aspy. During that time - one can not report.
Therefore, the one-minute grace period I'm proposing should cover this countdown, plus one minute after the actual round starts.
Originally Posted by refer
this is different. that is a LONG load time though. i thought you couldn't report if somebody hasnt' loaded yet though. can you? if so, just take that feature out. that or he shoudl like say in the outpost that he is slow so others will recognize and not report.
When my wife and I do missions or vanquish together, she sometimes complains that I start moving away before she finishes loading in. On my screen though, she and her heroes are already there. To be fair, I only 'move off' to scout the immediate area for hostiles anyway.

From observation, the moment I get into JQ/FA/AB (and skip the mission intro for the latter), there is a one-minute countdown. The round starts at the end of this minute.
Therefore, the one-minute grace period I'm proposing should cover this countdown, plus one minute after the actual round starts. |
You are only able to report people that aren't grayed out. If you don't suck - you'll constantly rez at the castle, meaning the leechers will always be grayed out if they stay at the start. That would require running back to the turtles JUST to report the guys.
My problem always was that there aren't enough people reporting rather than trigger-happy reporters.
They should really do something about the long wait time when there are enough people to get it going. After waiting for 20 mins in front of your screen you leaver to get some coffee come back and see 20 people calling you a leecher.
They should really do something about the long wait time when there are enough people to get it going. After waiting for 20 mins in front of your screen you leaver to get some coffee come back and see 20 people calling you a leecher.
the system should be reworked with the next "big" pvp update. until then i support your grace period idea.
I really don't see why. You already have a minute before the match loads. If it takes more than a minute to load a map, maybe online games aren't for you.
I really don't see why. You already have a minute before the match loads. If it takes more than a minute to load a map, maybe online games aren't for you.