Who Have You /reported?
Seeing as we have a thread going about who has gotten banned, and why, I thought it only fair we start another for the other side of things. Who have you banned, and why?
I don't remember names, and I wouldn't care to list them here anyway, but I've reported two people in four years of playing. One for violent and threatening language, and the other for violent racist remarks. Both got banned.
Anyone else?
As long as no one mentions any names everything will be fine.
I don't remember names, and I wouldn't care to list them here anyway, but I've reported two people in four years of playing. One for violent and threatening language, and the other for violent racist remarks. Both got banned.
Anyone else?
As long as no one mentions any names everything will be fine.
mastar of warrior
A bunch of immature 10 yearolds swearing at me because i died.
(i was already in a bad mood)
(i was already in a bad mood)
johnny tutone
this is gunna get closed in about 3 posts im wagering but since where on the subject ive reported alot of poeple seeing as i do pvp mostly and thats where the scum of gw like to hangout
12-15 people running crap bars in RA
4-5 people spamming in all talk
3 guildies for fun
2 mcDonald employees for not taking out the mayo
4-5 people spamming in all talk
3 guildies for fun
2 mcDonald employees for not taking out the mayo
Reporting all flamers daily in HA.
Chicken Ftw
Nobody. I don't take places like RA/AB seriously enough to bother, since leechers, idiots with bad bars, etc are expected and don't annoy me. In HA/GvG, I only play with people from guild/flist, and I have no reason to report any of them. Shittalking is to be expected in every form of PvP, so I mostly ignore it and/or join in for fun, depending on the situation.
No-one. Im too lazy to report people.
People who i payed for runs and then left and i happened to zone into the same district as them.
People i have caught using racial slurrs and then continue with "Report me report me report me"
Leechers when my teams get slaughtered.
People i have caught using racial slurrs and then continue with "Report me report me report me"
Leechers when my teams get slaughtered.
Leechers mostly. And a few rage folks that follow the "Caps Lock and Cuss to Win Argument" philosophy.
johnny tutone
Seeing as we have a thread going about who has gotten banned, and why, I thought it only fair we start another for the other side of things. Who have you banned, and why?
I don't remember names, and I wouldn't care to list them here anyway, but I've reported two people in four years of playing. One for violent and threatening language, and the other for violent racist remarks. Both got banned. Anyone else? As long as no one mentions any names everything will be fine. |

Over the 4 + years I've been playing...
I have reported people with blatantly obvious offensive names.
I have reported 1 person who was recruiting for a guild with a blatantly offensive name.
I have reported several people who refuse to heed warnings about spamming trade chat in local. (When breaking the rules, it's never a good idea to tell someone who is politely asking you to stop to "**** off.")
I have reported many people for being blatantly offensive & disgusting in chat. (and I don't mean the occasional word or two that the chat filter may catch.)
I have reported scammers of all types.
And if that earns me the title of "care-bear" I don't give a flying red engine.
EDIT: I forgot about the dozens upon dozens of gold sellers and account buyers that I have reported.
I have reported people with blatantly obvious offensive names.
I have reported 1 person who was recruiting for a guild with a blatantly offensive name.
I have reported several people who refuse to heed warnings about spamming trade chat in local. (When breaking the rules, it's never a good idea to tell someone who is politely asking you to stop to "**** off.")
I have reported many people for being blatantly offensive & disgusting in chat. (and I don't mean the occasional word or two that the chat filter may catch.)
I have reported scammers of all types.
And if that earns me the title of "care-bear" I don't give a flying red engine.
EDIT: I forgot about the dozens upon dozens of gold sellers and account buyers that I have reported.
Warbog The Slayer
some1 who scammed me....after ~2 weeks PM that he got 12 days banned

I've never kept track of anyone I've reported, so I don't know if any of them have been banned or not...
I've reported a few people who run around advertising to buy accounts, if I manage to catch them quickly enough before they zone to a different district.
And a few times I've come across an idiot who thought that using every single swearword in the book in local was a smart idea.
That's it, though.
I've reported a few people who run around advertising to buy accounts, if I manage to catch them quickly enough before they zone to a different district.
And a few times I've come across an idiot who thought that using every single swearword in the book in local was a smart idea.
That's it, though.
Saborath Gilgalad
Though it doesn't do any good and I usually get punished for doing it, I report anyone who leeches in FA.
Leechers in FA and JQ. Especially when we are losing.
Raciest and Sexist comments in outposts you know Behaviors that have no place in Civilized Society
One of the problems I have seen with the /report is that the person needs to be online, using the character being reported, and in the same district. My use of the /report feature is mainly for scam artist.
The problem is that once a scam artist hits its victom (notice they dont even warrent human recognition - usage of "it".) they have a tendicy to either log off completely or change characters and go to a different city and different district all together.
Saw a character scam a person just yesterday for an UW Black Widow Taming. He got his money before entry into the UW... and simply vanished. At that point the victom is left with reporting via NCSoft which to my experience never gets involved in anything on a player level. I respect the company for their game, but there is alot to be said for their policing policies but to give credit that in itself would be a very large duty.
Rant over.
The problem is that once a scam artist hits its victom (notice they dont even warrent human recognition - usage of "it".) they have a tendicy to either log off completely or change characters and go to a different city and different district all together.
Saw a character scam a person just yesterday for an UW Black Widow Taming. He got his money before entry into the UW... and simply vanished. At that point the victom is left with reporting via NCSoft which to my experience never gets involved in anything on a player level. I respect the company for their game, but there is alot to be said for their policing policies but to give credit that in itself would be a very large duty.
Rant over.
id like to report that guy who spams wtb accounts for gold in gtob but he switches districts too fast

