This idea was initially only intended to be used by myself on a personal level, with heroes from both of my accounts being used together with only core classes and skills, but the recent post from Regina got me thinking and I think that this would be nice if implemented as a new type of henchmen - Zaishen henchmen using core skills only, but available in every single PVE outpost as well as GVG and HA, with heroes ultimately being removed from use in the PVP areas.
Note that the idea is for current henchmen to be completely unaffected by these new ones, they are not meant to be replacements for the current henchmen, but rather just a new set that could be used as an alternative:
Removing Heroes from GvG and HA. This is something that many players have been asking for for a long time. We still want people to be able to participate in the action even if they can’t field a full team, so we will replace Heroes with a bunch of new Henchmen. We are currently working on the details, so we can’t give you a concrete timeline, but we do know that we want you to be involved. We’re looking for suggestions on the skills you want to see for those Henchmen, so start thinking about those skill bars! |
The reason why these Zaishen henchmen skillbars are limited to core skills only is because my idea is to have them available in all three campaigns, meaning that cross campaign skills would not be allowed. However, as you will see from my ideas, as well as my testing so far with using these skillbars myself in PVE, it is very possible to create some great and universally useful skillbars for every ain class using just the core skills.
The skill bars I have made are one for each core class, and two for monks with one heal and one protection bar, as these are the two monk bars that I have been using. Please note that these henchmen are supposedly intended to be available on top of the ones we currently have, they are not meant to be chages to the current builds, so if you dont like these builds or wouldnt want to use them, you would still be able to use the current henchmen instead.
*I decided that my seperate protection and heler monks were crappy, so have now replaced this Idea with a zingle Zaishen WoH hybrid monk using Balcu's suggestion*
So here are my ideas for the new core skilled Zaishen Henchmen that I hope can be made available for use throughout Guild Wars. They all have some self healing as well to be more reliable in hard mode:
Core Zaishen Elementalist - 12+1+1 Air Magic, 12+1 Energy Storage [lightning strike][Enervating Charge][Lightning Orb][Lightning Surge][Glyph of Lesser Energy][Aura of Restoration][Air Attunement][Resurrection Signet] Since most of the current elly henchmen are Fire and Earth, this one was made to be an Air Elementalist, and also because the core air elite skill does not cause exhaustion, which you do not really want on the AI. As opposed to the usual AoE fire hench, this one focuses on single target spike damage as an alternative option, and can be used as a replacement for the ineffective Mind Blast elly that is currently found throughout the game. |
Core Zaishen Necromancer - 12+1+1 Curses, 12+1 Soul Reaping [Parasitic Bond][Lingering Curse][Suffering][Faintheartedness][Enfeebling Blood][Weaken Armor][Rend Enchantments][Resurrection Signet] Looking through the list of core skills, this one looked the most effective to me. AoE degeneration plus AoE weakness and cracked armor, plus an enchant removal. There is no direct damage here, but it is instead a generic degen build that can be used successfully in most areas of the game. The only drawback to this build is that it might be too powerful as a PVP hench, so this could perhaps be a possible PVE henchman with a toned down PVP version. |
Core Zaishen Mesmer - 12+1+1 Domination, 9+1 Inspiration, 9+1 Fast Casting [Power Spike][Power Drain][Empathy][Backfire][Ether Feast][Drain Enchantment][Mantra of Recovery][resurrection signet] Yea, ok, I know that this will never become a henchmen as it is way too powerful, but I can still hope it does =D. This is probably the most effective skill bar that can be made for a core skilled mesmer, packing both Empathy and Backfire for once, good energy management and self heals with a couple of slow recharge interupts. |
Core Zaishen Ranger - 12+1+1 Marksmanship, 9+1 Expertise, 9+1 Wilderness Survival [Barrage][Hunter's Shot][Distracting Shot][Savage Shot][Throw Dirt][Lightning Reflexes][Troll Ungent][resurrection signet] I decided to modify my original idea to a barrage interupt ranger, as most people prefer to have interupts on their ranger, and some people did not like the initial build. The choice for the elite really seems to be split between either Barrage or Quick shot, neither of which many people like, but out of the two I think that Barrage would be favored by most people. |
Core Zaishen Warrior - 12+1+1 Swordsmanship, 12+1 Strength [Power Attack][Sever Artery][Gash][Hundred Blades][Savage Slash][Distracting Blow][Endure Pain][resurrection signet] Yea, it has power attack, but options are very limited when using just core skills, but overall this is a decent bar with good damage, some interupts, and a tanking skill so that the warrior hench doesnt die as fast as the current killroy ones do ![]() |
Core Zaishen Monk - Divine Favor 10+1, Healing Prayers 11+2, Protection Prayers: 10+1 [Reversal of Fortune] [Word of Healing] [Mend Ailment] [Remove Hex] [Shielding Hands] [Protective Spirit] [Aegis] [Resurrection Signet] This is a hybrid WoH protection monk offering good healing and protection is a single bar. I initially had seperate suggestions for both a healer and protection henchmen, but both of these were rather crappy compared to this idea of just a single WoH hybrid one. Your other healers could then be picked from the current selection of henchmen or with heroes instead. |
The Mesmer and the Necromancer may seem a little OP for PVP henchmen, but they arent any better then what a human player would use, and the idea there is for these henchmen to be able to replace a player when you cant find one, so something decent like this is still welcome. They are not perfect by any means, and wount interest every player, but for the intention of being core skill bars which need to work universally throughout the entire game and in as many situations as possible, I think that they suffice for these reasons.
P.S. I know that there is no mention of making new PVE henchmen, but I like this idea of having decent core skilled henchmen available everywhere in the game. I do use these builds myself on my heroes for fun, and they have been very effective for me. You can agree / disagree, but if you disagree with the builds then please also make suggestions as to what can be changed that would be usable from the list of core skills only so that these ideas can be kept open to work as henchmen in all three main chapters of Guild Wars.
Also, all the henchmen, including monks are equipped with Res Signets instead of hard resses as you dont really want monk henchmen to be casting 5 second+ ressurections mid battle which they often tend to do. Instead, they can fire of a res signet which some people will like, and other people wont. If you like your monks to have hard resses in PVE, you could use the current henchmen, or put hard resses on your heroes, in PVP, i'm sure no res is prefferable on monks, but they need to be universal for both PVP and PVE, so res signet was placed on them.
Thanks for reading.
I wrapped quotes and bolded the skill bars around each suggestion which makes them much more easier to read now.
Skill Icons dont seem to work anymore