Hi there, Ted here, current leader of GoE.
Many of you will know the experience and dedication required to achieve membership in such a prestigious guild like GoE. Well I'm here now telling you that if you thought you'd never get in, this is your chance to learn and grow as part of the new GoE era.
Currently we are attempting a new start so if you want to be one of those "old members" this is the time to join! You will also have the opportunity to be a regular in high end PvE activities once the numbers are up and older members will be considered first. We will also be conducting PvE fun activities with our Kurzick alliance in due time.
To apply to join GoE simply go to http://globofectospasm.iforumer.com and register, from there fill out an application form and make sure you have read the rules (found at http://globofectospasm.iforumer.com/...ic.php?f=3&t=2).
I and I'm sure all of us at GoE look forward to seeing you shortly, good luck with your applications and feel free to message me ingame [Ted The Farmer] about anything you want information on.
Join [GoE] today!