king swift
HuntMaster Avatar
No one. Thats why I have a block list and can turn a chat off. Plus I can give as good as I get and most of the time, even better and without breaking the Tos.
I would report leechers in faction battles, but since no one else does, it would only hurt me in the long run.

I would report leechers in faction battles, but since no one else does, it would only hurt me in the long run.
Reverend Dr
Any opponent in PvP where I have slightest ground for a report. It gets bans. In tombs this can push a team out for the night early reducing competition. In GvG tourney it can force a team to forfiet or take a hero instead of an actual player for later games.
And for these reasons I am completely against any /report system that encourages players to police themselves.
And for these reasons I am completely against any /report system that encourages players to police themselves.
Marty Silverblade
All I remember is a leecher or two in PvP. Maybe a spammer aswell.
Pony Slaystation
Well, I was running CoF, and a guy got bad drops, and asked for a refund, and I said no, so he reported me for scamming, then I reported him back.
Ive Only Ever /Reported 1 Person....
He Spams In Local " WTB Green Monk Healing Staff"
So I PM Him With A Forgotten Healing Staff For Sale... Well Priced I Might Add....
To Which I Got Back A Mountain Of Swearing So I Told Him 2 Watch His Language Or I'd /report And Got More Swearing And Got Told 2 Do Strange Random Sexual Acts 2 A Donkey!!!
Hope He Got Banned For A Long Time Tbh These Nubs Ruin Gw For The Team Player.
He Spams In Local " WTB Green Monk Healing Staff"
So I PM Him With A Forgotten Healing Staff For Sale... Well Priced I Might Add....
To Which I Got Back A Mountain Of Swearing So I Told Him 2 Watch His Language Or I'd /report And Got More Swearing And Got Told 2 Do Strange Random Sexual Acts 2 A Donkey!!!

Hope He Got Banned For A Long Time Tbh These Nubs Ruin Gw For The Team Player.
Bryant Again
Leechers, chronic F-worders, etc.
Pony Slaystation
It may have been insulting to you, but I'm sorry, I find this really funny, not that I encourage that kind of behavior, though.
Fitz Rinley
I have reported several people over the years. The majority of what I bother to remember is for scamming on runners. There is at least one or maybe two times for blatant sexual harassment. And since the new-not-new naming policy of hypocrittical standards enforced by NC West, I have questioned a couple of names that were indicative of sexual acts with minors.
I don't report often but......
Once some guy with an inappropriate character name
and another time some guy for spamming.
Once some guy with an inappropriate character name
and another time some guy for spamming.
Exactly how does one know if the person they have /reported to actually get banned?
How do you know the person you /reported just didn't add you to /ignored list and leave dis?
ah I see thank you for that.
How do you know the person you /reported just didn't add you to /ignored list and leave dis?
If you use the report form on guildwars.com you will often get feedback from an ANet rep telling you the outcome of the complaint.
Or. You could add the person to your friends list and if their name mysteriously disappears you can bet they probably don't have an account anymore. |
ah I see thank you for that.
Demonlord Matt
so it was you russian who started this innapropriate name thing anet is crapping themselves about? lol just kidding
i think i reported like 1 or 2 scammers and 1 guy who was ranting in RA about death to america and things like that >.>
i think i reported like 1 or 2 scammers and 1 guy who was ranting in RA about death to america and things like that >.>
Zzes Tyan
alot of annoying euros in HB
The only people I've ever had to report was two seperate people shouting out racist crap in a busy outpost. I would imagine that most people did the same as well.
bots and spammers
Divine Ashes
LOTS of leechers in FA...but besides that I can't really recall anybody in particular...I tend to not pay attention to all chat and trade chats...so yeah..
Never reported anyone. I don't care enough to report.
Cale Roughstar
Leeches in PvP (but I don't play those arenas much)
Maybe a real jerk here and there, but mostly I am not concerned by people using colourful language.
Maybe a real jerk here and there, but mostly I am not concerned by people using colourful language.
Jugalo Dano
I have a bad memory when it comes to stuff like this, but most recently I reported 2 people for botting in the dragon arena during the birthday event, a gold seller in GToB, and an account buyer or two in Kamadan.
Hmm I've reported people for leeching/bad language. I've prolly only reported a handful of people though, usually don't care enough to report.
Exactly how does one know if the person they have /reported to actually get banned?
How do you know the person you /reported just didn't add you to /ignored list and leave dis? |
You could add the person to your friends list and if their name mysteriously disappears you can bet they probably don't have an account anymore.