Salvage or Sell?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2009


I was wondering if when i get a salvageable item if i should salvage or sell. Same with weapons that i don't want or don't need.

Assasin Foxx

Assasin Foxx

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2008

Farming Boxes At Morning [cDx]


If its got a good mod, and the wep is useless i say salvage,
If its a bad mod, wep is useless sell to merch

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Depends on what it is. Pretty much everything aside from plot items are salvagable. In general, don't salvage every weapon/item that drops. You can salvage armors and other stuff that drop from monsters that have 'this is a salvage item' or something like that at the end as they give more materials than regular items. Also, weapons with 'Highly salvageable' give more materials as normal aswell. In general, sell what you find, unless you need the materials. Also, if a weapon is uncommon/rare (purple or gold text) then it may have more value to players than it does to the merchant.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2009

South of Norway - The land of Vikings

I have no guild - Yet


If you don't need any special materials, or if the item you have doesn't give special resources (like feathers, which are valuable to sell), you should sell the item itself, generates more money.

Unless you're just starting out, it isn't worth the trouble to pick it up even.

s t e e

s t e e

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2009

Death By[Emo]


Look on wiki for salvage materials you may get from the item.

Seraphim Angel

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2008

Sacred Knights of Orr [SKoO]


I salvage itmes that get me mats for cons thats about it. I slap a highly salvageable mod on itmes such as ruby daggers so I increase my chance of getting rubies and such. Mostly I merch stuff.



Nothing, tra la la?

Join Date: Oct 2007

As mentioned, salvage any good/perfect mods and you can try to sell those to players (that can take a while sometimes but you'll get more than what you would by just merching it). On the other hand, if you need materials, salvage items for them. Otherwise, I tend to just sell stuff to the merchant.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2009


Check the rune trader to see if the item is going for more gold or not. I do this in bulk... make another character and give them all your stuff you want to check later.