Messages? Help please
So I read somewhere basically you can email ingame to others...well I cant seem to find the place to click to do it. I see a friends tab, guild tab, and ignore tab but no messages tab. Do I need to be past a certain part in the game..or did they disable this feature?
Um this is back to page 5 already..seriously someone has to know. I feel like a newb for asking but would really appreciate an answer as I didnt see this info anywhere else.
Do you mean whisper?
If so then you have 2 choices.
1) Click on the other persons name and then your 'chat' will auto fill in the details for you, or..
2) Open your chat (Press enter) and switch to the whisper tab. Enter the character name yourself on the left and message on the right.
I hope that is what you were after!
If so then you have 2 choices.
1) Click on the other persons name and then your 'chat' will auto fill in the details for you, or..
2) Open your chat (Press enter) and switch to the whisper tab. Enter the character name yourself on the left and message on the right.
I hope that is what you were after!
Nope didnt mean whisper...argh wish I could remember the site I found it on. There was a tab listed next to friends and guilds where you could basically email a person ingame even if they are not online. Then when they log in it is also said all characters on the account will see the messages kind of like how all your characters share the vault storage.
it was a feature that was in beta. it was disabled for release in order to work out some issues. it will be re-enabled at some point in time.
Thank you very much for the info...and here I just thought maybe I wasnt clicking on the right tab. Hope they get it fixed soon! Would be great to have email ingame.