But there's a problem.
Tolkano doesn't offer all the skins from PvE for PvP players to unlock. Conversely, Tolkano has unique skins that PvE players can't find anywhere else.
So here's my proposition: make every skin available in both.
On the PvP side, add things like the Deldrimor weaponry from prophecies, and any other items that can't currently be found. Add the BMP NPCs to a side of the Great Temple of Balthazar, allowing PvP players to obtain those items as well.
On the PvE side, take any Tolkano item that doesn't exist as a normal drop somewhere in the world, and add it to a loot list somewhere. This could mean enriching prophecies, which currently lacks most unique weaponry, or adding them to appropriate zones based on their name.
To give an idea of things I'm talking about...

The Kournan Sword can't be found in Kourna.

Kaineng Wand? Can't be located in Kaineng.

The Shark Staff is only found as a worthless Istani green, not worth using, but has a very nifty design.

The Silver Dragon Cane is nowhere to be found in PvE.

The Luminescent Lantern can only be found in PvE as a unique item from Mallyx...but PvP players can give it whatever stats or color they want.

And poor Lord Onrah's Sword's unique appearance is wasted on a worthless, req4 blade.
There are plenty more, like the Ancient Rod, it's Greater and Lesser brothers, Darkwing Wand and Staff, Dragon Rod, Druidic Wand, Iron Ladle, Elliptical Staff, Emanating Staff, and Noble Dragon Cane

Conversely, allow the PvP crowd to enjoy the awesome Deldrimor weaponry and talk to the bonus mission pack NPCs.
Edit: well, part one is complete. EotN skins and BMP stuff were added to Tolkano.
These items are already in the game, their skins are already part of Guild Wars. Make sure everyone can have a chance to obtain them. If anything is on Tolkano's list but doesn't appear in PvE, add it to a level list somewhere on the three continents. If something exists in PvE but not in Tolkano's inventory, add it there for PvPers to obtain. Allow both sides of Guild Wars the chance to enjoy the equipment that already exists.
Everyone wins.